The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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The trials of ordering pizza while being polycephalic.

Native to Cirrus and Roama, Ladon are often employed as guards, as the heads work independently of each other, with the thoughts and memories of the heads synchronizing during sleep. That said, the heads usually do not all sleep at once, meaning it is often very difficult to catch one unawares.

Of course, each of the heads have distinct personalities and identities, and often bicker and quarrel with each other.


Native to the Euskal Herria region of Stirrope, the Herren-Surge is one of the most magically adept hydra species, being capable of flight despite not having wings.

Originally taking the basic role of dragons in other areas of the world in ancient times (raiding villages, eating livestock, etc.), many modern Herren-Surge have taken up roles as guards, similar to their southeastern Ladon relatives.

I would love to read a story where Fluttershy meets a friendly Ladon.

Group Admin

6200974 could be fun

the one in the picture is arguing over what toppings the pizza should have

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