The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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A creature supposedly forged by a nameless alchemist under Grogar's command, Nettlebrand is a one-of-a-kind construct, a sapient artificial lifeform in the shape of a massive wingless dragon.

Nettlebrand was meant to serve the same purpose as the Omukade (giant centipedes) of Neighpon's army: a creature made to take down dragons.

He was immune to dragonfire, and his armor made him impervious to any piercing injury. What's more horrifying, a water elemental may have been involved in the creation process, as he possessed the ability to use water for long-distance communication and transportation.

Nettlebrand himself claimed to have been created near the end of the War of the Deer, but if this is true, he was not present for any of the battles of that conflict.

Instead, Nettlebrand first arose in the time of Queen Iris, when Grogar reappeared and established the kingdom of Tambelon. A literal living engine of destruction, Nettlebrand would have been used as a siege engine to break down the walls of the kingdom that would become Tambelon had the king not been literally stabbed in the back by Bray.

Instead, the first use Nettlebrand saw was hunting down Spike, the Dragon Emperor at the time and an ally to Equestria. Nettlebrand caught and defeated the dragon after a harrowing battle, only to disappear afterwards, leaving the Dragons of Carcosa to bicker and argue over who the new emperor would be, taking them out of the conflict.

After Grogar, Bray, and the kingdom of Tambelon were banished, Nettlebrand himself disappeared for a time, only to reappear in the Sky Mountains at around the same time Grogar reappeared, during the reign of Faust, terrorizing the locals who believed him to be an avatar of Bokrug the Water Lizard, a deity worshiped in that region. He made himself a ruler for a time, living in the temple overlooking the valley where once stood the cities of Sarnath and Ib.

In spite of being a creature made specifically to hunt dragons, the construct seemed to prefer not to go out of his way to do so unless ordered. While ambitious enough to seek power in any form- such as being the false god of a cult-, he had no need to actually hunt his prey, as he did not need to eat (though his followers who displeased him were usually killed, their corpses used to feed the water lizards inhabiting the lake).

No word has been reported that indicates any change in this, so it's very likely that Nettlebrand is still being worshiped in a temple of Bokrug.

Sarnath and Ib

Hey, I know about those! The World Of A Song Of Ice And Fire reference, right?

Group Admin

6216681 No, H.P. Lovecraft. Song of Ice and Fire got it from there. Look up the Doom that Came to Sarnath

Oh wow. Nice! :pinkiehappy:

Don't Move The Oily Black Stone.

Group Admin

6216935 yep.

there's no ruins left of either city

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