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Are there any movies or TV shows with characters that can accelerate and/or slow down time or something of the sort?

There's a tv site called "the tomorrow people" where the main character has time manipulation abilities

Show, not site

There's a game call quantum break, you play as a character called Jack and he can freeze time in curtain places and can stop time completely, it's not a tv show but it is an idea

It's just that I plan on creating a character with the ability to accelerate and slow down time and I still need a name. For the ability.

A TV series called Heroes had a character that could stop time slow it and travel through it

There is the anime series Steins Gate that tells of brilliant version of f****** with the time stream

There's an anime called Higurashi and spoiler there was a character that when they die respawned in a new timeline that was slightly different

Well, off the top of my head I could say, Hiro Nakamura from the TV series Heroes and Curtis from the TV show Misfits (bear in mind that Curtis could only rewind time yet Hiro could do whatever he wanted with time).

In Starlight chapter book, there is a spell called Mooncurve minutiae that allow one to speed up, slow down, or stop time.

You can try this time manipulation

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