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Comments ( 9 )
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Okay ladies and gentlemen, is there anybody willing to create a comic for Xomniac's Resuscitatio Artium Magicarum? I believe this story, is one of the few fics I've ever read that is worthy of being a comic or animated. If you are willing to do it, then PM Xomniac. If you haven't read his story, then READ IT!!!! You won't be dissapointed.

4035473 just a quick question. recommend any good drawing software?
i had sai. but the trial ran out.

Sketchpad: for drawing
and when Sketchpad fails for Paintbucketing, I use Sumopaint

Hey, I'm Xomniac, author of Resuscitatio. I just want to say that yes, I wholeheartedly approve of this thread and I would be overjoyed to get my story in comic form. As Alpha said, applicants can PM me at any time.

4035541 are either one of these graphic pad compatible and pressure sensitive ?

can I use them with a graphic drawing pad, and depending on how hard I press the pin down will the lines be darker or lighter ?

4036794 You can do that with Mangastudio and Photoshop, but both are a bit more expensive.

4038663 shite. I was looking for a budget of free. But I will save for something.

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