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the smartest mare in Equestria tests her most recent invention.

Pegasi are winged ponies, able to fly, whose affinity for weather allows them to control it. Though native to Equestria, can be found almost anywhere. However, unlike the other pony races, the pegasi have several cloud cities and settlements that non-fliers are unable to reach without the aid of magic or flight. they are more inclined to eat meat than unicorns or pegasi.

Pegasi have an affinity to the weather, giving them the ability to control wind and weather, as well as permit them to walk on and move clouds, and in some cases, control lightning.

Pegasi foals have immensely overdeveloped magic fields which weaken significantly over the first two years of life, meaning that while newborns can and do fly, they need to re-learn it when they get older

Pegasi in spring


More nomadic and herbivorous than pegasi, hippalektryons (rooster ponies, chicken ponies, pheasant ponies) can fly, but prefer not to. they are native to the Stirropean country of Arion.

Ceffyl Dŵr

'Aevahlai fod i difroaeth in aeick plaid' - traditional Ceffyl Dŵr greeting meaning 'May the waters be in your favor'

Found around the Trottingham-Glascolt/Coltland coasts, Ceffyl Dŵr posses fin-like wings that are mostly used to help guide them through the water, but can also be used for short flights over the mountains and hills of their native lands.However, their wings aren't big enough or strong enough for long haul flights, the strongest individuals can only fly a few miles at a time


Most Ceffyl Dŵr are famed around the world for their soft temperament and beautiful, melodic choir singing in children and adult females, and harmonised group singing in adult males.

However, those that are found in Glascolt/Coltland and its surrounding waters tend to be just as rude, if not ruder than Kelpies

Rat Pony

Mostly nocturnal, rat ponies live in large subterranean holds called Blights, led under the governance of a "Tunnel King".

Flightless, rat ponies also have some difficulty speaking normal equine languages. However, they are experts at sneaking, keeping to the shadows and using hidden passages and paths to avoid being seen during raids, jumping among rafters and roofs with unmatched agility.


Noctrals (thestrals, bat ponies, or negasi) are a race of pony with bat-like wings and ears, and cat-like eyes, hailing from the dark mountainous regions of Equestria and Trotsylvania. Their fangs are used like a changeling's... for tearing into fruit they grow in their orchards. they have excellent night vision and echolocation, and are stronger and faster than normal pegasi, but cannot manipulate weather as well as their pegasi cousins.

Noctrals live in large townships called Colonies, which are matriarchal and located in caves. it is not uncommon for them to crowd together when sleeping.

Bat Ponies, while incapable of true hibernation, are capable of going into a state of torpor

Vesper Pony

Vesper ponies are more diminutive, more bat-like cousins of the Noctrals. Native to Glascolt/Coltland, they have thick coats and large ears. Small and spirited, they’re far more verbal and excitable than their larger counterparts, and have an odd fascination with demolitions and exploration.. as well as an occasionally self-destructive penchant for pyrotechnics and heavy drinking

Dragon Pony
a dragon pony and a Pegasus stand guard while a unicorn works a spell.

Descendants of a cursed pegasus bloodline (according to legend), dragon ponies (Longma, Dovahkhin, Dracosi) appear normal from a distance, though closer inspection reveals the head, right foreleg, upper body, mane, and cutie mark of a pony, and the spines, hind legs, tail, and left foreleg of a dragon.

Found throughout the northern countries, mostly Northrim, they are fierce, and have quick tempers, as well as fiery breath. they are herbivorous, but capable of eating gems.


Valkyries are a secretive race in the skies of northern countries. Unlike many pegasi, they have three sets of wings, fairly thin bodies and even their ears take on an almost wing-like shape. In fact, their wings could seem to be quite cumbersome on the ground, as apparently these pegasi never land any lower than the lowest cloud. Some even don't seem to realize the ground exists at all, believing all the world is nothing more than the dark thick clouds forever above their home. In the air they are very graceful, swift fliers, and legends abound about them being able to fly all the way to heaven itself. Indeed many a Fluffy pony regard them as 'angels' almost.


a race of flightless, six-inch tall pegasi found on an island discovered by Lyra Heartstrings. the one shown here is a stallion, as is shown by his blue-and-red banded wings.

The Meeni have many unique cultural quirks, the least of which is how a mare decides who her suitor will be. the prospective stallions will attach long, colorful streamers to their tails, and participate in what can only be described as a jumping contest, where they will jump over a large log several times their height. Somehow, this allows the mare to decide who her future husband will be.

Colts and fillies receive separate schooling, colts starting at the age of ten, and fillies starting at five. The colts learn to be blacksmiths, masons, builders, and soldiers, while the fillies learn the trades of scholars, archivists, diplomats, and farmers. Though the mares are capable of holding titles of prestige, it is only the stallions that can own property and hold the position of Drakik. The Drakik also is the only stallion allowed more than one wife, and can pick and choose mares as he pleases.

They bury their dead with their heads pointing downwards, believing if they should ever rise again, they would wake up and begin digging the wrong way.

They write in a counter-clockwise spiral, circling out from the center. Their books opened from the top, making the covers more like lids in a way. The letters of their written language are similar to a mix of Neighponese kanji, Saddle Arabian calligraphy, and ancient Helotian hieroglyphics, and their alphabet consists of 34 letters. Thankfully, the spoken language is actually made up of the same sounds that made up the Equestrian spoken language, but certain words are capable of conveying quite a few meanings depending on the tone and method of pronunciation. For example, “Drakik,” when pronounced with emphasis on the “Dra” and the last “k” almost sounding like a click (DRAH-ki-CK), meant “Ruler of the Island,” whereas “Drakik” pronounced with a drawn-out “aaaaaa” and emphasis on the first “k” (draaah-Kik) referred to a type of flowering plant, and “Drakik” with a rolled “r” and long “eeee” sound (drrrra-KEEEEEK) meant “Highest of mountains.”

Their farming is superficially similar to that of a normal Equestrian earth pony, tilling the soil with a plow, and using regular watering schedules. However, they irrigated their crops by means of a complex system of above-ground pipes.


a very unusual race native to Oz.

Perhaps THE MOST unusual race of equine, the legs of these beings have degenerated into little more than tiny stumps. However, they have gotten around this because in a unique feat of magic evolution, their hooves have become wheels, complete with specialized muscles for propulsion. They are set in a unique joint allowing for full rotation of the apparatus.

Mischievous and often bullying at first, the fact is that Wheelers only act tough because they have few defenses.

2779227 Now why can i imagine the White Pavo being like Lord Shen? :trollestia:

"It's your parting that it will part you: part of you here, part of you there, and part of you waaay over there staining the wall!" :pinkiecrazy: (probably one of my favourite lines in movie history)

moving onto other subjects, think you can think of some examples of names for a Wheely mare? (I'm finally getting around to adding characters for Autumn's honour guard)

Group Admin

4115144 well, the most famous is the mare shown here, Wheely Bopper (seriously, look up MLP Wheely Bopper), but simply put, they tend to like short, fast names

Comment posted by Nova_Blast deleted May 19th, 2015
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