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Equines are part of a group of creatures called Perissodactyls, or odd-toed ungulates. except for certain exceptions, such as the majority of Toed Equines, they all have one or three functional toes.

While Equines are the largest group, others exist today.


Natives of northern Zebrica and Southern Khaan, the Nandi are the last surviving chalicotheres, a strange group of clawed ungulates.

the Nandi are nomads, moving with the seasons, and are rarely encountered by other races.


mystical inhabitants of Tapiri and Khaan


The Tapir are a superstitious and passive race. They are humble, reserved and call themselves the 'Pilgrims of Salamat' - named after their goddess of the void.

The Tapir are often shorter than Equines, and plump. Their most recognizable feature are the dark robes they wear. They are usually have a dark tone of fur, have a short trunk-like snout, and have three-toed feet. Little is known about Tapir culture & society in the scattered tribes of the jungle, but in the Tapirus Republic, they are theocratic and communal with an unofficial "emperor". They have a court of bishops, and a high priest, but he plays no role in the societal functions of their cities. Despite that they exercise an unexpected degree of organization.

Emperor Placido II of the Tapirus Republic

There are many beliefs, some claiming that the Tapir share a hive mind, or that they are all clones, or that they are masters of espionage and only appear harmless. Regardless, aside from the documented defection from their homeland of Tapiri, the Tapirus Republic has no history of civil unrest.

Since little is known about Tapiri, it is difficult to say whether the Tapirus Republic is an accurate depiction of their true culture and society.

Outside of their religion, the Tapir live modest lives, believing in minimal living – by doing this, they believe they are donating their good fortunate to Salamat, to be given to others more deserving. Being a theocratic society, the Tapir are devout followers of Salamat, the goddess of the void. The Tapir keep no written records of their history or religion, and none have any idea what Salamat may have looked like or have been. They are, however, quite willing to share many old stories about her. These stories depict her as a benevolent goddess of luck, who would absorb all the misfortune in the world so that its residents can live in peace.

Their presence is generally accepted, but uneasy. Though the Tapir are timid and passive, few races are willing to confront them, even bandits avoid them at all costs – afraid of their potential for magic, despite how unwilling they are to use it. The Tapir are inherent magical users. Little is known about the extent of their power, for it is forbidden by Tapir law to use one's power.

As a gesture of respect during diplomatic confrontations with the Tapir, a single Tapir has been seen to either create or teleport thousands of meals, instantly, seemingly spending no effort. It is understood the food is usually created on the spot, and not prepared beforehoof.

Long after the founding of Equestria or the Tapirus Republic, a sacred bell they called Salamat's Voice was stolen from the Tapir by a nameless goat. Neither the goat nor the bell has been seen in Tapiri in the thousands of years since. This has turned into a series of stories that many of the races in the Known World seem to have a different interpretation of – but most of them converge on the idea that the bell's power consumed the goat for his greed.


famed as "dream eaters", in reality, these natives of Manechuria and Neighpon eat plants and "dark" magic.


mostly keeping to themselves, long-tailed baku live in forests.


Larger, faster, and more social, Silver Baku can often be seen in cities. they are excellent swimmers, and are very strong. old silver baku often have a patch of fur on their forehead similar in shape to an eye.

a sun priest
a Moon priestess

Gender plays a role in silver baku religion. since the males are strong, tough, and protective, they worship the sun. the females, being smaller, mysterious, and better magic users, associate themselves with the moon.


the makara or "sea elephants" are actually members of the tapir family. they are kind, if secretive, and make their living by trading with both other marine races and land-bound species.


bulky, and unpredictable


"Do fro blo ko sho to blo ko!"- a rhino constable

Native to Zebrica, the rhino are simple, tribal, but peaceful and patriotic. Their conservatism makes them weary of technology and incredibly protective of their homeland. their native language is nearly impossible to understand.


Once used as a slave race, these giant natives of Khaan's deserts are wary of outsiders


a semi-aquatic rhino often called the "bog unicorn". they are pure of heart and noble of intent, altruistic, gentle, good-natured and kind to smaller animals, feeding on tender waterweeds and being careful not to step on anything. A swamphorn that accidentally treads on an ant will be wracked with guilt, and if one should happen to munch a careless snail while dining, the poor creature will be disconsolate for days. They will trek miles through squelching and squolorching mud to find fouled waters and cleanse them with their nifty horn. They will carry nests full of baby birds in their mouths during forest fires and reunite them with their parents afterwards, and never once mention any byproducts carelessly deposited on their tongues.


a native to the cold northern areas of the continent of Khaan, these rhino relatives are massive in size, but gentle and very wise


"Do fro blo ko sho to blo ko!"


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2614761 You are correct:twilightsmile:


I just can see the ponies going to the rhino lands and seeing the Judoon and Rhinos talking with no problem:rainbowlaugh:

Group Admin

2614774 What about Doctor Whooves just talking to rhinos with no problem?

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