The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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Group Admin

A Dragon Lord who ruled 400 years after Scintilla, Malchior was less war-like than either of his predecessors, seeking more magical ways of inflicting havoc.

He poured over countless tomes and grimoires, and even shape-shifted into pony form to sneak into settlements to read whatever scrolls he could find on magic.

However, Malchior was, if possible, even more ruthless and cruel than his predecessor's predecessor, Scintilla. While the Scepter of Malchior had no outstanding magical properties (unlike the Staff of Malefor before it and the Greenstone Wand after it), this hardly mattered due to Malchior's own magical talent. He himself discovered a method to draw the magic out of another being and absorb it into himself, writing a treatise on the process and sealing it away. Said treatise would later be discovered by a Sagittarius named Sindak, who would teach it to a young prince named Tirek many years later.

With this ability, Malchior could not only punish insubordinates, but would grow more powerful in doing so. When his term limit expired, Malchior refused to relinquish his title, killing Emperor Albi (who was HORRIBLY racist in any case) and declaring himself both Emperor and "Dragon Sorcerer".

Malchior reigned as Emperor for only 50 years, appointing a distant cousin as Dragon Lord, a dragoness who became his apprentice/assistant, though he kept his magic-draining knowledge to himself.

Dragon Lord Maleficent

It is likely that Malchior would have continued his reign until Ancalagon arrived, but his rule was cut short when a wandering elk wizard named Rorek appeared.

Rorek engaged the dragon in battle, and Malchior quickly proved himself to be physically superior to Rorek. Sensing defeat, the elk decided to employ his very last resort, and trapped Malchior inside his spellbook with a powerful curse.

Over time, the spellbook containing Malchior has become lost, no doubt in a long-forgotten corner of a library somewhere.

Are there any links to posts that cover Ancalagon, Malefor, or Albi?

Group Admin

6201441 Just Ancalagon. Albi had no outstanding qualities other than being a racist dragon, and Malefor's place is still being worked out

Any additional links covering Grogar or Basilgaraad?

Oh the amount of times I have needed to use that picture, but could never find it.

Anyway, off to kill the producer of teen titans go!

Group Admin

6203040 the blessings of the deities of every real-world and fictional religion be upon you!

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