The Mailbox (and related stories) 208 members · 2 stories
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June 24th

Dear Rainbow Dash,

What are you, crazy?!

Of all the featherbrained ponies, trying to fly through a desert with no water... At least you made it to Las Pegasus. You suppose that’s why they put that city in the middle of a desert, because they knew that some pegasi were gonna be fool enough to need someplace to land to keep from dying?

Also, I reckon that the reason the place is a desert has to do with there being no clouds. Putting clouds in the desert would kinda make it not a desert.

And I hope in getting that world on your string, you remember you got classes to teach. But then, I know you do, sugarcube. You’d never let a pony down.

Wish I could say the same for this good for nothing pony I’m training to manage this here farm. Yesterday I met him, my uncle’s nephew OJ, laying next to a swimming pool because it was “too nice to work.” You know me, Dash, you can imagine how that one went over.

So by today I’d cooled down some, and I dragged him out to do some pruning with me and the rest of the farmhooves... I wonder if Rarity’s ever thought of orange farming, because she’d do a better job of it than this colt.

I never seen a pony work so slow. Me and the other workers could get a row done in the time it took him to clear a tree. He was trying to shake it with his forehooves, so I tried to show him how to buck the tree so it all comes down. He just kinda looked at me, then soon as I was working again I saw him using his forehooves.

But, I just wrote to Pinkie, and I’m thinking maybe I’m going about this wrong. Maybe if I try being a little more cheerful, he’ll come around?

Or maybe I’m gonna need you to bail me out of the dungeon when they haul me away for bucking a pony in the face. I guess we’ll find out in these next few weeks.

And all that’s on top of the gators. I ain’t talking about Gummy here. I’m talking about big old gators, and they got teeth, too. And do they live in the forest or something? Course not! We got one living in a lake right here on the farm. I saw him this morning, just laying there and watching me. I gotta figure out how to make sure he knows that he ain’t getting a bite of this Apple.

You know, on my day off, getting the hay away from this place don’t sound that bad. Maybe I will head to the beach and learn to surf.

Put a bit on red for me. But if you start writing me for money, you ain’t getting a cent.

Your friend,

Group Admin

June 26

Dear Rainbow Dash,

First, if I ever sell Sweet Apple Acres, that’s the day you hogtie me and leave me for the timber wolves, if Mac ain’t already done me the mercy.

Next, I’m seeing a few problems with your checklist there. Namely, you lost your everloving mind.

Surfing I can do. I ain’t as keen on wrestling gators, though. I’m kinda used to having all four of my hooves. But know what? You’re welcome to come down here anytime and give it a go! You got two extra limbs anyway, so I’ll give you a head start.

Causing a stampede at the beach ain’t my idea of a good time, neither. I don’t need to spend my day off wrangling panicky ponies.

As to the last one... I don’t get lucky, sugarcube, I make other ponies lucky. And if I decide to make a pony lucky, it’ll be for a darn better reason than she forgot to learn to swim.

Now, for the less crazy part of your letter, I’m glad to hear the foals like you, even if the job’s a pain. I’m sure you’ll find a way to whip them into shape and still play by the rules. Know what, never mind that part. Just don’t get in too much trouble. Of course, I reckon a lotta great country songs have been written sitting in a Las Pegasus jail...

Least you know a pony to bail you out. Booster, huh? I didn’t know you were into sta ponies like that. Sounds like a nice fella, if you’re into that sorta thing, maybe you’ll be the one getting lucky.

Anyhow, I guess I don’t really feel like writing more about my day, but tomorrow I’m gonna try surfing. That oughta be fun, I mean, I figure if I can ride a bull I oughta be able to stand on a plank, right? I bet I get a wave my first try! Of course, any times I fall off don’t count (I learned that one from this pegasus I know.)

To be honest, just having a day to have fun will be nice. I’ve only been to the ocean a time or two in my life, so it’s kinda more exciting than just relaxing around the farm or laying by a lake. I reckon I’ll leave my hat at home, wouldn’t wanna lose it when I’m surfing. I bet I have a load of freckles by the time you see me!

Writing you made me feel better, Dash. Things might not be going so great, but getting to mess around some, even if it’s just writing, really took a load off. I’ll write you again real soon, and let you know how the surfing went.

Maybe I’ll write this Booster fella too, and let him know about that sad case of crazy you find yourself with from time to time...

Your friend,

Group Admin

June 27th

Dear Rainbow Dash,

You’re right about the gator, as far as you thought. I could take a gator, probably. So could you. We’re tough as horseshoes, both of us.

The difference is that those things you said, Discord and changelings and the like, we had to fight them. They were trying to hurt us, they were trying to hurt our friends... I can promise you, if that gator went after a pony I’d stomp his tail to Tartarus.

