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As a group, the Oviraptorosaurs are widespread, but have only produced a single sapient species through natural means in the form of Concordia's Shri.

a pair of Shri

However, the group has another form of sapient, created through more immediate magical tampering.

At an unknown point in time, a dark individual named Moander used a now-extinct species of oviraptorosaur as a basis for an experimental slave race, using biomagic to increase their intelligence and mutate their forearms, changing them from wing-like appendages with three claws into four-fingered hands with articulated primate-like wrists.

Moander sought to use his creations as slaves. However, this ploy was foiled, and the new race made a home for themselves in the Lost Vale, where they were initially held prisoner.

Thus began the Arrak race

Many Arrak are able to become fluent in languages at a remarkable rate by observing speakers for only a short time, allowing them to easily get work in jobs that take them to far-flung places, such as Airship Delivery, though a few Arrak prefer making a name for themselves as "swashbuckling treasure hunters".

When not sailing the skies or the sea, Arrak live in small tribes of about 11-30 members. Each tribe has a hunting territory of about 10,000 square miles, with colorful banners and pennants marking the boundaries.

The eldest male or female serves as the tribe's leader, and in tribes of more than 20 members, the second oldest individual serves as the shaman, leading simple religious ceremonies involving the whistling of melodic hymns at sunset on the first day of a new month. Males and females spend most of their waking hours hunting for food and occasionally for treasure, such as gems and other shiny objects. Females, however, spend eight months of the year incubating their eggs, passing the time by fabricating javelins and other tools from wood, stone, and metal. While resting on their backs, females can use their hands and feet at the same time to weave boundary pennants, javelins sheaths, and other useful objects from vines and feathers.

Arrak are fond of trade, and an Arrak village often doubles as an airship resting station.

Arrak are fond of bright colors, using vibrant designs for boundary pennants, and Arrak-manufactured airships are easily recognized by their bright, feather-like windsails.

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