The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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Group Admin

Hel hounds are shrouded in superstition.


The largest of Hel Hounds, Canis infernalis cerberus are also tricephalic and very rare. the largest specimen, a female, guards the gate to the prison on the island of Tartarus. Cerberus are solitary, but are fierce hunters, tackling prey with brute strength alone.


More common than the Cerberus, Orthros are two-headed Hel Hounds who can bite through metal. they are hard to train, but make excellent pets.


Native to Trottingham and Glascolt/Coltland, the Barghest, also known as Padfoot, Black Shuck, Hairy Jack, Skriker, Churchyard Beast, Shug Monkey, Cu Sith, Galleytrot, Capelthwaite, Mauthe Doog, Hateful Thing, Swooning Shadow, Bogey Beast, Gytrash, Gurt Dog, Oude Rode Ogen, Tibicena, Dip, and Canis infernalis umbrae, is the quintessential species that comes to mind upon hearing the word "Hel Hound".

Big, shaggy, nocturnal, and capable of invisibility.


The Sal'awa (Set Animal, Typhonic Beast, Sha, Desert Hel hound, Canis infernalis set) is a slender canine creature found in the deserts of Heliopolis.

This creature has slender legs with clawed paws, a curved snout with fang-filled jaws, long square ears, piercing eyes, and a flexible forked tail. The Sal'awa also has a short coat of fur that ranges in color from dark red to sandy brown to midnight black.

The Sal'awa is an aggressive, nocturnal beast of the desert. These creatures will attack just about anything they come across. Sal'awas are incredibly difficult to wound or kill, as they have supernatural endurance and durability and they can almost instantly recover from just about any injury or attack. These creatures are also supernaturally agile, capable of dodging weapons and magical attacks as they are fired.

The Sal'awa is considered the sacred animal of Set, the Heliotian god of the desert. As such, it is forbidden by Heliotian law to kill one of these creatures, even in self defense.

The Was sceptre, a symbol of power for the Heliotian king, is topped with the head of a Sal'awa and ends with a curved, two-pronged fork in the same manner as the creature's tail.


Found in Mustikk, Canis infernalis cyclops is a solitary hunter which runs down its prey.


the Varcolac (Garm, Canis infernalis wampyr) is a vampiric strain of Hal hound native to certain areas of Mustikk and Stirrope, especially Trotsylvania.


named after its distinctive howl, Canis infernalis volar is the only Hel Hound capable of flight.

Smile Dog

nocturnal, little is known of this canine, save that it can turn invisible and intangible, and supposedly can cause insanity.

Smile Dogs also have a weird effect on magitech such as computers, videogames, and televisions, often causing them to go haywire

Tindalos Hound

Also called the Hounds of Tindalos or the Bane of Time Lords, these beasts have the ability to temporarily travel through time. They can materialize through any corner if it is fairly sharp—120° or less. When a Hound is about to appear, it materializes first as smoke pouring from the corner, and finally the head emerges followed by the body. It is said that once someone becomes known to one of these creatures, a Hound of Tindalos will pursue the victim through anything to reach its quarry. An individual risks attracting their attention by travelling through time.


Smile dog creeps me out. I got sent a file via email called spread the word right after reading it scared the living shite outtta me

3027613 You forgot one.


Known by the scientific name, Marinius Corpus Asskickerus, this rare demon is essential for when the target ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY has to be destroyed overnight. Give him a straw and a few sheets of paper, and he will turn that into a Magical Staff, known as an M-16, and go on a killing spree worthy of hackers in Modern Warfare 3.

It's normal diet consists of razor wire, napalm, and the tears of it's enemies. (the last is usually created after it bites off the enemy's leg and stuffs it down his throat hip first. For dessert, the Marine sleeps with the wives of the enemies he has just killed.


the USMC seems cool....but the Royal Marine Commando's are best. :rainbowkiss:

3027691 *coughcoughbullshitcoughcough*
(I served in the Corps, so I might be a bit biased :twilightblush: )


Its fine but i guess its cause im british

3027708 well, I can forgive that fault... :twilightsheepish:


So can it true americans go in guns blazing at the hip?

3027718 No, we actually aim our shots. More effective that way.


Well my mate owes me a quid

Group Admin

3027676 Smile dog information has been updated

Glad to finally see some headcanon on "demon" hounds! This is really cool!~

Group Admin

3028807 Not demon hounds, merely canines considered somehow "demonic"

3028107 all are able to be domesticated:pinkiecrazy:

Group Admin

3028987 I know! nothing says "i'm a pony worth talking to" like a pet Smile Dog!:pinkiecrazy:


*rolls eyes and sighs heavily* well im dead

Group Admin

3043235 I'm sure you'll be fine.


Doubt it. Had to sleep next to his forest last night

Group Admin

3043939 at least Slender Ponies aren't aggressive. they're just misunderstood

Group Admin

3044092 fact: need protection from a Smile Dog, find a Slender Pony.