And if I lost a hoof protecting a pony, you better believe I’d be proud of it. Something like that is just a badge that shows the world you’re a pony who’ll do whatever it takes for what’s right. But risking getting hurt to show how brave you are ain’t the same thing at all. What’s important is why you’re brave, not that you are.

That’s what makes this thing so hard. The gator’s just sitting there. It’s like when we were having dinner with Discord-- you feel like a pony oughta do something, but if you start something and get your tail handed to you, you’re gonna feel right stupid because you started it.

So, if you think I gotta wrestle a gator to prove to somepony that I’m tough or brave... you’re crazy, sugarcube. Once you're brave as we are, you save it for what counts.

That’s a no on the gator wrestling, by the way.

Now, it’s only fair to give you credit, surfing was a great idea. Mostly. We’ll get to that.

So, I walked down the town, then through town to the beach. This town is fancy, Dash. Think Canterlot on vacation. Think lots of unicorns in hats and sunglasses, and lots of shops that sell hat and sunglasses. And them sunglasses ain’t cheap, neither. I looked at one of those shops, and they wanted 100 bits for a pair! They said they were Neighbands or something. I told them I ain’t spending 100 bits on nothing that can’t plow a field, and the fella just looked kind of snooty at me. So, I don’t got sunglasses.

But I did make my way to the beach, and things were better there. There were a whole lot of friendly ponies having fun, so I found a group learning to surf.

This pegasus was teaching us, named Windrush. She said she took up surfing when she hurt her wing a while back, and she said surfing is easier when you don’t use wings. Apparently, with all the ocean winds, wings’ll start pulling you off balance and a pegasus will end up flying and losing their board, which ain’t as much fun. I know the pegasi in my group sure had a hard time keeping their wings tucked in when they started losing their balance.

I’ll admit, I spent my share of the time in the water instead of on the surfboard. Once you stand up it ain’t that hard, but getting to your hooves is kinda a trick. But by the end of the day, I was catching some waves, and it’s awful fun. We oughta get to a beach together sometime, so I can show you how. (I'll tie up your wings so you learn right.)

After a while I made my way outta the water, and took out my ribbons to let my mane and tail dry out. Suddenly, there were three stallions right there asking to carry my surfboard, and if I wanted a soda or lunch or something. I didn’t know quite what to say, it was awful sweet, they really made me think of Winona when she wants to play. But they were barking up the wrong tree, of course. You can say what you like about personality, but for me that awesome personality better be attached to nice little mare. So of course I thanked them, but carried my board myself.

I did a little more surfing that afternoon, and wrapped up around dinner time. I figured I’d find a place in town to get a bite. I wandered around for a while, there were lots of cafes and restaurants, but no place that seemed... friendly. I realized I was looking for someplace that looked like Ponyville, and I started getting real homesick. It reminded me of being in Manehattan when I was a filly.

Things were a little better when I got back to the farm. At least there I know what I’m doing, and I don’t feel so out of place with the farmhooves (most of them.) Maybe I oughta find out where they go on their days off, it’s probably more my kind of place... well, as much as anyplace outside of Ponyville could be.

It’s late. I gotta get to bed. Write back soon.

Your friend,

PS: You better write back to Pinkie before the pony has a heart attack. You know how she is about letters.

Group Admin

July 3rd

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Call girls are the cleanest ponies in town, huh? I didn’t know you were that hard up, or I woulda sent a picture of me coming up from surfing to help you out. That’s the difference between you and me, sugarcube. You need hundred bit sunglasses to look awesome, I just gotta pull out some ribbons.

Of course, I’m talking about other ponies there. I always thought you looked plenty good, and I never knew how much your sunglasses cost. Must be nice to have that kind cash laying around, a lotta ponies got families to support, or are stuck slaving away like them ponies in that city you’re in. I always figured you could show a pony how to be awesome without a hundred bits to spend on silly stuff... maybe you oughta think on it? It might be nice to set an example, while you’re there. I got faith that there’s more to you being awesome than some overpriced plastic. But what do I know about being awesome?

On the subject of me not being awesome, it turns out that on top of saving Equestria from beings of evil and chaos, turning unicorns into Princesses, and generally saving your tail every few weeks, that “totally uncool” power of friendship did take care of my little gator problem (with help from a song Pinkie sent.) Of course, this means I’m stuck with a friend who happens to be a great big gator with a mouth full of sharp teeth... I can see how you’d think I was kinda a wimp if I came strolling up with old Toothy next to me, but try not to be too embarrassed.

I’m real glad you’re gonna try boxing. As much as I’d love to give it a go in the ring with you, you and Mac is a fight I’d pay to see. He did a bit of boxing back in school, and I gotta say that “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” stuff don’t work so good against a freight train. Once we see how that turns out, you can try it with a pony in your own weight class.

