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the meat-eaters of the unicorn family, bicorns are most feared for their preference for pony meat.

they are powerful geomancers, and have a digging speed equivalent to that of a diamond dog.

1999188 Not bad i'll put this to good use, trust me :)

Group Admin

2106535 I just wish I could have come up with more:twilightsheepish:

2106543 Oh no friend, this is more than enough for me :)

Unfortunately, according to European Mythology the "Bicorn" is supposedly an Evil Flesh-Eating Monster that is Part-Cow/Part-Panther with a Human-like Face, Uni-Corn means One-Horn, Bi-Corn means Two-Horn, And since a Bicorn is Part-Bovine it makes sense, Plus the Counterpart of the Bicorn is the "Chichevanche" - a Flesh-Eating Human-Faced Cow, learn more about them both here.

So sadly though the name may suggest it & cause some confusion, the Bicorn is NOT a(n Equine-like) Unicorn with TWO-Horns, THAT creature is better known these days as the "Twonicorn"(pronounced as 2-Nicorn), which I for one believe that for the MLP:FiM World is an Equine Species that is Magically more Powerful than even the Alicorn because the Twonicorn's "Second-Horn" is basically the Pony equivalent of the Human's "Third Eye", which grants them Heightened Awareness, and a Greater Understanding of Magic itself, but also allows them to draw power from a Cosmic Force that exists all around everything which only their Enlightened Minds can even notice, and they live lives similar to Tibetan Monks, so they spend most of their time meditating on the vast secrets of the Cosmos, and they only intervene when it's Absolutely Necessary, so they protect the Ponies' World from threats Too Great for any Other species of Magic Equine to handle, such as Evil other-worldly demons/deities or cosmic beings that threaten to enslave or destroy their world.

Though admittingly the Cow-Panther Monster Bicorn would make a pretty interesting Beast/Villain for the Ponies to face-off against.

Group Admin

5989090 this is actually WAY outdated, i made a different post months ago.

that said, i'm fully aware of what a bicorn actually is, and a Chichevanche, for that matter (my own take on the beast here:

I know my mythology. I just take my own spin on it from time to time

Group Admin

5989090 Also, concerning the "Twonicorn", meet the Pirassoipi:

Touche', All though that Unicorn-like creature has it's Horns lined up Side-by-side so it might get confused for an Oryx, I'm referring to a 2-Horned Unicorn that has it's horns lined up with one in front of the other, so there is a small yet significant difference.

Group Admin

5989209 Ah, i see. interesting.

Well it would make sense when you think about it, if Twonicorns were brought to MLP:FiM, and they were depict as having their "Second Horn" being the Pony equivalent of the Human's "Third Eye", then both horns should be aligned vertically so that it would seem like the second horn is located above the first one,

Or was That Not what you were referring to?

Group Admin

5990192 *shrug* i was just talking about two-horned unicorns in general.

NOT the Bagwyn, though, completely different category of equine

I'll throw my hat in the ring on this idea, since I have a story in development about a two horned character. This is based on what I wrote for my current story draft, but I hope it helps a little.

Twonicorns would likely be one of the rarest breeds of pony you'd find. Their horn placement doesn't matter, but my theory is each horn carries it's own magic, and some twonicorns could even combine the magic of their horns together to produce incredible abilities. They can potentially be more powerful than unicorns or alicorns, but it would be difficult to depict that without making said character overpowered.

There could be Twonicorn level magic, but the magic itself could be so dangerous that it might be forbidden knowledge.

As far as the story I'm working on is concerned, my two horned OC is a character whose horns do not cooperate with each other. While each horn specializes with different magic, he can't multitask with both. He isn't trained either, so all of his spells are inspired by the comics and stories in his library. Despite this, he tries to pull through on natural ability and/or power if needed.

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