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Bill Clinton
Group Admin

So at this moment Joker was having a party. A party on his very own Yacht that is. His Yacht is very luxurious and as of now is filled with people with the man himself going around and greeting people asking if they are enjoying the party. He even invited some of his enemies just so he can poison their drink.. Allow me to go over some of the more important guests.

Alex Shrub and Candy Suxxx: That over there is our Congressman Alex Shrub. By his side is the world famous porn star Candy Suxxx.
"Did I ever tell you about my lovely wife Lora? No? Well unfortunately she's in Alabama. This is Candy.." he said to the unicorn he was talking to.

DJ: And over there, we have a gentleman known as DJ. He's always the charmer.
"I blacked down on him, and then I put him in a wheel chair!" he said to two men who were now laughing.

Jezz Torrent: Over there we have lead singer for the band Love Fist Jezz Torrent.
"CAN I tell you about how they play ping-pong in Thailand? It doesn't involve a paddle heh heh"

Stephen Scott: And finally over these is film director Steven Scott.
"AND THEN a giant shark just comes in and bite their Dick off! HA! Never seen anything like that have you?

And finally, there's you.
So what do you do at the party?

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1620834 Joker appears right behind you.
"I see you are enjoying the party muhahaahahhaah"

1620962 "They have killed so many bikes... EVIL!"

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1620995 "Yes, I know about that incident with the bikes. Don't worry though, it definitely wasn't me..."

Group Contributor

(let's assume Carmen has already delivered Jack's heart to Joker and received her payment)
Carmen sits up at the bar, dressed up in a purple formal dress and her hair let down and tidied up. Looking nothing like the woman people would see at the counter of SportsTech.

She turns around in her chair and looks out over what she can see of the boat from where she is, looking for possible con-victims to get some easy money off of.

Comment posted by Bill Clinton deleted Aug 28th, 2013
Group Contributor

Carmen casually bobs her head to the music, still looking for people to scam, disappointing by the number of people who are showing signs of keeping their guard up.
Looks like slow business tonight....
-takes a drink from her glass-

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621090 Joker gives an evil smile that looks like this.

He then walks away.

1621114>>162112 completely oblivious to every thing around him. Midnight swiped at the water.

Group Contributor

Seeing the oblivious state that Midnight is in, Carmen approaches him, having spied her target.
Nice party, eh?

1621209 "Would have been better without water..."

Group Contributor

What's wrong with water? Water is mirabília

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621325 A man who knows what your trying to do gets a little close to you and whispers...
"I'd be careful who you're trying to scam here. That's the leader of the Vice City Bikers."

Group Contributor

As the man whispers into her ear, Carmen jumps back in fright
AARGH! Euismod nec me super hoc rursum puellae animum habere possent.

Calms down and takes a deep breath.
You should know better than to sneak up on a lady like that. Especially one who carries a knife on her at all times...A fellow could get hurt.
She turns and looks at Midnight>>1621377 Studying him closely.
Before turning back to the man and leaning into his ear.
Are you sure he's the biker leader? He's a moron...

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621455 (it wasn't Joker)

Group Contributor

(Whoops, my bad, fixed)

Comment posted by Bill Clinton deleted Aug 28th, 2013
Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621464 "Trust me, he's smarter than he looks. He just has a few mental problems."

Group Contributor

hmm..well..thanks for the advice.
Carmen gives the man a thankful pat on the shoulder, at the same time removing his tie, before walking off back to the bar.

1621455 ((school! Bai))

Midnight hissed again at the water.

Group Contributor

1621525 1621483 Naomhán is sitting in a corner, drinking a Guinness. Don't even know why I'm 'ere. Finishing the bottle he puts it back in the second six pack full of empty bottles. Noticing he's out of Guinness he gets up to go get some Whiskey, all the while mumbling. Glad I know 'ow to not get drunk.

Comment posted by Bill Clinton deleted Aug 28th, 2013
Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621722 Joker appears right behind you.
"Enjoying the party?"

1621734 More than most I go to.

Group Contributor

Carmen sits down at her post, at the bar, and examines the recently pinched tie. Checking it out to determine how she could make it look more valuable than it is.
hmm...If I add some rhinestones here....maybe make it look like it's made of silk...

While examining it, she notices Naomhán and, remembering what he did to the thief back at the store, quickly stuffs the tie into her handbag before he can see it.

