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Elephants, mammoths, and other proboscidians alive today, while smart, tend not to be sapient. there are TWO exceptions, both only about 8 feet tall.


the Ganesha are natives of the Crystalline Raj, the "Crystal Empire of the East", where they mostly stay in their mountain monasteries, meditating and shunning violence most of the time.

despite their preference to long hours of meditation, they tend to have imperfect memories, remembering names and important things well enough, but often forgetting the details of simple things, such as why they got a broom from a broom closet, or where said broom closet is.

(note: "Ganesha" is the plural form)


a relative of the Ganesh, the Hyperboreans live in the most northern areas of the continent of Mustikk, where they live off grass, moss, and lichen. they are hard to find, and unpredictable.

Hyberboreans share their tundra home with the gnoph-keh. these six limbed, horned, carnivorous ursines are found only in the northernmost areas of the world.

the Hyperboreans respect the Gnoph-keh as chief of all animals, and the gnoph-keh in turn are the only true predators of the Hyperboreans

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