Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 23rd, 2014
Group Admin

2926151 ( Actually whats going on here is you're trying to fight a forest fire with a bucket of water:ajsmug: The only spell hes used so far is telekinesis and hes killed five of your guys)
(Also mithril is used in chain link armor so there are not any straps... I guess he can have steel plate under his robes, but over the mithril)
Sighing at their pathetic attempts the unicorn continues to walk into the solars anti magic bubble. He shakes his head as he feels some of the anti magic slip through his mithril armor. Looking around he sees one of the anti magic ponies ten feet from him. drawing his sword with his mouth the blood mage teleports behind the pony and slices his head off.

Finding nothing else to work with, Shadow flits off to get one of the chariots.

2926185 Girtting her teeth Ivy watches as the ponies all turn on the mage, striking at him, the surrounding Witch hunters do their best to lock down his magic. Joining in Ivy focuses on draining him dry, the rest of the troops hacking at him as the H.R.T teams draw their weapons and deflect his blows from the rest of the ponies.

Group Admin

2926207 The pony smirks as he dominates the mind of one of the HRT ponies. Smirking he forces the pony to use all of his magic to detonate an explosion killing another anti magic pony as well as cracking its own horn. "Now you ponies shall know despair haha"

Shadow hitches one of the chariots to herself and gets into position for a dive on the enemy. After getting in place she power dives at him and at the right moment flips it around so the chariot will land on him first.

2926207 The remaining H.R.T pony just scowls under his helm as helm as he rushes the pony, the rest of the team nonplussed by his power as they join in. Ivy kicks the dirt up as she charges him as well, her blade gripped tight. (The Solar's are using themselves as a distraction, they no they haven't got a snow ball's chance in hell, they're distracting the mage from Dim and Shadow, buying time so that they can escape and get some heavy hitters.)

Group Admin

2926352 (Alright, but Dim is still in this battle and... Oh I just came up with a deviously delicious idea)
Waiting until the ponies were within feet of him he releases a black wave all around him, withering anything it touches.

2926348 Looking up he watches the wood of the chariot rot into dirt as it impacts him forcing him to rub it out of his eyes. He smirks as he watches the wave approach all the attacking ponies

2926368 The remaining witch hunters flare there aura's, breaking the black wave as the soldiers charge through. Roaring their battle cry they throw themselves at the mage, desperately doing there all to buy time, even if it meant paying with their lives.

Group Admin

2926389 As the ponies converge on him he smiles and pulls out a glass flask with greenfire in it. Waving good bye he slams the flask on the ground and teleports away. He smiles as he watches the green flames incinerate anything withing 40 yards of the detonation site. Hellfire gotta swear by it


2926348 (Yelp, nothing I can go, :fluttercry:)

Group Admin

2926348 ( In a singing voice)Ebony come back, You can blame it all on Balancer)

Having managed to unhitch herself before before she got dragged with the cart, Shadow banks away as the explosion goes off below. She aims to make it clear and relay their position and situation if she can for the moment while setting off any flares or whatever she might have. "Really need to get a better load out next time." She spins back toward the fight to see if there is any way she can contribute with what little she has available. (Also, it's after 4 am for me. I'm going to bed. Goodnight y'all.)

Group Admin

2926438 (You going to save any of your troops or is it down to Dim and Shadow?)

2926438 (Don't see how I can with out resorting to an ass pull.)

Group Admin

2926438 (night)
2926445 (You can have a unicorn or two cast hunker and survive)

2926449 Grunting the as he hunkers down the nameless H.R.T officer releases his spell, looking around his heart sinks. The sight of his charred companions filled him with rage, hoisting his bow he looks around for the mage. Seeing him off in the distance laughing the officer growls, feeling a primal rage come over him. (yeah I know, shit writing...sue me, I'm focusing my skill on the fic.)

Group Admin

2926459 The mage raises an eyebrow at the stallion physically saying "Really?"

2926462 (Just wondering how much of chance does this one guy have?)

Group Admin

2926484 (If he runs about 1 in a million. If he fights, well he better hope that the blood mage is allergic to winning)

2926486 (<.< >.> Not sure if challenge...)

