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Yes. Sapient Plants.

It's not like this is surprising, considering how animal-like some plants are already. Do I need to bring up the carnivorous trees?

Or the Woodbeasts?

Or the Jerk o' Lantern?

I rest my case, so stop complaining.


Shambling mounds are intelligent, carnivorous plant creatures, though they appear to be rotting heaps of vegetation.

Shambling mounds are usually about six feet tall, with an eight foot girth, when they stand erect. Most weigh around 3,800 pounds. Their brain and sensory organ equivalents are located in their upper regions. In their natural environment, shambling mounds are almost invisible. They can move through water easily, and have been known to creep into camps in their range at night to attack. Stories tell of shambling mounds moving about in electrical storms without flinching from the frequent lightning strikes, even direct strikes.


For in his path he sees a monstrous birth,
The Borametz arises from the earth
Upon a stalk is fixed a living brute,
A rooted plant bears sheep for fruit,
It is an animal that sleeps by day
And wakes at night, though rooted in the ground,
To feed on grass within its reach around

a native of various regions of Khaan, the borametz ( borometz, barometz, yeduah, Faduah, or shui-yang) is peaceful and easy to get along with. their wool is as good as a normal sheep's. Borametz start life as melon-like plants attached to a stalk.

the Shui-Yang is an aquatic variant found in Manechuria.


blurring the lines between a woodbeast and a moving plant, the treant is a single piece of wood, yet it can move each limb with ease.

Treants come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from six to thirty feet in height. Treants will often resemble whatever kind of "normal" trees are most common in the area where they live. This results in treants that resemble oaks, pines, birch, maple, redwoods, apple, palms, willow, cyprus, and even banyans. Though even among treants of the same "species" of tree, there is a great deal of variation when it comes to body shape.

Some treants look exactly like normal trees but with a monstrous face in the center of their trunks, using their roots to drag themselves across the ground and using their branches and vines to slash and grab at intruders. Other treats have strange bipedal forms vaguely similar to a diamond dog or a minotaur, their leafy branches resembling strange hairdos or beards. Some treants even combine the traits of the previous two body types, having slender vine-like arms and scuttling across the ground on three to five stump-like legs. It's a common theory among monstrologists that the various different treant "body types" are actually separate stages in a sort of life cycle, though the exact sequence and end-result of that life cycle is highly debated; some believe that treants start out as normal trees and end up mutating into the bipedal form. This can cause a problem when a tree suddenly gains sapience.

Most of the time, treants are in a "dormant" state similar to hibernation, during which they are indistinguishable from normal trees. However, in the event that they are disturbed from their slumber or detect some threat to their forests, they will reveal their true form and do everything in their power to eliminate the guilty party, even at the cost of their own lives.

Treants appear to be quite variable even in what they are capable of doing. Some treants will launch thorny spikes at intruders; others appear to use some form of mind control to summon swarms of insects and nearby animals to attack their enemies for them; many treants will simply slash, strangle, and crush their opponents with their bare hands or vines; there are even a few reports of treants shooting their roots out from long distances and dragging other creatures into the soil to suffocate them. Whether or not all treants have the potential to use all of these abilities is a matter of speculation, as it's possible that individual treants (much like individual creatures) have different preferred fighting styles.

Interestingly, there appear to be "Male" and "Female" Treants, though they seem to spend their time apart until winter, with the "Female" Treants preferring open fields and forests, as opposed to the dense forests the "Males" prefer.


a carnivorous relative of the Treants, Doomtrees use illusions to trap their prey, weaving complex dreams meant to break their prey's spirit, before devouring them


Manedrakes, or Manedragoras, are a strange, plant species that live throughout Stirrope. Peaceful and solitary by nature, these creatures bury themselves up to the flowers on their heads, so they may absorb sunlight, as well as water and nutrients from the soil with the rest of their bodies. They only ever move above ground when they have absorbed all the nutrients, or if danger is nearby (such as a forest fire, flood or so on).

One however is advised to NEVER pull on the flowers of a Manedrake above ground however, trying to pull one out makes them let out a high-pitched shriek that, while not fatal, can render a pony stunned or deaf. Manedrakes breed by spreading their seeds, and while Manedrakes may appear to resemble mares or stallions, they in fact have no real gender, and reproduce through pollination.

Their appearances are often varied, some having branches growing from their heads like antlers or horns, and so on.


"Woodbeast" is a catch-all term for plants like Timberwolves, Timbears, and Cactus Cats.

However, the three sapient species possess a component which allows them to use magic: the Taproot.

The taproot contains the magic energy of these woodbeasts, and removing it will leave them unable to use magic


Found throughout the world, Spriggans are a breed of all-male woodbeast, unlike every other woodbeast species. They mostly keep to themselves.

In combat, Spriggans have the ability to use the invisibility spell, heal themselves quickly when low on health, and attack their target with a swarm of wasps. Their most notable ability is their ability to enthrall the nearby wildlife to come to their aid.

However, Spriggans will not cross deep waters, one can use this as a weakness if one has a bow or can cast long ranged fire spells.

Bog Beast

another all-male species, the bog beast is more shy than the spriggan, but has no hesitancy about entering water.

Flora Nightmare

the most animal-like of the living plants, Flora Nightmares are covered in fur-like moss covering a wooden frame. highly intelligent, most beings who see them easily forget they are plants.

They are the female counterparts to the Spriggans and Bog Beasts, and will "birth" a clutch of 6-7 seeds when fertilized.


the vampires of the plant world, Flories are normally only one or two feet tall. Flories have two leafy arms, two legs ending in feet-like roots, a slender stem-torso, and a head that is topped with what appears to be one of many common varieties of flower. When flories submerge their "feet" into the soil, they can easily absorb high amounts of water and nutrients to fuel a massive growth spurt while they essentially drain the life out of surrounding plant life in the process.

Because of their ability to "suck the life" out of other plants, flories are considered to be a dangerous threat to farmlands and civilized areas. As plants, they are vunerable to fire-based attacks, though special care needs to be taken in order to burn away the entire organism's body, or else the Flories will just regenernate. The only natural enemy of the Flories are Crabnasties, whose sharp claws seem to be able to greatly damage the flories' ability to regenerate.

2730968 Will we learn about the Crabnasties someday?

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