Rabid Reviewers 21 members · 102 stories

Welcome to the den of the Rabid Reviewers. We are the few (or the many, I've never actually counted) who seek not personal recognition, but only to help others (or are good at writing yet lack the creativity to write our own stories). Our goal is to help the quality of stories improve, so then everyone has a better time on this site.

Are you the sort of author who wants other people's opinion on your story, but doesn't know who to ask? The sort of person who would like personalized advice on how you can actually improve, instead of just a list of mistakes? Then you should throw a rabid dog a bone! (In this analogy the "rabid dog" is us, the "bone" is your story, and the "you" is you)

Have you ever read a story that you thought was just slightly off, yet you couldn't put your finger on what part of it was bothering you? Then ask one of us, and we can help the author improve. So just give us a call if you know of someone who could use some help, but doesn't want to ask for it themselves. You don't even have to know the author of a story you recommend to us to look at, just send it to us and we'll take care of the rest.

In fact, we love what we do so much that sometimes we'll do it even if no one asks! So, join this group if you'd like to help us review, if you have a story you'd like help on, or if you just like joining groups!


1. To request a review, please leave a link to it in the folder titled Stories to be reviewed. Please do not post them to the front page.
2. If you are an official Rabid Reviewer, end your reviews on a story with the tag [YOUR USERNAME] the Rabid Reviewer.
3. To use our tag [YOUR USERNAME] the Rabid Reviewer, you must join the group, and be accepted by an admin. You can apply (yes, apply, not to sound arrogant but we want our group to become synonymous with quality reviews) in the thread I would like to be a Rabid Reviewer. You must provide links to at least 2 reviews, and an admin will shortly contact you.
4. If you are an official Rabid Reviewer, you must be polite to the author of a story you are reviewing, and treat him/her with the respect they deserve. Let's keep things classy.
5. If an official Rabid Reviewer has done an exemplary job, please tell us so in the thread titled I was bit by a Rabid Reviewer!
6. If you have any complaints about a reviewer, please tell us so in the thread titled Put that Rabid Reviewer down!

Comments ( 1 )
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Okay. I'm new to linking to anything. My first story is up. And I could use any help I can get.

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