Dash, all kidding aside, I’m kinda worried about you. I think something’s bothering you. You’re awful antsy these days, picking at me and Twilight, trying to toss me into all manner of things, not to mention that you seem to be thinking an awful lot about what me and Twilight need beneath our tails... you’re trying not to talk about something. What is it, Dash? I’m your best friend, even if we pick at each other. Pinkie helped me take care of one of my problems ‘cause I told her all about it. Maybe I can help you.

Well, either way a visit from Twilight oughta do you good, even if you’re getting up to foolishness. Personally, I’d rather spend time enjoying having a friend around, since we ain’t seen each other in so long, but if you wanna play a prank I guess that’s up to you.

I’m glad you’re doing good on teaching those kids. I bet they’re gonna look up to you like Scootaloo does, by the time you’re done. You know Apple Bloom wrote me that Scootaloo’s been trying to save up bits to come and visit you? She’s making deliveries for the Cakes on her scooter, and made 7 bits so far this summer. I doubt she’s gonna make it to Las Pegasus at that rate, but I think it’s sweet that she’s trying, and there’s worse things for a girl to do than save some money.

Anyhow, I’m writing this on the beach between surfing, and the waves been calling my name long enough. I’ll drop this in the mailbox on my way home. You take care, sugarcube.

Your friend,

Group Admin

(OOC: Sent with a box of a dozen fresh oranges from Sunny Grove Farm.)

July 6th.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Why are you spending so much on food? You can let me know when you write back, and for now here’s a box of oranges to hold you over. Let me know if you need more, and I’ll write for Mac to send you some apples and vegetables from the farm right away. You know no friend of mine is gonna go hungry. If there’s one thing I can do for a pony, it’s feed them. Don’t worry about the shipping, you can give me a hoof around the farm sometime when we get home.

And, if you say you’re okay, I guess I’ll just let it go. I still don’t understand why my and Twilight’s private lives are suddenly fascinating to you, but I reckon it ain’t hurting nopony.

I guess I understand about missing ponies. It makes me sad, y’all not being around, and real nervous too. I like to be there for ponies... not up in their business, usually, but knowing that if they need me, I’m there. You could look at it like a cowpony riding herd, but my herd is Ponyville, and my family and friends. Now I just get a letter and wonder if y’all really need me, but I can’t see it in the words. So I reckon you gotta put up with me worrying for a few months more.

Now, let’s have a bit of turnabout here. I heard from Braeburn, and I mentioned you were out west there. He says there’s a place the buffalo talk about, not far from Las Pegasus. It’s a canyon, like Ghastly Gorge, but a hundred times the size, and there’re all these passages cut in the ground. The buffalo say it’s a sight to see, and a real neat hike. I bet it’s even more awesome from the air. I thought you might wanna check it out one day.

But take some water this time, just to save a friend some worry?

I did some more surfing the other day, and it was a great time. Watching all that water crashing around you while you’re speeding through it... that’ll get your heart thumping, and no mistake. I do have those extra freckles, though, they’re sprinkled across my muzzle where my hat usually keeps the sun off. My mane’s a mess, too, Rarity would pitch a fit if she could see it, but I think you’d call it awesome... the sun’s got it streaked with lighter blond and the salt and wind is making the ends kinda spikey. I got a feeling next time I see her, I’m getting dragged to the spa whether I want it or not, so let’s hope I see you first. Even better, I’ll get Windrush to snap a few pictures of me on my board. I’ll send ‘em next time.

And of course I had a crush like that. One of the weather ponies in town, back when I was a filly. She’s the one who taught me to lasso, you know, she used to move the clouds with a rope. I wanted to be just like her, and anytime she was working over the farm I’d trot along under her like a shadow. I was heartbroken when she left town... but I’ll always have the things she taught me. You teach those foals good, Dash.

Anyhow, I can’t wait to hear about that canyon, and don’t forget to tell me about this food problem you're having. I wanna do what I can for you.

Your friend,

PS: I heard from Rarity right after I got here, but not much since. I'm thinking I'll write her again soon.

Group Admin

July 11th

(OOC: In an envelope addressed to Rainbow Dash)

Dear Twilight,

I ain’t a bit drunk. Not a little. I had about... a lot of drinks tonight, but I still feel fiiine. I set aside some time to write you and Dash tonight, and even if I went out with the farmhooves and had a real good time, I still got time to get some letters to my friends.

So, I read your song again just now, and I started crying. Twilight, I miss you so much. I think I miss you more than the other girls. I just wanna take care of you, sugarcube, and I want you to make things make sense for me, and I wanna hug you. Boy, do I wanna hug you a lot. And I wanna nuzzle you, too. Your mane feels nice when I nuzzle you, all smooth and it smells all clean like nice soap. And your whole body’s all soft and curvy, specially those hips...

