Feeling Suicidal? Talk With Us. 474 members · 77 stories
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Since my last post, things turned around and I felt I was okay. But, now my depression has returned once more though not as bad. I will be upping my antidepressants.



Did some even triggered it, or did it just appeared out of nowhere?

7256831 The world's on fire



Ah, a fella with similar views! I know exactly what you mean! But to be fair... the world is always on fire, and has been since... forever, really. There must be more...

Do you have any concrete reasons that made you feel bad? Something must have changed recently to trigger it. Or maybe you're like me, and just like reading bad news :unsuresweetie:?

7256855 It's like you. The bad news keeps piling up.



Ah, then we're in the same boat. For me it usually looks like a damn rollercoaster:

  1. Some good thing happens, and I'm happy :pinkiecrazy:
  2. Then some shit that makes me angry hits the fan - usually involving society at large doing stupid things :twilightoops:
  3. Then, of course, I start reading about the event more and getting more depressed with each article :twilightangry2:
  4. I keep going until thoughts of suicide fill my head :ajsleepy:

I had an episode like that just yesterday and ended up researching methods again, and thinking about it. But, after watching some weird shit online for a few hours, it went away. I don't know if that's your experience too, but if so, then you may try positivity or negativity overload:

  • Start with some animal videos, preferably something heartwarming like, how people save trapped animals. Knowing that there are good people out there, always brightens my mood.
  • If that doesn't help then, for me at least, the alternative is the exact opposite - nasty gruesome stuff to overload your brain until it hits 'ah, fuck it, this is boring...'

When yesterday's crisis hit, the good stuff was doing nothing for me. So, I ended up watching... a bunch of videos of real people killing themselves and the (gory) aftermath :twilightblush:.

Yeah, I know how that sounds, and it's not something I recommend to ordinary people, but... After about a 20-30 video of someone jumping from a building, hanging himself or getting his head blasted by a shotgun, my brain simply hit 'meh... boring! Let's change the channel!' And the dark thoughts were gone.

I definitely recommend the 'positivity overload' first, because it usually works. Plus... there is a chance I may just be fucked in the head, and that's why these videos work on me :twilightsheepish:. Then again, maybe not, maybe when our brains think dark thoughts, feeding it with them until it has enough is the way to go...

All I know is that it works for me, if you're seeing a specialist, you may want to ask him.

You may want to post this stuff on:


That group has pretty much a similar purpose, but it's more alive than this one (trice the number of users, plus active mods). Just a thought :unsuresweetie:

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