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Roughly 700 years ago, an evil Reindeer sorcerer named Tengil sought to try and start another War of the Deer. Descended from a minor commander named Ivar Skull-Splitter, Tengil sought to avenge the "wrongs" done to his ancestor, and did manage to successfully build an army, kept hidden in the valley of Nangijala. The locals were controlled by means of his army, but he was mostly feared because of another item he had acquired...

The Lur (a long natural blowing horn made of either wood or bronze) of Tengil was a bronze instrument created by the sorcerer himself, and was used in conjunction with a special powder to bind a dragon to whoever controlled the horn.

The dragon in question was a female Red Dragon named Katla.

Tengil captured Katla unawares, sneaking into her cave as she slept and blowing the powder over her, binding her until either the horn was destroyed or she died.

Tengil was now nearly unstoppable, and seemed ready to go forward with his plans... until he was forced to relocate from Nangijala to the nearby Thorn Rose Valley. This was due to another, more powerful magician (reports vary, ranging from an unknown Moose Shaman to Vainamoinen himself) appearing and driving him out, as well as wiping out most of his army.

Tengil enslaved the population of Rose Thorn Valley and began re-building the army. A minor resistance rose up, but they posed no threat to him until the arrival of two young stallions, an older and younger brother.

Tengil had previously captured the resistance leader, and the stallions sought (and barely managed) to free him. Their leader released, the rebels engaged Tengil's forces in battle. The sorcerer promptly used Katla to decimate them... until the eldest brother seized the reindeer's Lur, thus gaining control of Katla.

The long-enslaved dragoness needed no encouraging to turn on her former master.

The battle was won, but soon afterwards the Thorn Valley residents grew restless. They saw Katla as an ever-lingering danger despite her current docility, and decided to get rid of her once and for all, with the two young heroes volunteering for the task.

They lured the dragon to her cave, intending to seal her inside her cave to be weakened by starvation. However, while navigating the treacherous path, the older brother lost the lur, freeing Katla from his control. Having overheard their plan to kill her, she sought retribution.

She mortally wounded the older brother, but before dying, he managed to use a massive stone to knock her into a river, where there dwelt an ancient Lindorm named Karm.

The two dragons fought, a flying fire-breather against a poisonous serpentine foe. The younger brother fled with his injured sibling, leaving the dragons, he believed, to kill each other.

Katla and Karm are now happily mated, the Lur has been destroyed, and the two live in an isolated valley far away from Thorn Rose Valley.

Aw, what a sweet couple!

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