Weston College Annex 15 members · 0 stories
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Group Contributor

So thanks to SSS we have a good dorm placer and character form. It does have it's flaws. For example why would you write down three flaws on a college application form? So I have an idea to suggest. A separate character sheet. Now before I hear moaning or whining hear me out. If we have them fill out a character sheet. Then we can look at the character first. Then the application form would be filled out. This would give us a chance to double check for any character flaws or over powered. Now this character sheet wouldn't have to be very complicated at all. It could easily be the first part of the new application form. Which is this.

Player name:
Character Name and aliases:
Sex: (M/F/Other)
Character Rating: (G,PG,PG-13,R,XXX)
Physical Description:
Special Abilities:
Three flaws or key weaknesses:

Then for the college application it can be this.

Weston College Application:
Name and aliases:
Gender: (M/F/Other)
Current Financial Situation: (scholarships are available)
Physical Description:
Dorm test: (for all applicants)
For the following statements, indicate if you Agree, Disagree, or are Neutral:
1) I consider myself athletic, and highly enjoy fighting, sports, or martial arts.
2) I often like to draw, write, sing, or play music.
3) I am highly intelligent, or others consider me so.
4) I come from a very distinguished family tree.
5) The best defense is a good offense.
6) I have hobbies others are likely to find unusual.
7) There are few things better in this world then a good book.
8) Most problems that arise can be taken care of with a few well placed bits.
When meeting someone new, would you rather meet someone:
a) athletic
b) artistic
c) intelligent
d) distinguished
Sort the following in order from most important to least important:
Courage, Creativity, Intelligence, Nobility.
Do you have any issues or special needs the staff should know about?
Are you applying to be a student, or a member of staff?
In the event of an emergency, who should we contact, if anyone?

Leave the following section blank if not applying for a staff position:
What position are you applying for:
Why do you feel you should have that position?
Is there anyone on staff you would give you a good reference?
Do you have a previous criminal history or history of mental instability? If so, please elaborate:

Student Work Permit:
What position are you applying for:
Why do you feel you should have that position?
Is there anyone on staff you would give you a good reference?
Do you have a previous criminal history or history of mental instability? If so, please elaborate:

That way it just makes more sense(to me at least)

We also had a thread for other characters to supply character sheets and be approved. It was like Villains, Vendors, and Various ponies. This would be OOC like the Character Sheets. While the Application would be role-played. I can if directed create the character sheet for Villains, Vendors, and Various Ponies.

Group Admin

I think what we need is just a generalized Character sheet for all the misc. characters out there. One that ensures each character has to reach a certain guideline set up in odder to be allowed into the group.

I'll do some looking around for character sheets in other groups and post my findings here for examples for us to use.

Group Contributor

2269193 Sounds good. Just remember Fade. Your not the only admin. Don't take to much work for your own.

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