Feeling Suicidal? Talk With Us. 474 members · 77 stories
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Hey everypony... The reason why I want to do suicide is because of school.

The teachers said that if our grades don't improve by the mid term exams, most if not all of us will be demoted to class five.

I...need you all to tell me why I should stay alive.

I've gone a few months without having that feeling, and it's back again.

Please, tell me that I should stay alive.

My suicidal feelings are coming back, and there's a voice in my head telling me that I should end it all while another says that I've got lots to live for.

Tell me that I should live. I don't think I'll be able to resist the first voice for much longer.

7660766 The greatest pleasures don't come from life being easy. The greatest joy comes from life being hard and you facing it straight on.

Live on. Not because it's easy, but because it's hard. Welcome the challenges life offers. They'll make you stronger.

School is just a small obstacle in the grand scheme of things. Wait it out. In time, it will become irrelevant.

A better future awaits you. All you have to do is live until then. Just live.

from school?
no offence but as someone who wants and has been trying to die for a long ass time,the second voice is always there for EVERYBODY.
everybody has a point in thems life whens thems want to die.

Ok. None taken. And what would you do if your teacher said she'd demote you a year?

And that all the teachers of your class voted for 80% of the class to be demoted a year if they didn't improve?

I'd rather be tortured to death. And then having to get your parent to sign your test paper because you got below 15 marks?

My mother is going to talk my ear off about that and I can't not tell her, because if I don't, the school will.

7660870 My advice: Consolidate your power.

Play by their rules. Become what they want you to be and more. And when their shackles can no longer hold you down, you'll burst out of that closed system like an exploding crystal and grab God Himself by his nuts.

But for now, play the system. Give them what they want. Make them docile. They don't know what forces they're dealing with, and they never will for you will leave them in the dust when you launch yourself toward life.

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