I like you, Twilight. See, I wrote it and I ain’t even drunk. And now you can read it and know that I ain’t drunk and I really like you, not like some other ponies who don’t like you as much as they let on ‘cause they just can’t see you’re a smart, amazing pony who deserves everything a pony can give and they can’t even think of really giving that to a pony. So that’s what’s wrong with that.

But that ain’t what I’m talking about. I’m talking about you, Twilight. You’re so smart and foolish, and I reckon I love that cause I’m kinda smart and foolish too. Like here I am probably drunk off my tail, writing a letter to a princess and telling her all I think of her, like that’s something she don’t know. But I read your letter and I can’t help it. I’m smart enough to know the best pony in the world when I see her, but dumb enough to send this.

Please write back, Twilight. You can tell me you don’t feel the same. Of course, I’d kinda rather you did feel the same. But I reckon I’m smart enough to know this is a long shot, and if that’s how I’m thinking in this state, there’s no way I could say all this sober.

Your fr

Group Admin

July 11th

Dear Dash,

I didn’t mean that

Don’t pay no mind

I’m sorry, Dash. That letter was

I was real, real drunk when I sent that letter. That ain’t what I meant to say.

Your friend,

Group Admin

July 11th

Dear Rainbow Dash,

If you never read this, I understand. If you never write back, I understand that too. But there’s a few last things I gotta say.

I’m sorry, Dash. I acted a right fool. I was good and drunk, and I read the last letters I had from you and Twilight, and I thought I saw it all right there in front of me, everything that’s been bothering me: I liked Twilight and she liked you and you weren’t treating her right. Everything made sense, the whole story added up.

The truth is, I was wrong. It didn’t add up, and I knew that in the morning the same way I knew it the morning before. That’s why I never told you before, because it wasn’t right.

For one thing, I don’t know how I feel about Twilight. I like her, she makes me feel... sure. I like things that made me feel sure, I always have. I left Manehattan as a filly, ‘cause I never did feel sure there. My farm, my family, and my friends... those are the things I know. But whatever I ain’t sure of, Twilight is.

But, how do I know that’s love? Twilight.. she’s a princess. I reckon I’d feel sure hanging around Princess Celestia too, but I don’t think I’m in love with her. Then there’s the matter of this coming up when I’m all the way across Equestria. I mean, we both know Twilight ain’t perfect, but it’s a lot easier to deal with panicky Twilight when you’re writing a letter than when she’s darting all over the library like a greased pig.

I ain’t saying I don’t like Twilight, or that I do. I’m just trying to explain why I never said nothing. I don’t know. But all that liquor made me forget I don’t know, it made me forget all those reasons I’ve been trying to work out, so I sent Twilight that letter. Or, I tried to.

Then, on top of all that, my best friend was flirting with her. I know you said it was a joke, but everything you been saying to me’s had a nudge and a wink, and I been trying to figure where you stood. If Twilight’s been making me feel sure, talking to you’s been the opposite. I never know what’s the joke and what ain’t, I can’t figure if you’re laughing with me or at me. And I can’t figure when you’re getting into trouble or just having fun.

Then, last night, I was sure all of a sudden. Sure you’d been laughing at Twilight, and thinking I thought it was funny too. So, I just wrote you that letter. I was wrong, Dash. I know that now. I still don’t know how to feel about what you were talking about, but I know I got it wrong.

But I swear, on the Elements of Harmony, that I did not mix up them letters on purpose. It’s the second most embarrassing thing that’s happened in my life. The first is that I wrote them.

So, that’s that. I’m sorry. I was wrong, and foolish. While I don’t know that all the things you called me are true, you sure got a right to be angry enough to say ‘em. And you got a right to never write back to me.

Your friend,

Group Admin

July 12th

Dear Rainbow Dash,

I dunno how much of that you’re gonna wish you hadn’t said when you sober up, so say the word and I never saw any of it.

But, I sure am glad you wrote me. You don’t gotta apologize, just so you’ll take mine.

I didn’t even know how scared I was that you wouldn’t write back, until I saw your letter. I was walking around all last night, slamming doors and telling myself that if you never talked to me again, that was just what I deserved. And maybe it is what I deserve, and maybe when you sober up, you’ll realize that. But for right now, I’m just grateful.

I ain’t gonna mention much about your letter, in case you’re regretting it already, but I will tell ya’ some things.

I do have my shit together, Dash. I had it together since I was ‘bout ten years old. I had a choice, I could keep it together or watch my world fall apart. There’s never been a pony to pick up after me, who I could whine at that I wanted to sleep in today, or who’d tell me a hundred times to do a chore. I never even had a curfew. What I had was a farm, and a little baby foal, and a town full of ponies who always looked to Sweet Apple Acres first. It was a heavy load for some small shoulders, but I took it on, and for years there wasn’t room for me trip or fall.

