Weston College Annex 15 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

Alright, seeing as no one's posted any threads in here recently (You guys know you can do that too, right?) I think we need to get back on track. Now, there are only a few things left for us to do before we can actually get this RP back on its feet, but I feel the need to clear the air on a few things first.

So my original idea was for us to somehow implement a currency and experience/level system into the RP, which, at the time, I thought might have been a good idea. Looking back on it now, I just don't think we'd have enough time as admins to be able to properly run it, so I feel we should drop it from launch, at least until we have the time and patience to be able to sit down and seriously discuss it. I've also been thinking about acquiring a few more admins from outside the group, to help run things while most of us are away.

Next thing is rules, which is probably the most important aspect of any group. In my hones opinion, we're going to need to be a lot stricter and implement quite a few more rules. Aside from Iron Galley's guide as a template, I've been looking at other groups for examples, such as the M/M role playing group.

However, regardless of all of this, I'd still like there to be grading for classes, as well as rewards for club participation once the group starts off. I've also been toying with ideas for how we might get more members/publicity. One idea I had was a "Group Advertisement Trade". The idea of this is that if a founder or mod for a group would like to advertise their group in ours, they can do so as long as they allow us to do the same on theirs. Another idea I had was that if a user tells their friend or someone they know about the group, and they join and RP, then they'll receive some kind of reward. Perhaps if we ever get exp or currency up it could be through that. Sort of like a loyalty program.

For now, this is where I stand on the matters pertaining to the group. If any of you have questions, or would like to discuss something, then by all means do so. I can't stress this enough, but this group won't be able to run properly if only two or three people are running or contributing, we need input from everyone if we want to progress.


Simplifying things for the launch is a good idea. I also feel we should initially set the group before school starts,. The students can roleplay arriving at school ansd everything that happens beforehand while the teachers set up for a new year.

That would also give us time to build up the permanent locations before everything gets started, and to get all the classes and teachers assigned and such. Also, people will complain less if the reboot is underway, even if the classes aren't actually going.

The classes can start once all the pre-rp is done, basically.

I'd comment more, but I have intermittant wifi at the moment, and am a bit distracted anyways.


Group Admin

Don't worry, I understand.

But you're right, locations are our next and final step to getting through the reboot. I think I'll post a request on the Admin account for people to rewrite old locations.

I've actually been planning a general introduction thread for a while. I think what we might also need to reassign a few major roles, such as prefects and HoH and things like that.

Right now we have the basics of each dorm done, and all we needs besides is a few other threads, and we can work out the rest later, although I'd like to get the rules squared out next.


As I'm not anywhere that I can easily get into the Weston College Admin account right now, could you adjust the last post to reflect that the Weston College Gardens and Swan Gazebo are already rewritten?


Group Admin

Right, I knew there was something I forgot...


I am now actually at home, so can comment further.

So, initially, we have our welcome thread, all the dorms, and the garden set up. The incoming students are expected to put in their applications for dorms. They also can either post in one thread some backstory of how they got there, or can start some pre-rp threads actually roleplaying it.

The teachers have to deal with the fact that the college records were accidentally destroyed, so they all have to reapply and be resorted. The paperwork with their class schedules and plans were also destroyed, so they are frantically trying to come up with something for a first class while they rebuild.

We can set up a teachers lounge for the main focus of the teachers roleplay to be, and the students can wander around campus, and post event threads with how they got there. The successor thread to "On the Nautilus" could be one of those, for example.

In fact, given that Cielia and Sebastian are in that thread, we may want to start it with me holding down the fort for Cielia until she arrives while all these disasters are going on.

That's one way we could start things off, anyways.


Group Admin

That's about how I thought it might happen, I also assumed that, since each student is given their own rooms this time around, they could also post a location thread for their room.

One thing I feel we should put a leash on however is event threads. I don't necessarily mind them all that much, but having too many at once makes it pretty hard for everyone to keep up with what's happening.

Although, if we can set and keep up with the announcement board thread, that might not be as much of a problem.


Well, initially, we'll likely need several. One for Silver Cross's arc in getting to the college, and one for you and Vikinga's arc, at the least. And likely a "in the evil headquarters of doom" thread for Enigma...

I do know what you mean, though.

