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Slaadi have been depicted as having a complex social system bound up in the relationship and reproductive cycles of the various types. Some types will naturally dominate others, though as slaadi are creatures of chaos, such domination occurs not through a regimented hierarchy, but by brute force. In earlier times a symbol of power was embedded in each slaad's forehead, and non-magical tattoos on the forehead represented achievements and status. These markings do not appear commonly as they once did, and most of the time the hierarchy is based solely on whoever is the stronger.

Red and blue slaadi reproduce by infecting living hosts. They do so by implanting eggs beneath their victim's skin which grow into a baby slaad that eats the host from within. Despite being the means of producing the other slaad type, reds and blues despise one another. If either a red slaad or blue slaad infects an arcane spellcaster, the host will spawn a green slaad, superior to its parent in that it may cast spells. A green slaad, upon reaching its hundredth year of life, will retreat into isolation for the duration of about a year. Upon its return it has transformed into a smaller, but more powerful grey slaad, which focus more on spell-casting than most of the other slaadi.

Some grey slaadi may undergo an unnamed, mysterious ritual, which transforms them into a black slaad.


Native to Tapiri swamps and marshes, Bullywugs are very good jumpers, and can jump roughly 30 feet forward and 15 feet vertically. Bullywugs speak their own language of croacks, staccato notes, and clicks,called Bullywi, and the more intelligent ones pick up other languages. A bullywug can survive on land and in water, but must immerse itself in water once per day or suffer dehydration.

Bullywugs live in primitive groups, hunting and fishing together. The hierarchy is based on strength, with the strongest being the leaders. Bullywugs are very territorial, and mostly will attack anyone who trespasses. Oddly enough, they tend not to fight within the tribe, but rival bullywug tribes will fight with each other. Bullywugs rarely work alongside other creatures since they would rather use them for food or sacrifice. However, occasionally during hard times small groups of bullywugs will latch onto a powerful ally that can help them bring down tougher game.

Bullywugs are known to revere a god named Ramenos, but this deity seems to be more concerned with sleeping than with the welfare of his race. Ancient, crumbling statues of Ramenos can be found in the deepest jungles, great monuments near ruined temples that hint at what was once a mighty deity in some long forgotten time. The great old temples also indicate a time when Bullywugs were less primitive and more organized, capable of building huge monuments of stone.

It seems that bullywugs are irresistibly drawn to ale and either die or lapse into a coma when they drink it (depending on the amount consumed). Bullywug attacks have become increasingly rare in the lands surrounding the marshes where bullywugs live since those settlements have started keeping a keg of ale ready simply in preparation for attacks from the creatures.


the Plavraw are tree-dwelling natives of Tapiri. They hate being mistaken for Bullywugs. Plavraw actually have a very advanced civilized culture... Although if you make a social misstep you may still end up being sacrificed to their god, the great and mighty Praww.


a type of sapient salamander, these natives of Germaney are often seen wearing black hoods. they are said to be mischievous tricksters.


saltwater amphibians, these sea dwellers are nocturnal and glow a soft green




Mysterious tribal reptiles, these monitor lizards are native to Hosstralia, and are masters of illusion


a monitor lizard native to Skull Island, the Bogscales spend most of their time in the cloudy, brackish muck, foraging for their staple diet of bottom dwelling fish and large marine worms, which they snatch with their long, nimble fingers.

When they become stranded in one bog, they are forced to climb out of the water and find a new hunting ground. Their long delicate toes, most useful in clambering along underwater, give them a delicate bipedal gait. Due to the delicacy of the long thin fingers, they are poor quadrupedal walkers.


Descended from a side branch of the mosasaur line, the Yilane are masters of breeding biotechnology, "growing" cities by using seeds of trees/houses, using a breed of caterpillars to destroy all invading plant life, then specialized worms turning the bodies of the dead caterpillars and their droppings into fertile soil, breeding machines such as a frog used as a microscope, cephalopod "boats", even living "cloaks" and "beds". Females rule, though the two above could be either male or female, as the two genders have no obvious visible differences in their normal state. Yilane language consists of a few spoken words, mixed with body language and changing the colors of their palms.

Yilane females lay their eggs in a special pouch the males have. this causes the males to undergo a metabolic change, becoming fatter and more sluggish. the young grow in the pouch and then emerge and go into the sea.

Yilane "technology"

In order to clarify the extent to which the Yilane have advanced in the field of selective breeding.

URUKETO: the last of the ichthyosaurs, these large reptiles are bred by the Yilane as living submarines. there is a large chamber above the spine, which opens into the hollow dorsal fin, which has a top which can open and close, forming a watertight seal. thin, transparent membranes act as windows, and open nerve endings allow the Yilane to steer their "ship"

a breed of extant plesiosaurs known as Enteesenat are used to hunt food for the much larger uruketo, while the Yilane crew keep a species of domestic pigeon called an isekul* (the * indicates a smack of the lips), which acts as a living compass.