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1621743 "Yes yes...well see ya,"
Joker walks away but he's watching you. He knows it's you that's been messing with his and the other mobs.

1621789 Till then. He turns around and grabs a flask from his hidden pocket. Things just got a little more fun. He says with a smirk, putting back his flask.

Group Contributor

Carmen eyes Naomhán suspiciously, but being careful not to draw to much attention to herself, slightly bothered by his presence disrupting her plans for tonight.

1621889 What to do, what to do... Naomhán thinks out loud, stroking his beard.

Group Contributor

A man walks past Carmen, wearing a very expensive gold watch. Deciding to risk it, and keeping one eye on Naomhán at all times, Carmen walks up to the man, lightly bumps into him, removes the watch, puts it on herself and makes her way to the edge of the boat to look out over the water and the city, like nothing happened.

1622182 Naomhán noticing Carmen's pickpocketing skills, he checks his pockets to see if he still has his wallet. After finding that he still does he takes it out and puts it in his hidden pocket. He then gets up and walks over to Carmen, noticing that she is looking at him wearily. As he walks by a waiter he grabs a couple of drinks. Continuing along he "accidentally" bumps into one of the higher up rich guys, spilling his drinks on him. In the commotion he lifts the guys wallet, along with three others, removes the cash and cards, replaces the wallets, and walks off.

After getting to Carmen he leans against the railing of the boat. Hello Carmen. Long time no see. He says with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Group Contributor

Uh, si, long time.
Gestures to the commotion.
just for the record, I have a knife on me at all times and...if you try any of of that on me, I will not hesitate to cut your balls off...
She smiles at you.
But why should that stop us from enjoying the festivitates? How have you been?

1622962 He chuckles lightly before talking. I've been good. And actually one of the main reason I came over was to give you the same warnin'. It's good to see we're on the same page. Taking out his flask he takes a drink. But where are me manners. Firstly how 'ave you been? And secondly... He wipes of the lip of the flask. Would like some? He smiles gently.

Group Contributor

Carmen eyes the flask with suspicion.
The last time I drank from someone else's alcohol, I woke up up on the floor of a bordello with my skirt lying next to me...

1623068 His smile grows a small amount. Always pays to be wary I guess. But I'll tell you right now, I'd die before drugging a girl just to take advantage of her... Also, if that was the case whatever drug I put in it would be affecting me too.

Group Contributor

I guess you're right.
Carmen takes the flask and has a small sip from it, before returning it to you
So....You're from the Emerald Isle? Judging from your accentu.

1623170 Aye. I came 'ere from a small town named Clones. Nice place, especially considering I lived just outside of it. He looks off into the distance, thinking back to when he lived in Ireland.

Group Contributor

My home, back in the old country, was a dump.....smiles to herself. But it was a nice dump...It toughened me up...Made me the woman I am today...

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1623267 1623249 (Carmen x Naomhán?)

1623267 Aye. But it ain' just our past that shapes us. It's what we do with it today. Though I have to say the small riots that would form between the Protestants and the Catholics we're always fun. They were actually more like small wars. He starts laughing softly. A perk of being both, I got to beat the shit out of anyone and everyone. A con, I was on me own when the shit hit the fan. He takes another swig. Fun non-the less though.

Group Contributor

I bet the Catholics kicked the arses of those Protestant bastardi, eh?

(Depends...If you're gonna makes us do NSFW shit, nuuu...I don't write NSFW. Though it would be an interesting relationship. Having a sadistic, Italian, contract-killer who conducts arms trafficking. Being with a guy who kills the very people who make the majority of her business)

1623338 Slightly grimacing at what Carmen said, he turns his head to her slightly.Firstly, me Da was protestant so I would like it if you wouldn't insult them in front of me. And secondly, I have no idea. I was too busy bashing everyone that came near me. He finishes with another laugh and a drink. Enough about me though, how was your life in the... what was it again... Ah yes "Il bel paese".

(I really don't see why not. I can tell it would get REALLY interesting when she gets a hit on my guy. We know that it's inevitable... Talk about domestic abuse.)

Bill Clinton
Group Admin

1623404 (I was thinking of a hitman/hitwomen trying to kill you after you leave the Yacht.)

1623429 (Hmm... Go for it. But be warned, Naomhán has several knives on him. But no one knows that. He is very good at hiding them. And I mean VERY good.)

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