Beings with Super Powers 1,538 members · 1,127 stories
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Site where I keep everything.

What you see there is what I've got down so far. I wouldn't mind some opinions or heads to bounce stuff off of. As far as a plot or story goes ... I don't really have one yet. I know that authors predominately have a message or moral they want to get across and that ends up being what drives the story, but I don't really think that I want to do that. I feel that I want to break the mold because I fell that - even though some would say this is unrealistic - life isn't a moral or message told at every twist and turn, all it is, is events that do not stop popping up,and I think that's what I want to try and convey.

So, unnecessary paragraph aside ... any ideas?

It's okay not to have a guiding moral in a story you just have to have a conflict. Whatever that conflict maybe that is up to you. The most common ones are Man versus man and
man versus self.

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