Feeling Suicidal? Talk With Us. 474 members · 77 stories
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Hi I was wondering if there is anyone i could talk to

7943602 My den is always open to anypony.

I always reply, just don't hold your breath waiting for my response because sometimes it takes me a while.

7943604 Can we talk here or would you prefer we talk someplace else?

Well I just get tired of doing the same thing every day all I do is eat sleep and play with my dogs and watch tv I’m just tired of it

7943647 I know what you mean. The routine is killing me as well sometimes.

The problem is that deviation from routine takes effort and gives little rewards, so it's hard to break from the cycle.

The great thing about your problem is that whatever you decide to do, you win. Either you set yourself on a goal and pursue it, breaking your routine. Or you just stick with your routine that is proven to give you maximum comfort. There are many worse problems to have in life. Your problem is a good one to have.

If you decide to stick with your routine, here's a mantra that helps me:

"This, right now, is the best time of my life."

It's a routine for a reason, you know? If you learn to enjoy it, the problem will go away by itself.

Plus i feel like my parents don’t believe in me because sometimes my parents said I won’t make in the real world I was thinking to myself you don’t know that and my dad said he can’t see me working every day and I was like really

7943723 That's actually a good thing. Imagine if the reverse was true and your parents would just take it for granted that you'll grab God by his balls and conquer the world. Impossible expectations are the most stressful things you could be exposed to, but you're lucky that you're exposed to the exact opposite. It's very easy for you to impress your parents since they expect you to fail. Use that as motivation to succeed in your life.

How do I use it as motivation

7943753 All you need is to move a finger, and you'll already fulfill your parents' low expectations. That's awesome!

Because they underestimate you, you can impress them very easily.

Merely getting a full-time job will make you rise beyond their expectations. It's going to be glorious!

Do you think I can make it in the real world

7943848 With expectations as low as the ones you have, anything you do in the real world will be an astounding success.

It’s just like I said too im just tired of doing the same thing every day too

7943880 Combine the two aspects: Low expectations toward you + willingness to break the routine = Awesome success

The time and place is right. The conditions are all set. Step bravely into the real world and show what you're made of. This is only the beginning of your adventure.

Do you think I could change my life

7943951 You're the master. You can achieve anything you set your sights on.

What you were in the past and what your life was in the past doesn't matter. Only your future life matters. And the future starts today!



Well I just get tired of doing the same thing every day all I do is eat sleep and play with my dogs and watch tv I’m just tired of it.

What you describe sounds like a textbook example of possible depression, midlife crisis, or similar. But... it can albo be the winter blues.

Usually, being tired of some routine happens either to teens who are going through puberty, or older guys going through a midlife crisis (I would know something about that :trixieshiftright:).

So, the first question I would ask is... why and how did you develop that routine? No friends, interests, or money to do something else? Or just no ambition to try new stuff? Or maybe you're just content with the life you have?

Do you think I could change my life

7944850 I've already answered your question.

Also, you're asking the wrong question altogether. There's no such thing as changing your life. The Universe started to exist only 18 seconds ago and all your memories are fake. There's only what you do from here forth. There's no such thing as changing your life since the past doesn't exist. Be the change, starting now.

7944873 You seem to be obsessing over the past, but you fail to realize that the past doesn't even exist. All you have is the present and the future. What will you do with them?

I’m going to be honest it’s hard to believe in myself when my parents don’t believe in me

7945405 You know what's even harder? Having your parents have impossible expectations that you're 100% sure that you won't be able to achieve. Imagine giving years of your life just to please your parents, but it's not good enough. You're never good enough no matter how hard you work.

Many would envy your position. Just by being a normal human, your parents will be impressed with you.

And don't worry about not believing in yourself. Attitude doesn't matter. Effort matters. You can doubt yourself all you want, as long as you put in the effort.

Step with your best foot forward and see where that leaves you.

How do I be the change like you said

7945457 In short: Fake it until you make it.

You have to bury your true self. You can't act without denying the person you actually are.

Imagine a person who is just as capable as you, but better in every way. More productive, less lazy.

Don't be that person. Just act like that person.

Keep asking yourself, "What would the ideal me do in this situation?" And then just do that. Act as if you're the ideal you.

If you keep this up, you'll eventually find out that the person you were withered and died. Instead, the ideal you has set foot in your soul. And the more you fake it, the more you'll make it.

I have a question is wrong of me that I want more to my life

7956103 That's just the thing. Everybody wants more. Even animals always want more. You could live in literal Heaven, and you'd still want more.

Your distress is a driving force, carved with millions of years of evolution. You aren't designed to be happy. Happiness is irrelevant in evolutionary terms.

You wanting more is how biology wants to nudge you out of the stationary situation.

The thing is, though, good things won't come to you. You'll only get good things if you go out of your comfort zone and claim them.

The recipe for happiness is for you to be grateful for what you do have. The recipe for success is the exact opposite. Which one will you choose?

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