Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

(This is a scenario character choices are first come first serve)
Quick, agile, stealthy, with some magic resistance.
A sergeant of the Lunar brigade Lighting fights with a hoof crossbow (One handed crossbow) as well as a dagger.
Is wearing a full suite of black leather Armour only revealing his light blue face and pink mane
He is very shifty and does not know any of the other operatives

Blue Ivy
Quick agile with magic cancelling abilities (She can reduce blood magic down to regular magic again, but it is very taxing and hurts any unicorns near her)
2nd lieutenant of the Solar brigade. She is wearing a bright golden armor with a white face and yellow mane being revealed
She is very hyper and tries to look past her fear of unicorns, but it does leak through from time to time

Solar Flare
1st lieutenant of the Solar brigade. Is where a white robe with gold trim. He has a white face with a yellow mane
He is wise, but stubborn. He is the commanding officer of the solar forces for this mission

Shadow Flare
Captain of the Lunar Brigade
Master of stealth and the leader of this expedition.
Wearing black armor and looks like your typical batpony, fights with double bladed daggers and can drink a ponies blood to bring her own lifeforce back
She is mischievous, quirky and surprisingly nice. She also has ties with Dim from many years ago

There are 3 sergeants from each brigade ,one of each normal pony race, excluding Dim (You will see why)
(The Solar and Dawn brigades will each provide 5 corporals and 10 privates )
(Note your characters may die regardless of your choices in this mission. Please be ready at all times to type a convincing death scene when the creator tells you to)

(We need two players to start so choose your character now)

I'll take Solar Flare

Group Admin

2808472 I forgot to mention he is a fire mage, but he is also an extremely powerful so be ready for some magic fights

Group Admin

2808651 (That awkward moment I just sent someone a message saying alrighty:rainbowderp:)

Group Admin

(we are not starting yet, but premission preparations are allowed or just yelling at guards)
Dim steps from the captains office within canterlot, his head held high. One of 4 ponies to be promoted past sergeant without undergoing the ritual. That's what I'm talking about. Dim continues onto the Dawn Brigades barracks. After retrieving the troops required for the mission Dim marches them to a fortress outside of canterlot to meet up with the other brigades
(I'm changing how many troops we get)

2809083 (Quick question, is it that not preforming the ritual what gives officers superior power?)

Group Admin

2809572 (Yeah Dim managed to get his magical power high enough to get promoted without having to undergo the ritual. And also your guy has undergone it, but it is forbidden to yack about so yeah.)

2809578 (So what is the ritual?)

Group Admin

2809622 (It involves absorbing souls)

2809706 (Sorry had dinner, also god damn it that's two of my RP Characters that have lost souls.)

2809898 (My guy in my Pathfinder RPG i have with some guys down at the FLGS (friendly local gaming store) lost his soul a couple of weeks ago, it was funny since he was a paladin.)

Group Admin

2809903 (Lol that's terrible, but who's the second?)

2809905 (Blue counts.)

2809905 (Also the pally is still running around, only he's an inquisitor who can eat people's sins.)

Group Admin

2809907 (Blue lost his soul? That usually equates death)

2809957 (Doesn't the ritual involve get the soul removed? Also nope, the inquisitor is running around just fine with no soul.)

Group Admin

2809960 (No it involves you eating some souls)

2809963 (Nah, that's just cool archetype that lets you absolve peps sins by taking them into your self. Nothing to do with the no souls part, just means he has no alignment and doesn't get an afterlife.)

Group Admin

2809968 (You kill some ponies and eat their souls in the ritual >.>)

2809971 (Ohhh, hah, the inquistor has to kill a person before he can eat their sins.)

Group Admin

2809972 (He's getting some nom noms, btw you are the commanding officer for the Solar Brigades forces so you can grab your troops and take them to the fort)

2809976 Solar Flare looks over his troops. "Alright lads." He addresses them. "You have your orders, lets form up and move out."

Group Admin

2809984 "Yes Sir!" They shout in unison

2809993 As he watches the assembled ranks march out, Flare catches sight of a grizzled stallion from the 3rd walking over the grounds. Recognizing him from the dossier as the leader of the Dawn Brigade in this mission Flare calls out to him. "Sir!"

Group Admin

2809998 (You are actually a rank higher than me) Dim sees a fellow officer calling out for him walking up Dim salutes before putting his hoof down "Can I help you?"

2810001 Noding his head in recognition Flare extends a hoof. "Dim right? Read your profile, good to know I can trust at least one pony out there."

Group Admin

2810005 Dim raises an eyebrow at that comment " You do realize that almost every mission I'm sent on go badly right?" Dim says before he starts talking absent minded "Albeit that's because the Dawn brigade officers get the missions that are going to go bad."

2810011 "Yeah well we Solar's don't get it cushy either." Flare states as he starts walking with the rest of ponies. "You got saddled with Blue, ask him about it."

(So what's the mission? Also are Solar and Shadow related?)

