Beings with Super Powers 1,536 members · 1,126 stories
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I plan on writing a character who can transform into a gecko or gecko-hybrid. His powers would obviously be sticking to any surface, hightened sense of smell with his ultra-long, sticky tongue, superhuman strengh, speed and agility and of course a healing factor.

But I'm having trouble with the last part. I keep on imagining him in situations where Deadpool or Wolverine might get out of, but then I think it's a bit too much, as lizards can only grow bodyparts back. Or could the healing factor be "trained" to also heal deadlier injuries?

What do you think? Can you think of another gecko power?

Well, Wolverine did once face a mutant whose ability was to instantly regenerate his limbs, so that sort of healing has been done before.

Another interesting power might be low-light and generally more accurate vision, as gecko's have far more sensitive low-light vision than humans and presumably ponies.

5640083 look on the brightest side. If it's a guy you have 2 penises! Lol

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