Group Admin

3044152 perfect.

Also, there's now a Known World RP group made by one of the group members!:rainbowkiss:


I'll go ahead and not try to domesticate a Smile Dog...or live near anyone who tries to domesticate a Smile Dog. :applejackconfused:


Let me guess. Lorthalis of Crows right?

Group Admin

3044715 Yep.

3044693 they tend to see more action as attack/guard animals

Group Admin

3045301 what gave you a clue?


I know him. I thought he'd do it sooner or later

Group Admin

3045342 He needed a banner and an icon.

which I found:scootangel:


Fair enough. I havent had enough time to RP with him lately.....last time though he turned my OC into a koi fish

Group Admin

3045369 ...interesting use of a polymorphic spell.


Yeah ask him bout it sometime

Group Admin

3045460 I will. Said spells can still be used in the RPs, BUT:

Disenchanter characters do have a 4/5 chance of "eating" the spell before it hits

Dragon and Giants have a 3/5 chance for spells to simply bounce off of them

Chimera characters have a 5/5 chance of absorbing the spell and re-directing it back at the caster


Note to self. If i ever use magic fuck chimera's

Group Admin

3045655 Yep. they're the ONE species able to do that.


Ima counter Lolk with that sometime

Group Admin

3045774 Details are outlined in the Races: Chimeras post.

Swamp Chimeras (like in the new episode) are better swimmers, but Mountain Chimeras are fireproof

Group Admin

3045824 the multiple heads can cause a problem

Swamp Chimera: Feline and Goat heads are always arguing about who's in charge

Mountain Chimera: Feline head is in charge, but the goat head tends to be sarcastic

Nue: no goat head, no problem.

the snake head, always being the tail, only gets some say in decisions

3045369 3045437

I'd think such a spell would be somewhat...awkward to use in a combat scenario, with a longer wind-up time and energy inefficiency compared to just killing them.


Do natural shapeshifters have any special interaction with polymorphing?

In other words, can they simply swap out of a form another imposes on them?

Wondering on Puka, Changelings, and Druids mainly; and would Unicorns be unable to shift out of it due to the need of a horn for magic? Or is that the case? Can a Changeling Change with a broken horn.

(Not exactly sure how shape-shifting Druids work. I imagine they have some innate power in them, but at least a lot of their magic involves working with spirits of nature. So I'm unsure if physical traits impede it.)

[Much ranting, many questions. :derpytongue2:]

Group Admin

3046994 a changeling with a broken horn can still change shape, since it's an innate ability not reliant on a horn. similarly, changelings can use magic no matter what form they take.

the thing about a polymorph spell is that no one knows how it would work on a shape shifter


Do the Changelings lose any control over magic in forms without horns, and is there still a glow effect?

I'd guess both using a polymorph spell in a battle and using it on a shape shifter is a pretty niche scenario.

Group Admin

3047138 From my fic, Peace at Last

Rainbow Dash looked up from her book when she heard the knocking.

“What is it now?” she muttered to herself, setting down the book (Daring Do and the Orphan Foals) and heading towards the front door. She stopped before she opened it, and looked back to where she had been sitting, noticing the book was out in the open where whoever was at the door could see it. She quickly rushed back to the book, taking it up to her room (nearly crashing into Tank) and stuffing it under her pillow. She enjoyed the series, but she still had a reputation to uphold.

She made her way back to the door and opened it.

Standing there were three nearly-identical pegasi mares, each with a dull yellow coat and green eyes. The one on the left had a blonde mane identical to Ditzy’s and a thundercloud cutie mark. The mare in the center (who was wearing a stylish saddlebag) had her green mane in styled into a braid, and had a mirror and brush cutie mark. The final mare, who was attempting to shelter herself behind the other two, had a simple short brown mane and a flower cutie mark. The left mare spoke first.

“You Rainbow Dash?” she asked, looking at a piece of paper. Her tone made it obvious that she had a short temper. Rainbow Dash didn’t like it.

“Yeah, you got a problem with…,” she trailed off as she noticed the paper was being held in an aura of green magic. She also noticed the green necklaces the three mares wore. Her brain took a second to place the pieces together and come to an obvious conclusion: Changelings had come to her house on her day off. Wonderful.


I honestly have little to no experience in RP on forums, but I might drop by sometime.

Group Admin

3048626 Eh, not my place if you do or not. I'm basically just writing the Player Races guide and Monster Manual for it. with help of course!

New Grouping for Known world posts: Classes: a detailed description of a certain "Class" (such as Druids)


I might hold off on making a character until Eponia is more fleshed out, since I might shamelessly reference the Four Circle.

Group Admin

3049022 It should be done sometime tomorrow!:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

3027750 Now updated to include everyone's favorite species of two-headed dog!

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