I never told nopony this before, but I don’t know that I made the right choice. Maybe we shoulda sent Apple Bloom to stay with the Seeds. They offered to take her, ya’ know. Didn’t think me and Mac and Granny could do it. And Red Delicious and his family said they’d buy Sweet Apple Acres. They said we could stay there, then when me and Mac were old enough we’d have all that money to start our own farms. I can’t imagine life without my family on Sweet Apple Acres, but maybe...

I seen you crash, sugarcube. A lot. And I don’t just mean flying. But I seen you get back up too. You let it roll off your back, and you pop back up bright and ready to start again. I wish I knew how to crash like you. Seems like I don’t fall down often, but when I do I can’t figure how to get back up. Even now, where Apple Bloom is older, and I got you girls to help me, I can’t help feeling like the only way I can keep it all together is to not let myself mess up. I’m a coward, Dash, you were right all along. I just can’t let anypony know it, or they’ll take everything away from me.

I wish you could teach me to crash.

Can I tell you a secret? I used to say I wished I was there, when my folks passed on, cause I woulda done this or that to save ‘em. I used to tell Mac that, every time I thought about them. Then, as I got older, I realized there was nothing I coulda done to save them, being a filly and all, and I stopped wishing I woulda been there. The idea of seeing my folks one last time, of getting to really say goodbye, wasn’t worth it if it meant I woulda failed at something that important. Better I was far away, where I couldn’t blame myself. What kind of pony does that make me, Dash?

I know you probably didn’t mean to send that letter, sugarcube. But I shoulda sent this one, or told you myself, a long time ago. But I’m telling you now, and I’m stone sober: I’m jealous of you, Rainbow Dash. You know how to live a way I’m scared to try.

Your friend,

Group Admin

July 13th

Dear Dash,

First, please don’t go on like all that. I mean, I never do mind hearing “job well done,” but I don’t reckon I ever raised the sun or moon.

Anyhow, hearing about that foal makes me awful happy. I mean, earth ponies don’t really have nothing like that, but I know how important it can be for a pegasus. And I gotta say, you say he did it all on his own, but I don’t think you give yourself enough credit there.

You know, I get on you sometimes for how puffed up you can act, but... it’s special. Maybe I can do some good for ponies, but there’s something about you that catches a pony’s eye and makes them wanna do good for themselves. I’ve seen how you lead the weather team, and goodness knows I’ve listened to Scootaloo run on. I’ve even felt it myself, sugarcube. That might be why we got up to all that foolishness in the running of the leaves, you even make me wanna push myself extra when there’s nothing left to push. I guess it can lead to trouble from time to time, but that same thing inside of you can make a pony aim for the moon. You’re a special pony, Rainbow Dash, and I bet Beesting sees some of that himself.

And something like that belongs where everypony can see it. You said you’re thinking about not going out for The Wonderbolts, but I think that’d be a shame. I see where you’re coming from, believe me, I’m a pony who’s spent her whole life in one place. I don’t know that I could float around like you do. But the Wonderbolts ain’t just floating, Dash, it’s doing something important. It’s helping Equestria, and giving a hundred thousand little fillies and colts like Scootaloo and Beesting a pony they can look up to. I can’t think of a better pony for that job, and it’d be a waste if you never got that chance.

And as for someplace to call home...I can promise you that no matter how far away you go, Sweet Apple Acres is staying in the same spot, and anytime you need it you can call it home. It’s still my home, even if I’m halfway across Equestria right now, so I reckon you can think the same way. I figure it’s only right, since all my apple trees got your flank worn into the branches (and I wouldn’t have it any other way.)

I can’t wait to see you and Twilight again, but I gotta admit, I’m real scared. I think I got things messed up bad, worse than you guys know. I mean, I did in a dream, but when I’m supposed to be figuring stuff out, and I can’t stop thinking about it... oh hay, I dunno. You said to talk to you when I’m feeling weak, and I reckon I’m gonna drive myself crazy if I don’t talk to somepony.

I had this dream. I was waiting on Twilight at a train station, and we were gonna talk about how we felt, and try and get that worked out. And while I was waiting on her, this other pony, a pony I know, came up and started doing things to me. Good things! But, things a pony hadn’t oughta do in a train station with other ponies around (if ya’ catch my meaning.) And I knew I was messing things up with Twilight, and I knew I was being foolish and ruining my reputation, but that pony made me not care about anything... and I liked it. I liked it a lot.

