Human in Equestria 16,897 members · 17,099 stories
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I just been thinking. Their really aren't more stories out there where a human acts as the villain. No not the cartoonish or cliche type of villain about wanting to have revenge or whatever traumatic jazz. Something more secretive and something more realistic in terms of planning. He also doesn't really needs a reason, he could simply be sadistic or just trying to proof something.

Trying to play a "game" to see how far he could go.

Also, no powers or any special ability for him either. He would be kind of the Hannibal, the Joker or Grand admiral Thrawn type a guy. A simply mortal that manages to achieves his goals with nothing but its wits, mind and the ability to pull strings in the background in a secrete way that in the end always favors him.

A cunning manipulator, someone who gains the fear and paranoia of his enemies and the respect of his allies with nothing but his mind.

Also, he would win in the end, not necessarily by destroying equestria or anything. Rather with the ponies feeling drained and defeated with him just smiling before walking off never to be seen again. He had his "fun" or proven a point.

Such a story would be a nice change of pace. Stories like these do...kind of exist here, not in the full same description as I have listed here, but they still do. The problem is that most of them never really got finished or just ended up with the character still somehow loosing in the end.

Just a little idea for others. In the end...madness doesn't not to have a reason.

I like this idea. I’ma going to chow down on the possibilities

wlam #3 · Oct 15th, 2017 · · ·


No not the cartoonish or cliche type of villain about wanting to have revenge or whatever traumatic jazz. I mean a guy who just decided to be a bad guy just for the sake of it.

...but that is the cartoonish or cliché type of villain. Realistic villains have reasons for what they do and don't think of themselves as the bad guy.

Well, he does have powers but I think you should look up the Rise of Darth Vulcan on Archiveofourown. It's a rather splendidly written work about a man disgusted by the poisonously saccharine world now surrounding him who decides to play more of a villain than any of the ones he has seen so far.

I agree...
pretty much what 'wlam' said, a good villain doesn't see themselves as a villain, they can seem ruthless but not a villain in there once eyes. a villain who wants to be bad for bad's sake is cliché....

it would be hard to write a character that wants to be bad and not seem like a cliché

Although it's worth saying that even the author thought it was a ridiculous overreaction to a petty grievance, so that might make it cartoonish or comical again.

I know of at least one story like that, but I can't remember the name.

You could try Villainous. It's the grandfather of Human acting Villainous fics

It's true. I remember him also saying that he was rather surprised with how much people seemed to like the villain despite him being a huge, hypocritical asshole. I love the MC of that story but I realize he's just a teenager power tripping in a situation without precedent.


I love the MC of that story but I realize he's just a teenager power tripping in a situation without precedent.

Well, the author guy did completely flip out at me once because I said the "girl talk" the MC had with Dodger was a picture-perfect example of virgin teen guys talking big because they're hung up about not getting laid, so I think it's a bit of a case of the guy telling himself that, but also putting a lot more of his own ideas into the character than he's willing to admit to himself.

I guess I worded it a bit bad. I fixed it now. But the idea still stands. Insanity or madness doesn't need a reason.

Well, if it's like Grand Admiral Thrawn, I can imagine the Human doing these "evil" acts to prepare them for a much greater evil in the future since maybe the first time the ponies won't listen to him or her.

That or they just take over Equestria to prepare the world for that evil.

However, the Human won't see themselves as evil.

For example: Thrawn performed genocide on a planet because he couldn't understand the art of the natives. He put the citizens of Coruscant in danger by surrounding the planet with asteroids (though that plan was ingenious as it kept Coruscant out of the war along with their defense fleet) and he agreed to hand over Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa Solo, and her unborn twins to Joruus C'baoth, an insane Dark Jedi. Thrawn did not care about their well being. What he cared about the most was unifying the galaxy and prepare them for the impending Yuuzhan Vong invasion. Because Thrawn was assassinated, the galaxy was not ready for the Yuuzhan Vong invasion and trillions died. The New Republic got raped and it took the combined efforts of every other faction in the galaxy to drive them out.


But the idea still stands. Insanity or madness doesn't need a reason.

That's really very wrong. Insanity definitely has a reason. It's a skewed, perverted worldview that doesn't make rational sense to anyone but the person afflicted by it, but it has an internal consistency. A villain who wants to flatten every city that doesn't have a perfect square-grid layout may be suffering from some kind of OCD, but that OCD comes from somewhere, some internal anxiety or traumatic experience. It's never just crazy for the sake of crazy. That's how you give the character depth, instead of making him a cardboard cutout.

Already read it long ago, but the character was a bit more bombastic and in your face there. I was thinking of something more secret, someone who just uses his manipulations and tactics, working in the background.

And again he is just a simple mortal human, only very good at what he does. Sending the ponies on a wild goose chase.

Since you can't link NSFW stuff, check out my The Conversion Bureau -Aftermath of Miscalculations

Although technically they are former humans, they should fill your bill otherwise. And unlike the 'a villain isn't a villain in the mirror' these people accept they are doing something sick and twisted, but are going to do it anyway.

Hmmm...what about Sheogorapth then.

(fun question)

"Being the demon prince of crazy" is kind of a special case, don't you think? :derpytongue2: I'm talking about something more like a real person there, not a quasi-immortal force of nature. To those, it wouldn't really apply, because they're exaggerated and inhuman by design.

