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essentially the basal four-legged, winged dragons

Common Dragon

often confused with the king drakes, these dragons are not as large as their cousins, but are just as varied in appearance and color, and unlike the king drakes, often have horns

a crèche of common dragon hatchlings, all from the same clutch of eggs

Fire Drake

Highly territorial, these dragons have among the hottest fires of all draconic species, and tend to have massive hoards. They also have a hypnotic power called "dragon-spell"; weaker-willed beings can be put into a trance or bent to a dragon's will when they speak. Even those of strong will can be subjected to this ability, especially if they are not prepared. Fire Drakes can make even greater use of this ability through psychological manipulation, increasing the power of the spell by taunting a subject with some inner conflict.

Swamp Dragon
Weylon Jones, aka Killer Croc

one of the smaller dragons (still towering over most ponies), swamp Dragons are aggressive and territorial, as well as one of the few fire-breathing water dragons

Sapphire Dragon

very rare and beautiful, "Sapphire" dragons also come in Topaz, Ruby, Opal, Lapis-Lazuli, Emerald, Amethyst, and Diamond forms. they are only found on a chain of islands, the largest of which is called Del-tora, "Land of Gems"


secretive and pushy, this mountain-dwelling dragon uses its long horn to gore intruders before roasting them.


Native to Mustikk and northern Stirrope, the ironbelly is one of the largest sapient dragon species. its heavy armor makes it slow in flight, but can deflect even most alicorn-level spells. Several of these dragons are employed by the Stalliongrad air fleet to serve as armored airships


often considered one of the more beautiful dragons, this Hosstralian dragon's eyes are multi-hued. unlike most dragons, the ignis magicka (the magic fire that sapient fire-breathing dragons use to teleport items) of the opaleye is brilliant scarlet instead of green.

Onyx Dragon

a more aggressive Stirropean cousin of the Sapphire dragon, this mountain dweller is the most solitary of dragons


this native of Tapiri is one of the fastest and most venomous dragon species, but at 15 feet long, it's also among the smallest.


this northern dragon has a soft blue ignis magicka which it blows through its nostrils. they are more herbivorous than their cousins.


a northern seacoast species, this dragon often hunts dolphins and whales. the females are highly aggressive, even by dragon standards.


"you don't fight a Horntail, you just wait until they're done killing you."

the most aggressive species of dragon. 50 feet long, with a flame length of 50 feet, spikes covering its thick hide, and a flight speed of 150 miles per hour... it's surprising that anyone would dare try to talk to one. however, Horntails LOVE talking, especially when presented with riddles.

Mountain Dragon

a fairly basic, horse-sized dragon that generally lives in small groups, usually of only two or three individuals along with hatchlings. the females have territories ranging hundreds of miles, while the males are nomads, wandering from female to female and helping raise the hatchlings.

Marine Dragon

mostly sticking to coastal waters, this easygoing, flightless dragon cannot breathe fire

Forest Dragon

living in the bamboo forests of Manechuria, this firebreather is a skilled mimic

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