I dunno what this means, Dash. Here I darn near bit your head off cause I was thinking you were messing with Twilight’s feelings, and I’m dreaming about the same thing. I know I ain’t that kinda pony, but it felt so good, and every time I think of the other pony, I can’t help thinking about the dream. Does this mean I really want this other pony more than Twilight? Or, does being wrong really feel that good, that I’m dreaming of being a bad pony at night?

I know it’s just a dream, but it worries me... I don’t wanna hurt anypony, but sweet Celestia I wanna feel that good. That’s such an a low-down thing to say! Why am I thinking like this?

And of course, now I gotta sit down and talk to Twilight and... well, before this dream, I woulda loved the chance. Now I don’t even know what to say. Twilight is such a special pony, but I can’t work out how I feel without figuring on this other pony, and I can’t tell Twilight that. Or maybe I oughta.

I’m so confused and the only thing I know is I never been so excited and scared in my life as I am about seeing you girls.

You know, all this mess is making things here on the farm seem right sunny. Actually, I think I forgot to mention it in all this mess, I figured out what’s wrong with OJ. Now I just gotta work out how to fix it.

See, I think I mentioned I was in a bad mood when I thought you might not be talking to me, so I decided to bake myself a cake. I made a orange spice cake, and OJ came out of his room ‘round the time I was talking it outta the oven. I offered him some (cause it’s one thing to eat a whole darn cake yourself, but if another pony knows that’s what you meant to do that’s just kinda sad.) and I sat and ate a slice with him, and he asked me what’s wrong.

I told him I was having a fight with a friend, cause I did something stupid. Then he told me about how he’s been fighting with his friend. Seems that his cutie mark is in cooking, and him and a friend were gonna open a restaurant in Manehattan together. Then this came up, and he tried to convince his friend to come to Palomino Beach with him, but the friend wouldn’t come. They had a big fight, and they ain’t been speaking, and I think OJ kinda blames the whole farm for it.

I gotta admit, this is a tough one. Should I try and make things right with his friend, or try and show him the farm ain’t so bad in case his friend never comes around? I know I gotta get him cooking again, so I asked him to show me how to do an orange glaze for some squash tomorrow... I reckon I could figure it out, but this way he’ll be using his special talent and that oughta cheer him up some.

Boy, I think I been writing forever. I lost track of time, and now I gotta get out to the groves double-time, but you know I don’t regret it for a second. I’ll be writing back to Twilight this evening, just hoping I don’t put my hoof in my mouth for right now. And I’ll be looking forward to hearing back from you.

Your friend,

Group Admin

July 29th

Dear Dash,

I been catching up on letters all evening, and finally I got to yours. I’m so glad you’re happy sugarcube. I guess I’m finally getting used to that. But if it makes you feel this good, I reckon it’s for the best after all.

As for me, I just gotta get down on my knees and kiss your hooves, thanking you for that sonic rainboom.

My Aunt and Uncle Orange are in town. Have been since I got back from Las Pegasus. And of course they drag me to all their fancy parties, ‘cause I’m their niece, and I’m a “close, personal friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle.” Sometimes I think it’s more the second than the first, being as they say it every single time I meet a pony...

Aunt Orange: Have you met our dear Applejack? She’s a close, personal friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Fancy pony: Pleased to meet you, Applejack. So you’re friends with our dear young princess?

Me: Yup! Just had my muzzle under her tail last week.

Okay, so I don’t say that last part. But I think it every darn time. And I think of Twilight, of course, and how lucky we are. She’s a real live princess, Dash. These other ponies act like she’s Princess Luna or something. But she’s dating us.

Of course I think of you, too. More and more every day. Dash, wearing fancy dresses and going to boring parties... you know this ain’t me. And every time Aunt Orange tells me ‘bout another one, I wanna tell her I’m not going. But... she’s family. I gotta do it for my family. Sweet Celestia, I hope they leave soon, or I’m gonna--

I don’t even know what I’d do. Tell her I ain’t going? Tell her to go to hell? Tell her how much I really hate it all? She’s family, and I’d do anything for my family. I can’t let them down.

So anyhow, never mind all that, except to say you cross my mind all the time. Sometimes it feels like if you ain’t there, Twilight is (or the both of you together if I’m real lucky.) I think about how you can just say whatever you think and ponies just accept it. I wish I could borrow that for a bit, I feel like I could use it now. I think about how Twilight can just find something interesting in everything she does. I think about how both of you are so much fun together, like a couple of school foals teasing and flirting, and how much I'd love to have you both with me.

I miss you, Dash. An awful lot.


PS: Wouldn’t you know, all this stuff with you and Twilight and my aunt and uncle almost made me forget something real important!