Group Admin

Smirking Dim says "Well I guess we will see how affective you guys are with this mission. I'm assuming you have read your briefing?"

2810038 Flare gives Dim a flat look. "No it's sitting on my nightstand." Reaching into his saddle bag he pulls out a folder. "But if you want we can go over it."

Group Admin

2810041 His smirk growing wider Dim says "Better hope the captain does not find out" Pulling out his own briefing Dim starts to go over it "As I assume you know this is a black level mission" Dim shakes his head "Our friends at the Lunar brigade have finally found the victims blood cult. Of course normally The solar Brigade would be doing this since you guys have the mage hunters, but due to the importance of this mission they are going overkill. The bright side is we are using a lot more highly trained soldiers rather than a lot more regular soldiers." Taking a second to look at the map Dim points at Deathshead Cavern. "They are located here. There are four levels within the cave, each one is aprx 1/3 of a mile large. Currently there are 948 unicorns within this cult every single last of them are blood mages. There are 40 pegasai mercenaries within the cave along with 98 non-combantants."

2810072 "Sounds about right. We'll be sending the Lunar's in ahead to do their knife work and sabotage, after that myself and the H.R.T teams will form the spear head for you and your's, Blue Ivy and her Mage Hunters will be accompanying you. We're to ensure they reach the cult leader and do their disruption mojo on what ever they've got cooking."

Group Admin

"We are also to kill all of them no survivors. Period."

2810091 "Including the Non Combatants?" Flare asks, raising an eyebrow.

Group Admin

2810092 Shaking his head Dim continues "That order came directly from Princess Celestia" Dim looks at him frowning "My brigade however is under Princess Twilights control, not Celestias." Dim sighs before he walks away

2810106 Flare frowns for a bit before shaking his head and dismissing the new orders. As the small army loads up into sky chariots and takes off he press a communication rune inscribed into the side of his armor. "Patch me to the Lord Solar."
"Yes sir it Lt Flare...yes it's about the...But sir they're...I understand. Her will be done."
A look of grim determination of his face as Flare looks over at the ponies as the Air force haul them to their destination.

Group Admin

2810111 Dim approaches Shadowflare. After talking for several minutes Dim orders the rest of the Dawn brigade onto the chariots.
The Brigades land about four hundred yards from the cavern.

2810129 Flare issues the brigades their orders. "Shadow, remember you're in there to cause chaos for me and Dim's groups. Don't get tied down if you can avoid it, just focus on causing as much havoc as you can and we'll come in like a runaway apple cart. Dim, keep on our heels and protect Blue Ivy until we reach the Cult head, we'll need her and the mage hunters to knock out what ever they've got going." He looks over the leaders. "Everyone clear?"

Group Admin

2810147 Shadow stares at solar before she starts laughing "Getting a bit ambitious are we? You forget I'm in charge of this exepidtion, albeit you will be in charge of the ground forces once the lunar brigade moves out.
You really need to start reading the briefings. Now anyways soldier you would be killed the moment you entered without those mage hunters guarding you. Now Ivey and her squad will move in with shielding from the unicorns from solar. The Dawn Brigade will then fire at the Blood mages from behind. Pegasai from both squads will attack anyone who attempts melee attacks

2810177 (:facehoof::facehoof::facehoof: Skimmed over that part.) Flare gits his teeth. "Appologes, officer reflex. We'll do things your way." Walking away he gathers his troops around him. "Alright lets hit them."

Group Admin

2810200 After several minutes teh signal to advance was activated. As they approach the entrance to the cavern a giant door is visible, as well as a small cut that the Lunar brigade had used to enter. A slight panick can be heard from withing.

Dim looks at Solar and says "Shall we enter with a bang?"

2810213 Heat shimmers rise up from Flare as he grins. "Been warming up just for this." He says as his mane and coat lighting on fire, waves of heat rolling off him. Suddenly a vortex of flame burst to life around him before dispersing, taking the stallion with it. A couple of seconds later flames roar out of the cavern entrance, the rock sizzling under the heat.

Group Admin

2810218 Dim mutter something under his breath about fire mages. As the troops move in it becomes obvious the first cavern is completely empty.
"What the buck" one of the soldiers says.

2810233 The rock underneath still sizzling Flare looks around as the troops enter. "Well, that's probably got their attention. H.R.T Teams form up! Let's take this place apart!" He shouts as armored ponies form up next to him, their signature red skulls displayed on their shoulders.

Group Admin

2810239 Dim slows down before signaling his troops to stop "I don't like this you should proceed with caution sir"

2810247 Flare looks over at Dim. "Of course, this is a cultist nest, nothing but traps and ambushes ahead. This isn't my first rodeo." The air ripples as he fires a pillar of flame down a corridor, the sound of screams cuting the air as cultists burn. "See ambush averted."

He walks ahead as his troops form up with him, their helms glowing slightly as the activate a variety of enchantments. Their cross bows at the ready and sword poised for action they take up a diamond formation with the burning Solar Flare at it's tip. "Advance!"

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