The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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When all others leave...


When the sun vanishes...


Heed the Wisdoms! Make a huddle!


Make a huddle!


Each must take his turn against the icy blast If we are to survive the endless night!

Raise your voices! Give praise to Mother Tiamat, who puts strength in our bodies, and meat in our bellies!

Raise your voices, brothers! Cry out in defiance of this darkness! Call on the Wisdoms!

Let the world tremble! For when all others leave...!


-Noah the Elder's most famous verse.

For as long as can be remembered, the White Dragons, while still overall ruled by the Dragon Emperor, have been ruled by a Council of Ancients, a collective of around 50 of the oldest males of the species.

This council oversees the ancient customs of the species, including the annual breeding migration. Migrating south from the polar north, the dragons make a journey to the Unnamed Southern Continent, arriving as the frozen antarctic region is entering into winter, much like the Emperor Penguin. Like said birds, the dragons will mate, and the females will then leave the males with the eggs as they return to more temperate climates in the southern hemisphere to gather food, while the males face the unholy cold and dark of the antarctic winter, the eggs safely tucked away in the male's crop. During this time, the Council first oversees mating, mostly in the form of settling disputes, then oversees the well-being of the males during the worst part of winter, often leading them with sermons such as the one above.

Noah was the oldest of these Ancients, and considered one of the wisest.

When the Adelie King Charlatan led his expansion campaign, the Unnamed Southern Continent faced a minor fish famine, affecting the seal and penguin populations the dragons relied on.

Noah supposedly meditated for days on a solution to the problem, before taking five of the strongest males he could gather, heading to the Bay of Frozen Fangs.

There they encountered a massive beast, six-eyed and armored, foreign to the southern hemisphere.

A Deathwing

The massive beast had forced several non-sapient marine dragons to gather more and more food for it to consume, and upon sighting the six White Dragons winging towards her, she attempted to exert her control over them.

Noah was the one to speak. And he did so by giving a tongue lashing to the massive dragon.

"Stop! Stop! Stop this unruly nonsense! Stop it right now! A little self-control if you please! You bring this disorder, this aberration, to our community! Have you lost your mind!?! You have brought this scarcity upon us! Do you not understand that we can only survive here when we're in harmony!?! When you arrive and bring your easy ways, you offend the Great Mother Tiamat! You withhold her bounty! Only SHE may giveth and taketh away! Thy pagan display shall bring her wrath upon thee! And so it follows! Dissent leads to division, and division leads to doom! You must go!"

The massive dragoness refused, but for some reason was unable to control the Elder and his warriors. She roared her defiance, and Noah replied in kind, blasting her with ice. His selected warriors did the same, unrelenting in their fury, determined to drive the intruder away.

And amazingly, the six of them did, aiming their blasts at gaps in her armor and at her eyes, driving her north, away from the Bay of Frozen Fangs.

Together we prevail.


Noah was added to the list of noble dragons by the Grand Chronicler, his exploits and teachings found in Dragon Temples throughout the world.

Noah himself died only 500 years ago. One can hope Tiamat was waiting to receive him.

This is one epic story!!!

Sweet! This is awesome!

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