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Group Admin

Bumbleland is a peninsula near Northrim. it has mountains on all sides except for one small cove filled with predatory lifeforms

if you manage to get past the predators, you find an ecology dominated by dinosaurs, giant bugs, and enormous plants

this is the birthplace of all giant bug species, including the sapient insects


Bumbles (Abiel, Hivers, Yanme'e), are giant, sapient bees. they are mostly bipedal, and operate through a hive mind made up of pheromones and low-level telepathy. at one point in Equestria's past, a Bumble hive attempted to invade Equestria, only to be thwarted by the Flutterponies and Changelings.

Bumbles, like any other hive-dwelling bee, operate using a caste system. the Vassal caste (above) is the all-purpose worker caste.

Farmers are a specialized Vassal sub-caste. Flightless, these workers gather fruit from trees.

Nurses are an all-female caste. these Bumbles take care of the eggs and larvae

Warriors can actually mutate from normal Vassals. HIGHLY aggressive, this caste makes up the fighting force of the hive

Scouts are the fastest and smallest Bumbles. this small warrior caste acts as the eyes and ears of the hive

Occasionally, a scout will mutate into a tunnel guard. almost never leaving the tunnels of the hive, this caste has traded flight for size and strength, becoming 12-foot monsters.

the Queen is the literal mother of the hive. barely able to fly, they are also the brains of the hive


the Bumble's Sworn enemies, the Formians are giant ants who, like the Bumbles, operate on a hive mind. the worker caste takes care of the majority of tasks in the nest outside of farming.

Queens control and direct the nest, though like Bumble queens, their main job is laying a bunch of eggs

Warriors are the largest and stupidest of the Formians, 12 feet tall. fierce, tall, and able to use their second pair of legs as arms, their giant mandibles mean that workers need to feed them.

Honeypots exist to serve as giant containers for honey made from fungus and honeydew

One of the colony's two main food-gathering castes, this caste of specialized workers take care of the underground fungus farms

Herders tend to the herds of dog-sized aphids that provide honeydew for the nest

Bombardiers are suicide bombers. they are meant to rush at the enemy and blow up. however, they are the only formians in the nest with individual personalities, and they know what they are supposed to do, and HATE it. but they cannot attack the queen due to the blindly loyal masses who surround her. they make up a small minority of the nest


Fierce hunters and faultless trackers, the thri-kreen are a race of insect-folk sometimes known as “mantis warriors.” They are alien and inscrutable creatures who seem to be bloodthirsty monsters to those who do not know them well. Thri-kreen are near-perfect hunters, nomadic folk who spend their brief lives roaming vast distances of the deserts, scrublands, and savannas of Zebrica. Thri-kreen are whirling dynamos in combat, using weapons along with their claws and poisonous bite. They always take the time to enhance their combat abilities with their psi-like abilities, or slip away from a fight that seems too dangerous by using their chameleon power.

While hunting, thri-kreen use their natural camouflage to sneak up on potential prey. Thri-kreen can get close to combat (and flee from it) more quickly than most of their foes because of their speed and their ability to leap. They can use the gythka and chatkcha (exotic weapons that are unique to mantis warriors), but they prefer to attack with their claws and their poisoned bites.

Each thri-kreen forms deep attachments with a handful of other individuals, regarding them as clutch-mates, companions to be defended with one’s own life if need be. All others outside this small group of companions are strangers and enemies, although thri-kreen are intelligent enough to recognize that one traveling alone in the lands of other folk would be wise to keep such observations to oneself

Group Admin

...was that a sharkigator? :derpyderp1:

I get the distinct feeling that this is one of Discord's old playgrounds.

Group Admin

2424352 surprisingly, the Sharkigator is the only contribution Discord made to the country. the rest happened through natural/magic-fueled evolution

2424386 You are really having fun with the evolution of the Bumbles aren't you? Not that I blame you, the cannon didn't really develop them the one time they appeared.
All that was officially established is:
That they all make bees wax,
Insatiable appetite for pollen,
Removable stingers for fighting,
Flying ability determines rank in non-queen types,
They live where flowers do not thrive.

Group Admin

3137495 I tend to have fun with eusocial species:twilightsheepish:

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