Jewish Ponies 56 members · 16 stories
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What're your plans for Purim?

I'm going to wear my Dai-Gurren Flag as a cape to the office Purim party and demand to know who the hell they think I am.

Group Admin

2973147 plans...

In college right now, and still haven't found a good nearby synagogue......:ajsleepy:
I is not a good Jew......:fluttercry:

THAT. Is awesome though.

Reminds me of a guy I know from the Denver zombie crawl. He goes completely shirtless, only with a red cape, and has a flag of the Dai-Gurren brigade. I usually join up with him, and run through the streets dodging zombies yelling, "ROW, ROW, FIGHT THE POWAH!!"/"WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!?!?!!!?!"....... Good times.

2973147 Attending a Purim shpiel that my parents and sister are performing in over spring break.

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