CMC Romance 266 members · 204 stories
Comments ( 3 )
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Group Admin

Hello! Today I will be adressing our group's banner. If anyone can create a 1000 x 250px (px = pixels) banner, it would be greatly appreciated and they can be promoted to group admin if they wish. Post your banners below, or any ideas for artists on the group who have a DeviantArt account. (such as myself, though i'm not very good, to say the least.)

Thank You!
~Jakeman160 :rainbowdetermined2:

Group Admin

That's the basic idea of what it should look like, but with a picture of the CMC somewhere on the picture.
Feel free to post your own ideas and/or banners!

Group Admin

OK. The official banner will be:

I hope you all like it! :twilightsmile:

~ Jakeman160

P.S. I made it myself using

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