Okay, so I found out a while ago that the area around Palomino Beach has this deal with the weather factory... they get warm weather all year round (they never even do winter at all!) and in exchange they gotta take all the overstuffed or overcharged storm clouds. We had some real bad storms already, and the ponies here say it can get worse the closer we get to fall. Thunderstorms with winds strong enough to knock down houses, and flood the whole place!

Can that happen with overstuffed storm clouds? Is there anything I should do to get ready? They’re already talking about these coming up.

Love again, AJ

Group Admin

August 18th

Dear Dash,

Whoo boy, I’m gonna try and get this written before I go and pass out. You know those storms you said we shouldn’t be getting? We got our first one. Tore up a good quarter of the groves. It was a sight to see, and these past two weeks I been cleaning up after it. But I’m gonna get all my writing done tonight if it kills me.

First, I told you before and I’ll keep telling you: You always got a place to live and work you can do on Sweet Apple Acres. Any of my friends do, really, but you especially now. I’ll work things out with the folks, and so long as you make yourself useful you can stay.

Speaking of that, are you a little too impulsive for your own good? Do apples grow on trees?

Of course you’re too impulsive, sugarcube. But you always manage to come out right in the end. This is a big job you took on, but you can do it. Being a teacher ain’t that different from being an entertainer, you just got a smaller audience, and the things you say and do actually matter. You’re the best teacher those foals could ask for ‘cause they pay attention to you, so if you’re telling them how to do things right they’re really gonna learn it.

As to Twilight being a princess, it ain’t that she’s a princess. It’s that she’s a pony so amazing that the whole universe decided to see it and make her a princess so everypony in the world would know it. She was just as amazing before, and I’d be just as worried about doing right for her, cause there’s just something about her that makes me need to.

I think it’s ‘cause she’s different, to be honest. I mean, I grew up with ponies not that different from you and the other girls. Me and Rarity were in school together from when I can remember, so that’s how I figured ponies from Canterlot must act, and nothing I saw in Manhattan as a foal made me think different. But then Twilight Sparkle shows up, so nice and smart and just special. She’s different, she deserves everything both of us got. That includes, but ain’t limited to, in the sack.

You, on the other hoof, you might not always deserve it but you go and make me wanna give it anyway. Something about you makes me crazy, it sneaks in my mind so I’m always thinking about you, for good and bad. Sometimes it gets on my nerves, cause I was trying to think about helping OJ set up an pastry cart by the beach and end up thinking about how you’d look out there on a surfboard, and how much fun we’d have, and what we could do on a beach after... I know you probably can’t see where this is a problem. But I like to keep my head together.

For me, I reckon I do my best. I ain’t done much heroic, just take care of my family and friends, but there are worse things to be proud of, I suppose. And I am proud of it, no mistake. But it just seems normal to me, like it’s what everypony does. Or what they oughta do, anyway.

Finally, I mentioned it before, but I think I finally got things straight with OJ. He’s got himself a pastry cart, and suddenly he’s real interested in how the orange groves are doing. This might just work out.

This summer ain’t coming out so bad after all.


Group Admin

August 23rd

Dear Dash,

I love you too.

I could say the same to Twilight, and it’s just so easy. Like saying it to my family, just a fact I don’t gotta think about, something that’s true, and normal… but this ain’t supposed to be how it is, right? It’s supposed to be one pony I love like this. Course, nopony ever told me why that is. And no matter the reason, there’s not much I can do about it now.

This is what I was trying to say in them letters about crashing, I ain’t good at this. I’m good at knowing what I’m supposed to do and getting it done. Find a pony to fall in love with, and treat her right, that’s what I was supposed to do. I’ll admit, I think for a while now I’d hoped that pony would be Twilight someday.

Then I got that letter where you were drunk, after thinking I’d never hear from you again. And I had that dream I told you about (it sounds like Princess Luna mighta told you a bit more about it…) and I figured out how much I wanted needed you. I could never tell Twilight how much I wanna be able to do things I’m not supposed to do. Not really, at least, even if I can kinda explain it, I can’t make her see. She’s the thing I’m supposed to do, a special pony I wanna take care of, and I want that with all my heart, like my farm and my family. I don’t want her to think for a minute that I might let her down.

But you gotta understand how much I need you. What I found out from all this is there’s too much I ain’t supposed to do, or want, or be. And… (now this part is hard to write) it makes me feel weak and scared when I want those things. When I get scared, I get dumb, and I can’t afford to be scared or dumb if I got ponies to take care of. So, I reckon I need you to help me do the things I ain’t supposed to do, so they turn out alright and I don’t gotta be scared of them. And that starts with loving both of you girls.

I couldn’t do something like this without you, Dash. All those things telling me I ain’t allowed to love two ponies would scare me too much, and I’d rip myself apart to make it feel right and make myself be how everypony expects me to be, how I expect me to be. You’re holding me together in this, you’re what makes this okay for me to do. I love you, and I need you.