2971220 (NOooooooooooooooooooooo....yes.:rainbowdetermined2:)

(Heh, I think I was still at the store when that was posted. Uhm... well I won't be able to do anything until at least 1 tonight for me. I'll be out all day. Sorry.)

Group Admin

2972385 (So how many hours until that?)

(I'm back. We hit a deer on the way home so we got delayed while waiting for the cops.)

Group Admin

2981192 (Did you keep it?)

2926459 Smirking the Blood mage picks up several of the fallen solar soldiers weapons and aims them at the sole survivor

(Well, I'm waiting to see how that nameless guy's gambit works out I think.)

Group Admin

2981217 (It's fairly safe to say "he dead" hopefully you guys will find the blood mages Achilles heel soon.)

2981217 Gritting his teeth the nameless solider looks over to the prone form of Dim before looking back at the smug face of the Blood mage. Knowing he was outclassed the officer blinks over to Dim, grabbing him before quickly Blinking to the portal, jumping through.

2981216 (Ah the tactic of FLEE!)

Group Admin

2981235 Blinking the blood mage turns his head slightly to the side Well that was unexpected.
(Well I guess you can grab some reinforcements now)


(No. We wouldn't have been able to bring it with us even if we wanted to anyway. No room in or on the car for that.)
Shadow sets out to try and land a blow to the spine while the blood mage's magic is split into controlling so many weapons.

2981254 Running and blinking as fast as he can the officer lugs Dim to the nearest army base.

Group Admin

(I may not have many redneck aspects, but I will take a deer home if for no other reason than to give my dogs a snack:pinkiecrazy:)

Dropping his weapons the Blood mage turns back towards the cave slowly trotting

2981254 Dropping Dim the officer in the middle of the base the officer shouts at the bewildered ponies. "Where's your Commanding officer!"

Shadow breaks off at the last moment after seeing the nameless soldier grab Dim and flies toward the portal as well. (Since I didn't see him respond to her in any way.)

Group Admin

Nodding the soldier runs off and brings back staff sergeant (Non elite). "What is the situation" he asks getting straight to the point

(So Shadow made it through?)

Group Admin

2981334 (yeah, I'm kind of out of it so if I leave anything vague just let me know)

2981291 "It's gone FUBAR, the expedition is gone, just me, him and a Night brigade officer who's should be coming along if she's still alive. We were cut down by one blood mage, he's wearing full mithril and has access to dark magics. We need to get HQ to get down here, nothing else is going to even scratch this guy."

Group Admin

2981354 The sergeants eyes grow big before he shakes his and head and begins to bark orders "And you get to the mage tower and get a message sent to canterlot requesting immediate backup. Ordering a few soldiers to grab Dim he runs off to issue more commands.

"It's as this soldier says. We took out the cult's grunts but the fellow that showed up afterwards seemed to be a bit on the supercharged side. His attitude and statements lead me to believe he was the one who lead the group in some fashion. Probably is the one that convinced them to follow the path of the blood mage." Shadow arrives in the room with the others backing up the soldier's statement.

Group Admin

The fact I'm writing a story based on the guy this song is based on may also be why I am distracted, but shhhh

2981359 The Officer looks over his shoulder in surprise. "Good you made it, was he following?"
(I don't know why but referring to this guy as The Officer reminds me of The Rookie from ODST.)

"I believe he started for the cave his cult was housed in. Most likely destroying any evidence of who he is or the like while we are here. I sent up a flare and the like but I don't think anyone saw it where we were."

Group Admin

2981367 Rushing back the pony said "we've received word from HQ, but the news is not great. Due to recent developments the elites are stretched then so the soldiers of this garrison are the only reinforcements that can be provided. (We're overlapping with the next mission time wise now)

10 non elite sergeants
20 non elite corporals
30 non elite privates
(I would suggest keeping these guys spread out so they don't all get killed in one blow)

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Mar 2nd, 2014

2981375 (DUNDUNDUN!!!) Nodding the officer turns and snaps the full face visor on his helm down. "Alright, then we'll have to make do."

"Understood. I suppose they'll all be answering to me now. While I'm here I'm going to need a new load out. Got any explosives? Also, how is Dim looking?"

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