Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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(You begin in the city with zombies, but you need to make your way out of the city, either meeting up with the other players on the way or once you are to safety. Once out of the city this will be an intermission thread)

The soldier violently vomited as emerges from the tunnel. Between breaths he says " Sarg. nothing. Unusual. Other than" he pauses as he vomits again, several medics rushing to aid him. "Something in the airrrr". In the distance a strangled scream is heard. The squad members begin to shift nervously as the screams get closer, several light thier horns and step forward.
The soldier has gone quiet now aside from a low growling. Noticing this the seargent steps forward. "what the hell is wrong with you" And then all hell breaks lose. In a matter of seconds the soldiers screams and lunges the officer and grounds its teeth into his neck. Several squadmates try to rip the soldier off, but as several pass out from magical exhaustion, they did what they had to. Ripping his sword from the fallen soldiers head a corporal looks down at the dead officer and swipes his hoof over the eyes to close it.
It was safe to say that when the officer's eyes flashed back open glowing red, he was scared. What he felt when the screams from the tunnel manifest themselves as sprinting, screaming ponies cannot be determined. But we could tell this was the end of an era, but maybe we will live to see the new era break through he horizon, just maybe.

Manehatten is over run. Ponies have been ordered to evacuate.

Whistling as he strolls through the street, a bag of metal samples over his shoulder Ember perks his ears up as a scream rips over the sounds of Times square. (He's in the worst possible place.)

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3041962 (Ahh crap you got world war z zombies mixed with the last of us too:rainbowlaugh:)
(Idk when I'll jump in)
Scream escapes a young stallions mouth as he watches his best friend get attacked by a crazy pony, however it is short lived as a large crowd of crazy ponies floods into the square mercilessly attacking any that they can get their mouths on

3041970 His eyes widening Forge takes a step back before breaking into a sprint, fleeing the over populated square.

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3041975 Frothing at the moth a zombie pony leaps from the building at Forge

3041976 Reacting on reflex Forge grabs the bag of metal samples and flings it in front of him like a shield, the metal liquefying and blending together as it stretched out in front of him the heat incinerating the body on contact.

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Several pegasus guards fly onto the scene and begin to shoot arrows at any zombies they could find, but were quickly swarmed by pegasus. Most ponies on the ground then realized flying meant death.

3041985 Crap baskets Forge thinks to himself as he runs, his thoughts shifting to survival. I need to get out of here, if things are this bad they'll quarantine the city soon, If I don't get out by sundown I'll be trapped. Retracting the metal and winding it around his body he continues sprinting away from the panic, ducking into a back alley. Panting he watches as the crowd runs by, a pack of feral thallids on their heels.

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3041991 (The hell is thallid)
Unicorn zombie teleports behind him

3041993 (Plant zombie from Magic the Gathering, it fits, stick it down to regional slang.) Forge stifles a yelp as he cuts the beast to ribbons with liquid metal. Crap crap crappity crap they can teleport. He thinks as he casts a nondetection spell.

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3042000 Minstrel (I am so going to screw up that name soon and embarrass the crap out of me) walks down a street slightly strumming her flute when she hears a scream. Turning around she sees several crazy ponies attacking people. Instead of fighting like Dim or Greenwall would have she did the logical thing and ran away like a little girl.

3042019 Incinerating another Thallid as he runs down the side street Forge barrels out into the main street, whipping his molten steel through a large earth pony Thallid.

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3042025 As she runs a pegasus zombie dives from the sky and slams her into the ground. Struggling she pushes against the zombie keeping it inches from her flesh, Using her wings she starts to beat the zombie, giving her just enough time to grab an arrow to stab through the zombies cranial cavity

3042030 Looking over as he rolls Forge sees a mare trapped under a snarling pegasus, an arrow in it's head. Grabbing it with his magic Forge rips it of her before incinerating it. "You okay?" He asks as he runs over, whipping his metal through a charging pack.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Mar 9th, 2014
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3042036 The mare just keeps staring up into the sky as the zombies blood slide downs her cheek (Where are the other rpers anyways)

3042040 (Is this Minstrel? No idea.)

3042044 His eyes widening Forge pulls a sliver of metal towards him. Sorry He thinks as he heats it to liquid and runs it over her face, burning away the blood and tainted flesh, fusing the metal into her face. At least you'll live. He thinks as he burns another Thallid to ash.

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3042051 (lol what? Shes just in shock:rainbowlaugh:)

3042056 (But....blood is an infection vector...:twilightoops:)

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3042059 (for a virus or bacterium :rainbowlaugh: The fungus is transmitted through saliva and spores anyways:rainbowlaugh: Wow you really just traumatized the poor girl:applejackunsure:

3042061 (Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, I have failed biology)

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3042067 (Yeah I really don't know how to respond to that:applejackunsure:)

3042061 (Fungal Meningitis is transmitted by blood!)

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3042071 Screaming the mare leaps to her feet and begins to frantically scratch at the silver on her face, ripping it off. There is a pencil sized line of burnt skin on her face.

3042082 (We're having a zombie apoc, why not have blood be ineffective as well.) Killing another thallid Forge yells. "Come on, we have to get out of here."

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3042093 Shaking wide eyed she runs off away from the pony

3042099 Gritting his teeth Forge runs after her.

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3042105 Sprinting past several ponies she almost runs into a large group of dirt zombies err. earth zombies:twilightblush: Turning last second sprints down an alley way

3042111 Close behind her Forge lets a burst of flame loose as he ducks down the alley.

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3042121 Running up a firescape (I) she climbs onto the roof (am going) and grabs her bow and shoots a pegaus (to bed) zombie that charges her
(seea tommrow I guess.
Also I need to know if the new writing style on that story is better or not)

3042130 (Can't access it, forgot the password)

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3042133 ( pleaseworkforonce is a sexy beast)

3042140 (I'll get back to you then.)

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