Well, I reckon that’s about as honest as I can be ‘bout that. I trust you, just keep me safe.

I wish I coulda been with you girls the other day in Las Pegasus. I reckon I’m glad you were thinking about me, I know I think about the two of you every darn day. But it’s nice to know that even when I can’t be there, you got each other to love.

Now, as to Fluttershy and Rarity, well, there are things I ain’t at liberty to divulge, but let’s just say that those two both put their hooves in it. I can’t rightly blame Rarity, me and her musta fell off the same tree. And I guess I ain’t the only pony who gets dumb when she gets scared. But when we get back to Ponyville, if this thing ain’t worked out by then, those two are gonna sit down and have a talk if I have to hogtie them both until they’re straight with each other. I reckon we can’t blame them two for how they feel any more than we can blame ourselves, so we just gotta be there for them both, but I’ll be darned if I’m gonna let them act like fools to one another.

I guess everything’s gonna be a mite strange when we get home. But we’ll get by, and everypony will come out the happier for really knowing the truth. That goes for me and you and Twilight as much as for Fluttershy and Rarity. It might be scary, but it’s a darn sight better this way.

I love you, sugarcube.


Group Admin


Dear Dash and Twilight,

I’m sending this to both you girls, because I figure it’s kind of important.

I’m headed home. This weekend, just in time for cider season.

But what home is, now that keeps on changing on me. I suppose you’d think that living all my life in the same place would mean home is always the same place, but it ain’t. Thinking on the home I’m going to now, well, it ain’t even the same home I left from at the beginning of the summer, let alone the one I grew up in. It might be the same houses and shops, the same trees on the farm, even mostly the same ponies. But none of that makes it the same place.

When I was born, it was my folks, and Mac, and Granny. My whole world was Sweet Apple Acres, then Ponyville when I was a bit bigger, and it was mostly good. There were foals at school I butted heads with, and chores that needed doing, but plenty of time to play and I always had Mac around to play with. When I was little, that’s what I thought my home was, and I never thought it could change, until Ma told me I was getting a little sister.

Then Apple Bloom was born… the whole farm just about lit up. I guess neither of y’all know it, but there’s nothing like having a baby foal around to change everything. Ma and Pa were were happy, and so sweet with the baby. There was a lot of work, and sometimes she was a fussy little thing, but it was worth it when she took her first steps, and started learning words, and followed me and Mac all over like a kitten.

I’m glad Apple Bloom came when she did. Those last years with my folks… I couldn’t have asked for better ones. The very last thing I remember of my folks was them leaving, and Pa found that Apple Bloom hid cookies all in their bags, for “snats,” she said. We had to take every darn thing out and shake it out, then put it all back in, but we were laughing the whole time. It took about ten extra minutes I guess, but… I never thought then that ten minutes would mean so much to me now.

Y’all will have to pardon my messy writing just there.

After that, home was different again. The farm was dark, as much as we all loved each other, we knew we were hurtin’. On top of that, there was all that work that needed doing, and back then it felt like it never ended. I stepped up and did what I had to, but it wasn’t the life I’d been used to, and it took a while, and me and Mac growing up, to get to what y’all saw when you came to town.

But at the same time, ponies around town were real nice to me, and all Ponyville was my home. One little filly who I’d been having some troubles with was even good enough to drop all that and start over as friends. It took a good pony to be just a foal, and see how rough my life was right then, and try to make it a little easier by saying sorry. I’ll always owe Rarity for that.

From there, well, the farm got better as Apple Bloom got bigger, and me and Mac could get stuff done with less trouble. And of course in town I met Pinkie, and Fluttershy, and Dash. Over time I thought everything was pretty good. I loved my home, my farm and town both, and all the ponies in it.

Then everything changed again when you came to town, Twilight. My life has been better than ever, having the best friends a pony could ask for, going on adventures. You and the girls have helped me step up to take care of my home in ways I never thought I could, and taught me when it’s better for everypony if I take care of me first. It’s been hard, don’t get me wrong, but it’s a life I never thought I’d trade for anything.

But I reckon I traded it, there in Las Pegasus. I traded it for a life with two ponies I love, and whatever comes with that. I don’t know what that is just yet, but it’s gonna be different. The Ponyville I’m coming home to ain’t the place I left. But, for this time at least, I can’t wait to see what it is. I can’t wait to have two more ponies I can love with all my heart, to see y’all in town and know I can walk right over and get a kiss, to have all the more reason to make you both proud.

So, like I said, I’m coming home soon, and I can’t wait to get there. I reckon it ain’t getting back, it’s going forward, but I can’t help thinking I’m going someplace even more special than before.

I love ya both, and I’ll see ya’ soon.


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