And we could certainly do location threads for each students room, but I'm not sure how much they'll use them, given how disused the dorm threads got towards the end of pre-reboot Weston College. It might be easier if everyone just posts what happens in their room in the dorm thread.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

Like I said, as long as everything is kept up to speed in the announcement board, or if everyone remains informed and in the loop it shouldn't be as much of a problem. But during the main life of the group, people felt they could post anything, about anything, whenever they felt like it, and it made it extremely hard for people to keep up with what was happening.

And the main reason why it would be a good idea to give students separate threads for their rooms is because, as you might remember, a lot of them like to have sex, and this would at least give them some where private to do NSFW things. It all depends though. Regardless, at least in the beginning, just having the dorm threads themselves should work fine.


That is quite true, though we could also just have a separate group for NSFW threads. "Weston College After Dark"?

I actually do like how we have certain "arcs" for things right now. It might not be a bad idea to make that official, and actually label event threads with what arc they belong to, if applicable. Then have what each arc is and who the major participants are in the Announcement thread.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

Hm. A separate group for that might work, although I'm not sure, but then again, Weston already has four groups up, with a possible "Weston High School" soon to join them, so maybe it could work...

Arcs in the announcement board sounds like a great idea. I think, if I'm not forgetting anything, that'd leave about four categories for the Announcement Board; Arcs, Grades, Clubs, and then I think everything else could just be lumped under Miscellaneous.


That sounds about right. New arcs should probably be approved by the admins, perhaps in the same thread as new locations and student and staff applications.

--Silversmith Senna Spoon

Group Admin

Hm, that reminds me, do you think we need an application for characters other than staff and students? I'd generally like to have every character go through some type of evaluation before being allowed into RP, such as NPCs, villains, and temporary appearances.


I'd say any character that is going to have more than a minor role. The construction worker that leers at you as you walk by doesn't need to be approved. If they get more than a couple lines in a scene, take major actions, and start to actually reoccur, they need to be approved.

Madam Fittings didn't need to be approved back when all she was doing was smiling, nodding, and generally acting as part of the background of the shop. Once she actually left the shop and started having conversations, affecting things, and getting backstory, she needed approval, and she did in fact have a character form written up at that point.


Group Admin

About what I was thinking, but should we have a separate application for those kinds of characters? I mean, at this point I don't think Madam Fittings is a teacher, and she most definitely isn't a student.


Actually, by this point, she's officially a staff member and I believe we'd talked about having her double as the Home. Econ. teacher as of the reboot, but I do know what you mean. The tricky part is having an application for characters that aren't students or staff, and keeping it somewhat in character as part of the rp.


Group Admin

It'd definitely be difficult, especially considering we have to have villains apply. In the end, it might be for the best to just have it OOC, unless of course you have some clever way to get around that...


"Pardon me, I'm here to kill the headmistress, burn down the college, loot the grounds, and rape the students. Is this the right line?"

"Rape, murder, loot, and pillage? You need to pick up form 22-D, fill it out, and then get in that line. Next!"

Yes, suspension of disbelief could be difficult, unless, of course, we keep everything extremely tongue in cheek for it.


Group Admin

I suppose... I'd sorta like to keep away from that kind of humor. I honestly don't know though.

Group Contributor

1989741>>1989836 I was thinking about Villain application. Due to me being the Villain King (More like Idiot). Now this may not work but since I've established a huge organization of villians. Then what if all villians are part of Enigma? Then the Villain application form could be an application form to Enigma? Of course that would mean Enigma would be the main Villain and I'd have control over every villain to an extent(Which I don't want ever) But then we'd have continuity and such. On a separate note. Sorry for my absence. I was whisked away to my Nanas house. It had no internet:raritycry:

Group Admin

Was worried, but it's fine. :twilightsmile:

And the thing is, not every villain is going to be suitable for enigma. Characters like the Rouge of the Universe and the Fear and Xeraphis wouldn't really fit into working with an organization of any kind, seeing as they're pretty independent of each other. Maybe there should be some sort of situation where said character might be forced to divulge information about themselves, like a soul search or something, but I doubt that'd work either.

I think for now we should just make it OOC and then work from there.1989741


The Rouge of the Universe? Do they go around forcing makeup on people?

And yes, Villain signup will need to be separate from Enigma, and likely OOC. A "Villains, Vendors, and Various Others" thread or something...


Group Admin

Midnight Bloom's character.

I think that idea would work, actually. Either one generic character sheet or multiple for certain categories, and most likely give it a separate thread from the others. Not to mention, I do love me some alliteration :scootangel:

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