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(These articles were updated in April 2015 by the Anti-Defamation League and I hereby reprint them here.

These articles highlight a report about the topic that can be seen by clicking here.

Iran's Press TV: Broadcasting Anti-Semitism To English-Speaking World

Mike Harris, who has ties to neo-Nazis, presented as an "expert" on Press TV

Press TV, Iran's government-run English-language satellite news network, has emerged as the Iranian government's primary propaganda tool to promote a wide range of pernicious anti-Semitic conspiracy theories in English to a worldwide audience.

Operated by Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB), a significant amount of Press TV programing provides a platform for American anti-Semites, conspiracy theorists and Holocaust deniers, who help amplify the Iranian regime's hateful messages.

The station not only misleadingly presents these hatemongers as serious and credible "experts" or "analysts" on international economic and political issues, but also enables their bigoted perspectives to reach a significant new audience.

Launched in 2007 and based in Tehran, the station is broadcast in North America, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and parts of Africa and Latin America via a number of satellite television providers.

In addition to promoting classic anti-Semitic myths of global Jewish domination, Press TV presents a pervasively negative perspective on Western society, emphasizing what it views as the West's imperialism, faltering economies, lack of justice, political corruption and racial and class divisions.

Its programs, interviews, and articles are available on the network's website and further distributed through social media, including on Facebook and Twitter.

In July 2013, Press TV sought to further expand its viewership by live streaming its content on YouTube. ADL con­tacted YouTube to inform them that the content on Press TV may violate their terms of service, also noting that providing such communication services may be viewed as violating the Iran Sanctions Act. YouTube subsequently disabled Press TV’s ability to live stream their content.

Although YouTube disabled Press TV’s live stream after ADL exposed it, Hispan TV, Press TV’s Spanish-language sister-station, similarly started live streaming its content from the station’s YouTube account, and was subsequently shutdown after YouTube was altered.

The content broadcast on Press TV provides insight into the mindset of the Iranian regime, which not only continues its aggression on the nuclear issue, but also maintains its belligerent position toward Israel, Jews and the West.

This report includes descriptions of the anti-Semitic themes promoted on Press TV as well as information on who appears on Press TV.

Iran’s Press TV Continues To Broadcast Anti-Semitism As “News”

Press TV, Iran’s government-run English-language news net­work, con­tin­ues to pro­vide a plat­form for Amer­i­can anti-Semites to spread hate­ful con­spir­acy the­o­ries, start­ing 2015 with news reports that Jews are behind all that is wrong with the world.

Amer­i­can Anti-Semite Mark Dankof on Press TV in 2015.

Press TV is the Iran­ian government’s pri­mary English-language pro­pa­ganda tool, pro­mot­ing a wide range of per­ni­cious anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­ries as “news” to a world­wide audience.

Oper­ated by Islamic Repub­lic of Iran Broad­cast­ing (IRIB), Press TV serves as a mouth­piece for Amer­i­can anti-Semites, con­spir­acy the­o­rists, and Holo­caust deniers, who help amplify the Iran­ian regime’s hate­ful messages.

Press TV started 2015 with news reports that Jews and/or Israel were behind the attack at the Char­lie Hebdo office in Paris, the cre­ation of ISIS, the 2011 attacks in Nor­way that left 77 peo­ple dead, and the 9/11 ter­ror­ist attacks.

Cre­ation of ISIS: Kevin Bar­rett, an anti-Semitic con­spir­acy the­o­rist and fre­quent Press TV con­trib­u­tor, stated on Jan­u­ary 20, 2015 in a piece titled “Zion­ist NWO mur­ders Iran­ian gen­eral, Amer­i­can film­maker” that “The Zion­ists cre­ated ISIL and sent it to fight Mus­lims and Chris­tians in Syria and Iraq…New World Order Zion­ism is also tar­get­ing the USA for destruction.”
2011 attacks in Nor­way: Bar­rett stated in a Feb­ru­ary 17, 2015 arti­cle titled “9/11 attack was Zion­ist coup d-etat to seize power in US: Scholar” that “…Zion­ist pre-emptive mur­der­ers excel at ‘killing the future’…A team of Zionist-liked pro­fes­sional killers exe­cuted a total of 77 peo­ple, while Zionist-freemasonic assets in the Nor­we­gian police and mil­i­tary stood by.”
9/11 ter­ror­ist attacks: In the same Feb­ru­ary 2015 arti­cle Bar­rett stated that “The Sep­tem­ber 11, 2001 attacks in the United States were a Zion­ist ‘coup d’etat’ to seize power in the coun­try and launch a per­ma­nent war on Islam on behalf of Israel…”

Press TV arti­cles and broad­casts in 2015 also con­tinue to allege that Zion­ists con­trol the media, pol­i­tics, finance, and other sec­tors and sup­pos­edly use this con­trol for nefar­i­ous purposes.

For exam­ple, vir­u­lent anti-Semite and for­mer Klan leader, David Duke stated in a March 19, 2015 arti­cle titled “Zion­ists know war with Iran can upset their apple cart: Ex-US state law­maker” that “These more cun­ning Zion­ist extrem­ists think that war might upset their apple cart, but they are still mov­ing toward the same objec­tive, that is the expan­sion of Israel, the destruc­tion of the Pales­tini­ans, the destruc­tion of the rights of all the nations of the world and a sub­servience to a Zio-globalist econ­omy, the Zio-globalist government.”

For more infor­ma­tion, please see ADL’s full updated report on Press TV (by going back up and clicking on the link).

So Press TV is unfair towards the Jewish people? Even to the point, where it could be called hateful and bigoted? Join the club. Jews aren't the only people who get attacked by the media.

Frankly, if your biggest complaint is some obscure news channel that hardly anyone watches: You've got it good compared to the Americans and Russians!

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