Well To be honest, I wasn't suggesting to write something like this myself. It would be TOO realistic for me to attempt. I am more familiar with the strange, nonsensical and the down right ludicrous. Which is reflected to some of the Fic's I wrote.

A human who is just being crazy, silly and just downright nonsensical for the sake of being nonsensical. A somewhat mortal version of Sheogorath as you will.


A human who is just being crazy, silly and just downright nonsensical for the sake of being nonsensical. A somewhat mortal version of Sheogorath as you will.

Nothing wrong with that, it can make for a good and funny story. I've read a number running on pretty much that very idea. It's just not what you described in the OP, is all.

Ha! I just wish the mods didn't fuck with him to get him to leave the site. It was pretty much my favorite story on the site when it was on. I'm sure he was being a little petulant in response but you know how mods can get.


you know how mods can get.

:rainbowlaugh: Do I ever. Yeah, it was a fun read. When the guy puts his mind to it, he can write some really good and hilarious scenes. Just too bad he was such a pissant and had to keep bringing his personal issues into everything he did.

OP? He is not overpowered.

Now you are being nonsensical, good sir.

"OP" means "opening post." That is to say, the first post in a thread.

For those still curious Darth Vulcan is still live, sorta just not here Google it.
For the topic i would say Chronicles of an Evil Overlord by Melancholy, not really a story more like a diary with entries of said human since and past conquering Equestria.
Good read nonetheless.

OP here most likely mean "opening post" :).

I think I've reread that story at least five times, maybe more. The bits of critique while explaining what he had done when he was in that dungeon cell were hilarious.

I have a similar idea for a villain. Not really a villain actually, more of a an anti villain really. He serves as the primary antagonist, but isn't really a villain, so much as he is amoral.

Amazing planner, every time you think you beat him, it turns out that is what he wanted to happen. Throwing a wrench in his plan is all part of the plan. He has a few slip ups where he is genuinely hindered, but even then it still works out for him in the end.

Constantly manipulating, and outgambitting just about everyone, using loopholes, and tricks to keep people from discovering his true motives. And of the few times you get the drop on him, it is something almost no one could have predicted, completely blindsided.

Oh please do it then. I would love to read that. :)

It's really amusing when you read it as an ever-escalating comedy of errors. Everyone, on both sides, just keeps fucking up in ever more extreme ways, but it makes a kind of twisted sense from their perspective every time. For how ridiculous the story can be, it's a surprisingly grounded depiction of people being fuckups 'cause they're people.

I think we have gone off topic.

Also what are you two talking about?

Hey, you were the one who asked.

Also what are you two talking about?

"Darth Vulcan," a pretty well-known story about a stuck-up teenager getting kicked to ponyland and becoming a supervillain because "grr, ponies are girly, I hates them!"

It was removed from this site because the author was a whiny baby and couldn't deal with criticism, but you can still read it off-site.

Only problem I have with that fic is that the human is a massive edgelord IMO

He's a "cynical" self-insert villain in a HIE. It's kind of a given.

Maybe, instead of being evil for evil's sake. The human got fed up with equestria's villians and their "genius" plans and is now trying to prove to twilight or the princesses just how evil one can truly can be.

"That's it?"
"Anon, these are the most horrible villians equestria has ever seen! How could you just say, 'That's it?'"
"Twilight, I seen better villians in childrens books. Heck, I could be a better villian and win. All without killing a soul, even!"
"I'd like to see you try."
Anon then went on to be the most feared villian to take complete and total control of all of equestria.
None could stop him. Many tried, But in the end, Anon won.
He also was accused of no crimes when he returned control of the country to Celestia, as it was Twilight's fault to begin with.

Also: Anon was so amazingly evil that he gained a harem of guardspony mares to follow and live with him for the rest of his days.

Well that was actually one of my ideas. Its pretty clear to see that most of the villains in the show are truly cliche, predictable and kind of...childish in a sense.

But hey, its a children's cartoon.

Someone also send me a PM about a possible start as well, something to do with the villains being equestria made just for the two sisters to stay in power.

Plus he was a bit to BOMBASTIC during most of the story. I like a villain that is more secrete, more thinking and more subtle and less in your face. A character of the mind, a tactician, a trickster, something like Thrawn or Batman...well if batman had no fancy gadgets.

6160567 Everything in this comment just screams Gary Stu.

Look up the story

Not A Hero.

Discord's the main star. Trust me, this is related.

Malideus was a good fic that does this pretty well...

~Crystalline Electrostatic~


Malideus was a good fic


Fun fact: the author recently cancelled it because even he thinks it's godawful. Told me so himself.

When I say good, I mean entertaining.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

Alright, I'll give you that one. I suppose it can be, when it's not too busy being godawful.

I admit, I do enjoy a good trashy fanfic on occasion. I also enjoy non-trashy ones too. It's like enjoying a good B-movie kinda.

~Crystalline Electrostatic~

I can sympathize with that. It's really how I treat all of fanfic. Even the good ones, well, they still could really do with the services of a professional editor. The type with a big red pen who's willing to tell you to "scrap that chapter, it's garbage."

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