UNUTAKH: a Yilane gastropod used to clean scientific specimens, digesting hair and epidermal plates with ease

UGUNKSHAA: a lizard bred by the Yilane to be used as a memory orb, since Yilane rely on body signals as well as spoken words. A smaller subspecies is used as surveillance equipment by hanging onto the legs of trained giant eagles and owls.

SANDUU: the Yilane "microscope", a species of frog, the sanduu's "eyes" are actually organic lenses. the large one lets in light, while the stalk allows the user to peer at the sample. magnification up to 200 power is possible under perfect conditions. a subspecies, the masinduu, lets in light through the stalk lens. when a glass projector is put in front of the large lens, it allows a projected image to be displayed on a surface.

HESOTSAN: a "living gun" bred from a monitor lizard species by the Yilane, the young are slender and mobile, but stiffen as they grow. steam power generated from glands fire out darts that are loaded into it. the darts pass over poison glands. the poison produces paralysis and death when as little as 500 molecules are present.

GULAWATSAN: an alarm creature bred by the Yilane. the sound these frogs make are deafening at close range

URUKTOP: A dinosaur bred from small horned dinosaurs by the Yilane, this eight-legged beast is used as a land transport, as well as a general pack animal

EISEKOL: a manatee relative used by the Yilane, bred for dredging and underwater channel clearing.

BOAT: a cephalopod bred by the Yilane as a boat, they are trained to follow simple commands.


Snake-like monitor lizards, Yuan-ti call themselves "vrael olo" (which means "favored ones"). Daily use typically uses the shortened "vrael", and can be modified to "auvrael" (meaning friendly or known yuan-ti) and duthrael (unfriendly or unfamiliar yuan-ti).

Most yuan-ti worship Sseth, with other serpentine deities that some have worshipped over the years either being masks worn by Sseth or a false deity of the Scaleless Ones. All yuan-ti must act in accordance with the Sacred Way of Sseth - that is, subtly. Whenever possible, yuan-ti choose manipulation over open confrontation, the whisper over the fang. Followers of the Sacred Way of Sseth know their foes, think ahead, and plan forward.

Female yuan-ti lay eggs in brood chambers, marking each clutch with its parentage, then abandoning them to the care of broodguards. Yuan-ti hatchlings are hatched from these eggs, which are always curious and eager to explore, and will seek food immediately, even eating each other if sustenance is not at hand. Their initial training is provided by broodguards, also monitor the hatchery. Young yuan-ti are trained in the use of their powers almost after being born. Yuan-ti in their prime will scheme, breed, and work on behalf of their tribes. Breeding is carefully controlled, seen as a holy act, in order to produce the "best" offspring. Prospective partners will coldly measure one another and if both agree that the match is promising, they usually mate, regardless of their personal affections towards each other. Often elder yuan-ti grow lazy when they reach great age, sleeping or lying in torpor for longer and longer periods - first for days, then weeks, then seasons at a time, and finally years upon years. At last, they fail to wake at all.


relatives of the gecko, these tribal reptiles are scattered on islands throughout the Great Western Pelagic Ocean.



Native to Snake island in the Western Pelagic, the ophis evolved alongside other snakes in a snake-dominated ecology.

The ancestors of the ophis were a social and burrowing species, filling a niche similar to that of suricates and praire dogs. The characteristic double-proboscis and double-jaws were inherited from these burrowing ancestors, and were used by them for digging and manipulating different materials. Lower mandibles are almost completely unattached from each other and they can be moved independently. The “double proboscis” is composed by a pair of worm-like appendages protruding from the snout. These appendages are chambered in their inside; while moving them, blood is irrigated into those chambers, and special muscles and sinews drive the motion. Along with the mandibles the proboscises form the only grasping organ of the ophis, working together as some kind of “hand”.

Like many other snakes from this island, the ophis has the ability to lift the front part of its body, an adaptation inherited from its ancestors, which needed to look out over the grass to detect predators. To sustain the massive head, a set of muscles and strong nerves are placed along the front part of the body. Also at the base of the uplifted body a pair of keratinized stalks assist on its support.



East of Snake Island lies Turtle Island, home to various species of VERY odd chelonians, including the Chelon.

At first sight the most remarkable features of this chelonian are its bipedal stance, light build and agility. The closest relatives of this animal are tree-creeping creatures representatives of a group of therizinosaur-like semi-bipedal herbivorous chelonians. Like all the advanced chelonians (characterized by their vertical limbs and rudimentary endothermy), these descend from a swift, and probably arboreal turtle form. From this creature, the chelon inherited its reduced and flexible shell, which is composed of a leathery tegument and bordered with bony protrusions. From the much more recent arboreal ancestors, the chelon has inherited long and prehensile and opposable fingers forming a pincer-like structure.

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