Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
Comments ( 442 )
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Group Admin

2981882 (yeahhhh no. There is only one pony who will deal with the void and that is death. Anything else screws the entire mission, because he is a main character)

2981884 (Then where do demons come from? And yeah, Death seems to be every where in this RP:raritywink:)

2981894 (But don't souls go into the void to be judged then go to their respective afterlife? Kinda had an afterlife like the David Gemmell style afterlife in his books in my head. Oh well, easily fixed)

Group Admin

2981898 (nope there death instantly decides if they go to tarturas upon death and further judging occurs in the void or the gates of hades whichever they get sent to. Or in the case of those demons they are destroyed into nothingness.)

2981902 (Damn it, I really wanted that to be a thing. Ah well tried my best.)

2981905 (It's fine. No worse than anything I would've whipped up.)

Group Admin

2981908 ( Yeah I plan on tripling the length of those scenes before I even start writing about a griffon watching its comrades getting thier heads blown off

2981910 (Yeah, Lavender Death is a cool name, makes me want to get back to writing my Conests fic. 16k words, another 10 to go.)

Group Admin

2981784 (Alright ready to show us what a vampony that is siphoning enough power to match celestia can do? (Btw you can do pretty much anything short of magic now. So your new abilities include, but are not limited to, Tunneling, shockwaves, sonic booms, and rengenration)

There is a loud boom as Shadow smashes into the necromancer at supersonic speed using the edge of her now slightly reinforced wing to slash at his his right side. "Blood powers more than simple magic."

Group Admin

3031197 (woops I feel like an ass for making you wait an hour:twilightoops:)
The necromancer grunts as he is thrown to the side. Skidding to a halt he stands up and looks down at his armor only to find a thin line of blood "damn you actually broke through my shield, guess I'll have to up the antee" Smiling the necromancer shoots a bolt directly into the sky turning it blood red. Slowly blood begins to trickle from the sky growing in quantity until it becomes a full out blood storm. (Yeah I totally just did that to make the fight scene cooler)
sticking his tongue out he catches a drop of blood as if it was a snowflake. Lets see if she can control her blood lust
(Note to self, next unit to made will be bat ponies)

Shadow spins about to face the necromancer with fangs bared. He gets that moment to see her before she bursts into motion again this time head on with him. At the last second she hauls back to punch him in the face with her currently enhanced strength. (Heh, no worries. I wondered off and began to play Fallout 3 again.)

Group Admin

3034176 The necromancer rears backwards and unleashes a blast of frozen air at the bat pony freezing any blood it comes in contact with

Shadow is held in place for a moment due to the blood that is on her from the blood rain. It doesn't last long though as she begins to exert herself to shatter loose so as to cause the shards of blood to fly toward the necromancer. (I'm assuming its only freezing external blood.)

Group Admin

3041503 (you are correct)
The necromancer releases a heat wave melting the blood as it flies at him. Sticking his tounge out he catches a drop as he is splattered

Shadow opens her mouth and emits a sonic wave at the necromancer. Hopefully this will at least disrupt his equilibrium if not do some real damage.

Group Admin

3042372 (Shit, I never saw that post, I was waiting on you lol. Anyways we need to finish this.)
The bloodmage collapses to the ground clutching his ears. This lasts for a second before he manages to shoot a telekinedic back.

3495176 (Just reread some parts of this and A-Smacking myself over the head for how I handled things and B-I really wanted ghost paladins:fluttercry:)

Group Admin

3495206 (yeah you kind of screwed yourself out of any of the good prizes)

Group Admin

This thread btw

(Are we allowed to do that? I thought they said no more rp threads.)

Group Admin

3504988 (They won't give us trouble for ten comments since they don't actively monitor for them. Now if we posted thirty thousand comments then they still won't actually)

(Telekinetic blast at her, yes?)
Shadow flaps her wings to try and dodge the pulse that she can feel coming. She looks around for any tools she might be able to use. Just a good distraction or something to cave in the roof on the guy.

Group Admin

3505206 Growling the necromancer begins to send mutiple kinetic blasts at the batpony.

Shadow uses her wings to dodge around the blasts that she can while trying to get to any of the blood she can drink that is all around them. Hopefully with a bit of borrowed power she can finish this already.

Group Admin

The blood mage stomps his hoof in frustration before he shoots a giant fire ball from his horn. He does not notice the crack traveling down his horn.
(Don't forget you're op as hell right now)

(Thanks for the reminder. It's been awhile since we did this one.)
Shadow evades the fireball and unleashing another high pitched shrieking sound to distract the mage she shoots herself off like a bullet aiming at the mage's horn.

Group Admin

The blood mage collapses as blood pours from his ears. Gritting his teeth he slams his hooves into the ground only to collapse as part of his horn splinters off

Making a loop back around, Shadow speed toward the mage's back intent on smashing into his spine with all her weight.

Group Admin

3507392 The mage lays there, not moving.

"You dead yet? If not, you will be soon." Shadow steps off from where she hopefully snapped his spine to find a suitable weapon for beheading. "Your head will be coming with me I think. You've done too much harm to let you walk away from this."

Group Admin

The mage does not respond.
(Finish Him)

Finding herself a proper axe, Shadow walks up and proceeds to try to hack his head off. "Let's just hope with your horn broken no one can piece together how to cast your favored spells."

Group Admin

(I'm rereading this so kill him muhahaga)

Shadow chops the mage's head off. "Anyone else in here still alive?"

Group Admin

3507617 (Guardians of the Galaxy was awesome)
A medic opened the medical tent and gasps "What happened out her--" when he saw the red mist covering the ground and the shear carnage.
(Sorry for the wait, my phone died before I was going to respond)

('Tis alright.)
"The leader of that blood mage cult happened. See if you can save any of ours that are in here, please. Thankfully I managed to take his head." Shadow slumps over to the side to catch her breath.

Group Admin

3508499 "With all due respect, you are the only one who can be helped" he says eyeing the fine red mist

Group Admin

3508499 (Just wait until you go into withdraws, at least it only lasts a few minutes, but considering the amount of magic you are going to be in hell)

"Great. Then get ready because I'm about to come down from this combat high." Shadow begins to return to normal. (Hm... so how much more we got on this one?)

Group Admin

"Yes, of course. Get some pain killers immediately" the medic calls out
(We can end whenever now)

(Might as well end it here then. I'm not sure what to do for what is likely going to be a comatose character in a moment.)
"There it is." Shadow hits withdrawal suddenly.

Group Admin

:yay(Now lets discuss rewards for this mission)
Pleaseworkforonce: Receives Dim
Balancer: Shit. You can also make a new character
Ebonysdagger: As the rper who did not give me hell and played your character very well you have won the grand prize.
You can keep Shadow, giving you the currently most powerful character payable.
You can make a new character at sergeant rank making them on par with Greenwall

If you don't mind I think I'll keep Shadow. I rather like having her in my roster.

Group Admin

Very good. Anyways the only things that I have not told you that matter with her are
A. She does not drink alcohol
B. She's the same age as Dim
C. That also childhood friends.
Everything else you can decide.

Group Admin

What no good night? I am deeply offended.
Anyways you get to get your ass chewed with Greenwall

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