Delightfully Demented 280 members · 314 stories
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{It was a particularly dark night, the night where the only light you could find was from Luna's moon. You were lost in the Everfree Forest with a group of friends and unknown ponies after a night of light drinking. There was some ponies in the group who weren't tipsy, saying that they should find a way out. Of course, no pony listened to them. The group suddenly approached a large manor in a clearing of the forest. The sober ponies pushed the tipsy ponies to the manor to get help, but unbeknownst to them, they were falling into a trap...}

((Just use an OC to play.))

1396006 Scribble groaned annoyedly as she stepped into the manor.

1396047 Oi! Sis, we got a visitor!
A colt looked down from the staircase with a smile on his face.

This looks fun! Six said, over excited as usual. He looked up to the walls of the manor astounded at their decrepit nature, and wandered in.

1396076 Great! We have visitors!
A filly ran to her brother.

1396070>>1396076 Scribble filed this night as another reason not to touch time travel spells ever again. She was soaked, cold, miserable,

...and thirsty.

HELLO! Six said to everypony at once, waving his hoof haphazardly at the group.

1396093 No pony has visited us for a long time and you all are our guests!


Scribble sniffed the air. Something smelled wrong. The ponies here looked off and Six wasn't usually this drunk.

1396143 ((Huehuehue, my usual antics from the college. Devil twins this time.))

Six looked up at the chandelier above them, his body glistened in the light. This sure is a fancy place you got here... He said, mesmerized by the shiny brightness.

1396171 We got it from our parents!

1396171 "Six!" Scribble said aggitatedly, but did nothing as the pony rudely gaped around.

'I've been in this time line way too long.'

Six's ears perked. Ya say somethin', miss Scribble? He asked, but didn't give her time to respond before going back to staring at all the cool ornaments and fixtures the manor had to offer.

Six nodded exasperatingly.

1396244 The two foals squeed.

1396257>>1396244 Scribble stormed off.

Miss Scribble? Six wanted to follow her, but decided against it. Letting out a small sigh he turned back to the two foals standing in front of him.

So... Ya got anythin' to eat around here? He asked, a small rumble coming from his belly.

1396687 We have cinnamon sticks and syrup.

Sounds fine with me! Six said, hopping up on his hooves.

1397033 Hold on a sec!
Both the filly and the colt ran off to the kitchen.

Six stood there, his innocent little eyes gleamed in the light.

1397074 {A few minutes later...}
Here it is!
The filly had a plate of cinnamon sticks on her back while the colt had the syrup.

Yay! Six clapped his hooves and took a few cinnamon sticks off the plate to munch on.

1397133 The colt poured some syrup into a small container for Six to dip the stick in.

Six took a few select sticks and articulately dipped them in the container. Thanks! You guys are the best!

Six smiled giddily as he chowed down on the cinnamon sticks.

1397212 The two foals grinned.

After finishing the last of the cinnamon sticks Six looked to the two ponies, bowing his head. Thank you for the food.

Six smiled again. Miss Scribble taught me to say that if somepony gives me something to eat. As he mentioned Scribble Six's smile turned to a frown. I should really see if Miss Scribble is okay, if you guys'll excuse me.

Six waved as he ran in the direction Scribble went.

1397395 ...I wonder what he's gonna do...

(To late to join?)

Epilogue a strange little dog walked in her pockets filled with diamonds. It was great to have power over regular dogs and speak equine. The pup looked around and smiled. His vision showed only black and white and so far it was bland. But what was the foreign colors of these strange people.


1398504 ((Fug, next time please reply to one of my comments to let me know that someone is also here.))

"You look funny why you not black an' white like rest?" Epilogue asked.

(1405715 Sorry)

1406503 I don't know, maybe you're color blind.
((Somehow, I'm not getting notifications.))



"I already color blind. What color are you I see black and white aren't on you?"

1416254 Well, my coat is white and my mane is bright yellow.
That's the same with me too! And both our eyes are turquoise.

"Color?" She asked completely stunned by the colors of them. She reached out to touch them.

1416351 The filly and colt only blinked.

Touching there faces she ran her paws over there manes this was how color felt? AMAZING!

"Color feels soft. Must find more color." Epilogue said looking a a old book shelf pulling out a old copy of Toby Dick. Cutting open her arm she dripped blood on the pages and was somehow sucked into the book.

(Epilogue does that)

1416706 (Continue RP)
W-Why are you pouring blood on our books?!

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