The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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Throughout Concordia's history, various natives have become the stuff of legend. Redclaw, a Quirag Tyrant King, is among these.

A powerful creature easily recognized by the scar extending from his left eye to the innermost digit on his left claw (which is blood red), Redclaw is an enigmatic figure, a Tyrant King with no apparent family to his name (though some suggest the psychopath known as Rage was his son).

A wandering nomad, Redclaw bullied his way through various territories, dominating other, smaller predators through sheer intimidation and willpower.

Redclaw's most famous exploit was gathering an army comprised of Silverclaws, Rynk, Sierri, and a few Prek and outcast Quirag in order to attack Fort Rosa. They laid siege to the settlement, attacking relentlessly before ultimately being disbanded due to internal feuds and the surprising difficulty of actually taking the land for themselves.

Redclaw himself was captured, and became famous as the first Quirag to stand trial in Concordian court. He gave no reason for his actions beyond some apparent slight he felt had been made against him, but refused to elaborate on.

Firefly herself gave the final verdict. Knowing full well they had no way to safely contain this would-be warlord, but also lacking any method of executing him without possibly incurring the wrath of various natives, she banished Redclaw to the northern areas of Concordia, creating an agreement with the dynasty of Sibdan to enforce this punishment.

As a note, it was Sibdan himself who had killed Rage, prior to Redclaw's attempt to create an army.

Redclaw left with no resistance, and as far as can be told, he has never broken the terms of his banishment.

Theories continue on why exactly Redclaw attempted to attack Fort Rosa. While no one has confirmed Redclaw's possible relationship to Rage, it is worth noting that Fort Rosa was in a good strategic position to attack Sibdan's nest. Whatever the reason, Redclaw is most likely still alive up in Concordia's north, possibly amassing a dynasty of his own...

I can see the inspiration behind this one

Group Admin

6175590 Rage is the one from the very first movie

the first t rex? nice choice ^^ I could see Rage actually giving redclaw those scars

Group Admin

6176721 alternatively, it was Doc

Group Admin



"Change what you can, accept what you can't. If there's a problem, try to fix it. If you can't, sometimes you just gotta move on. If you want to know what to do if you don't want to move on, you're asking the wrong sauropod, kid. I'm a loner, that's the way I've always lived. I've always done it my way, movin' on, lookin' for some place a little better. Sometimes I get lonesome. Sometimes I feel a bit crowded too. My footsteps were planted on the wanderin' trail long ago. I'm too old to change now."

Loners by nature, Kret'ma are one of the last Diplodocids in a world where most sauropods are of the Titanosaur group.

Kret'ma roam across Concordia, Carcosa, Equestria, the Lunar Republic, and even North Griffonia, mostly avoiding populated areas and never staying in one place for long, rarely talking and avoiding company, appearing as silent, enigmatic wanderers whose moralities are unknown, self-restrained in their emotions even in a clear moment of displeasure.

Their tails are their most powerful weapon, like a massive whip covered in thorns, and old individuals are said to be accurate enough with their tails to snap a single leaf off of a tree, though the most often thing they're employed for is defense against predators.

Kret'ma rarely even associate with their own kind outside breeding season, when males are known to actually kill each other over mates. Females will lay a single egg, and oddly it's usually the fathers who take care of the hatchling.

Due to their loner natures and tendencies, other herbivorous dinosaurs often treat these sauropods as harbingers of bad luck, though the Kret'ma don't particularly seem to care about the negative reputation.

I like how you're sowing seeds and story hooks throughout the setting. It really gives the feel that the setting is alive.

Group Admin

6178562 and gives writers opportunities to fill in blanks

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