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Kelpies are carnivorous water-dwellers who live in certain countries in Stirrope, particularly the island country of Glascolt/Coltland.

they are pugnacious, rude, and stubborn, and have roughly 31 words that just mean "stupid," as well as a rich amount of other insults.


Hailing from Glascolt/Coltland but found around the world, Tangie personalities are as varied as water itself, often dramatically switching moods in an instant. Despite this, they're generally good company to keep, and are often fond of a good song and a drink.

The pelt of a Tangie sports unique "pearls", which form intricate patterns unique to every individual.

Remain calm...

Capaill (sea kelpies, shark ponies) are carnivorous water dwellers native to the Grey Ocean.

While carnivorous, Capall rarely eat land animals (pigs and waterfowl are notable exceptions), preferring fish, ESPECIALLY tuna. In fact, they are much nicer than their Kelpie cousins, and often are the most openly affectionate of all equines

Under the right conditions, it is possible for these equines to achieve giant sizes, occasionally pushing them into "small Kaiju" territory.

Despite this, the foals (or pups) are tiny, though far from helpless.

It is important to note that Capall can occasionally go feral. These episodes tend not to last long, but can still be terrifying.


Native to Mustikk, the bäckahäst is a northern relative of the Kelpie and Capaill Uisce. they have a keen sense of smell, and are distinguished from their relatives due to their white coat and small shoulder fins.

They are reputed to be excellent musicians, with a special knack for playing the fiddle.


Native to the Great Pelagic Ocean, Inklings (also known as Squidponies, Tentacle-maned Ponies, or Neighponese Kelpies) are an amphibious species of pony with tentacles in place of a mane. There are 4 different races of Inkling, all with the ability to shoot colored ink out of their mouths.

More nocturnal than the common Inkling, Vampire Inklings are actually not vampiric in nature, and are actually the shyest of all 4 races.

Comparable to an alicorn in height, Giant Inklings are rarely seen on land, preferring to live in the depths of the ocean.

The Firefly Inkling is bioluminescent, and tends to be the most mischievous of the Inkling races.


Undines are kelpie relatives that normally make their homes in forest pools and waterfalls. They are often considered brash, pushy, and rude, but at the same time they can be very kind and selfless

4682503 that inkling is a shameless copy of splatoon.

Group Admin

4682582 Yes, yes it is.:twilightsmile:

Group Admin

4682582 [youtube=k4k1NdUEUP4]

4682503 Story Idea: A kelpie tries to change his address with the bank

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