The Known World 327 members · 84 stories
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The largest of all flying equines, Shantaks tower over the height of a giraffe. they are also the most dangerous.

Shantaks are EXTREME omnivores, and highly aggressive. in addition to formidable teeth, the shantak can produce bursts of Nightmare Energy, or concentrated streams of Nightmare Energy from its maw, sending foes into a horrific dream-hallucination or driving them mad.

however, shantak foals are very small and likable.



Opportunistic, harpies are thought to be nothing more than dumb animals and a nuisance by uneducated beings. However harpies are quite intelligent and do have their own methods of communication. They use Hoof Counting in order to communicate face to face, a sort of sign language that predates spoken language (It’s sort of like morse code). They are found in most countries bordering Equestria, as well as the islands of the Maredeterranian, particularly Scavenge and Echidna. though possessing some weather manipulating ability, harpies aren’t exactly famed for their cloud clearing skills. What they are known for is their affection for shiny things.


"He was quite short and stout and had a big head, which was flat at the top and supported by a long thick neck. But he had no forelegs at all, only small wings, and, seeing this, the Scarecrow did not fear that so helpless a creature could prevent them from climbing the hill. So he said, "I'm sorry not to do as you wish, but we must pass over your hill whether you like it or not," and he walked boldly forward.

As quick as lightning the stallion's head shot forward until the top of the head, where it was flat and armored, struck the Scarecrow and sent him tumbling, over and over, down the hill. Almost as quickly as it came the head went back to the body, and the stallion laughed harshly."

Native to the Oz Peninsula in Hosstralia, these unusual flightless Harpies have long necks, and use their armored heads to headbutt aggressors. the males are distinguished by their yellow wings. Like their flying cousins, they communicate via hoof counting.


Stirropean seacoast cousins of the harpies, alkonosts sing to hypnotize other creatures, getting them to bring food and valuable items to the alkonost's home.


Jungle-dwelling natives of the Crystalline Raj, Garuda are well-renowned as hunters of venomous snakes


Neighponese members of the harpy family, Tengu often live in montane forests. Tengu are also famed for their skills in martial arts, and are known to enjoy composing and hearing or reading poetry.


Native to Stirrope, the Elwetritschen are a species of partially flightless, forest-dwelling harpy. They are often solitary, save during mating season, when the stallions clear a patch of ground and begin singing...

After clearing a patch of ground, the Elwetritsch stallion will begin dancing and singing. This harpy species is unusual because of the male's unique inflatable resonating pouches, which allow his song to carry for miles.

I like the information you have here for harpies.^^

*Snickers madly at the Elwetritsch mating dance*

Group Admin

5312792 everyone always does that when they see it

Ah, yes. Not bad Harpies, but not what I would use. See it gets a bit old for EVERY human faced monster to simply have pony features instead of human.

If I were to do my own world, I'd make Harpies be more physically bird like. Like intelligent eagles.

Group Admin

6246520 I briefly considered that. If I were to re-do them, they'd be intelligent flight-capable Dromaeosaurs

Though to be fair, the "replace human with pony" is exactly what they did with the Sphinx

I know about the sphinx. But not EVERY monster needs a pony face. Look at Tirek, simply a bull themed centaur. The Storm King, a satyr/yeti hybrid. Manticor was just a lion.

And as I typed this out I realized it was less of a problem than I thought.

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6246972 I saw Tirek as a weird Ape/bull mix, more heavily leaning on the ape

Either way, it's less of a problem than I thought it was. :derpyderp1:

Group Admin

6247428 yep

Also, manticores having human heads was always an artistic fallacy

they had human-LIKE faces, which included wide mouths filled with three rows of teeth

Comment posted by MLai deleted Jan 24th, 2019
Comment posted by Prince_Staghorn deleted Jan 24th, 2019
Comment posted by MLai deleted Jan 24th, 2019
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