Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2914584 "I'm doing my job. Besides, they'd probably ask for it. After all what did they have left?" Ivy says as she grimaces.

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 22nd, 2014
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2914584 Dim screams in agony as the anti magic starts to pierce through his shield. Gritting his teeth he holds the shield for another second before it drops. Looking Dim watches the bolts fly at him but at a much slower speed. Alright so I can let two old unicorns get hit by a anti magic bolt or I can take one for the team, Damnit Cursing to himself Dim crosses his front legs over his chest just before the bolts impact. Sliding backwards a bit Dim yelps as the arrows penetrate the mithril armor and stab into his flesh, stopping just short of the bone.
(Btw being stabbed by anti magic is very similar to casting a spell around anti magic, but it doesn't stop so if someone would kindly save Dim that would be nice)

2914640 Ivy scowls, ordering a medic to see to Dim. Another thump sounds as the marks-ponies topple their targets, showing the same level of steely discipline any Solar would. However they could not hide the shame in their eyes.

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2914663 Seeing the ponies still shooting Dim shouts to his soldiers "STOP THEM DAMNIT!" Leaning down Dim grips one of the arrows and rips it out before he falls to the ground. His vision begins to dim as blood begins to pour out of the wound. Clenching his eyes in pain he rips the other arrow out and stumbles to his feet. After a few seconds he recovers and glares at Ivy, several Officers of the Dawn Brigade had thier own weapons trained on the solar brigade. Coughing up blood Dim staggers before he says "order them to stop, or this mission will be jeopardized. "

2914709 Ivy looks over the room, what few ponies there had been were already dead. "It's done sir. We have our orders, regardless of what we think about them." She says as her troops stand down.

"Stop firing you damn idiots." Shadow flies over to Dim to see if she can help in any way. "For heaven's sake we could have gotten information from them."

2914778 Ivy shakes her head, "They wouldn't have talked to us. You know that better than I do Ma'm."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 22nd, 2014
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2914774 Dim snarls before he says the order "Dawn brigade! Pull out immediately we are done here" A few of the Dawn brigades soldiers glare coldly at the solar before they join the rest of the brigade in marching up the stairs. Dim glares at Ivy as states the retreat. "I have come to the discernment that we do not have enough troops to complete this mission without" Dim's glare darkens before he continues "Unnecessary casualties. I have no jurisdiction over the other two brigades, but until the brigade commander determines that sufficient troops have been gathered, the dawn brigade will not participate in this raid."
As Dim marches up the stairs he looks back at Shadow and the fury sheds from his face and is replace by worry "Don't get yourself killed okay." Allowing the anger to seep back in Dim marches after his troops as they disappear.
(If Dim is good at anything he is good at finding military loopholes)

2914840 (Ohhhhh Loving this! So intense.) Ivy looks to the side as the Dawn Brigade marches past her, pretending that she didn't see the disapproval on there faces, pretending that it didn't hurt. She knew the rest of her troops would be feeling the same. As the last of them leaves she lets out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding, looking around at her troops she addresses them.

"Alright ponies I know this hasn't gone like we wanted but we don't need a bunch of cowards to complete this mission. We have our orders and we are going to complete them, our princess wouldn't want anything different and I for one don't plan on disappointing her. Every order has reason and we have to trust those reasons are worth dying for. I know that Solar Flare believed that and so do I. We are taught that everypony who stands with us and does the duty expected of them is a hero. Today the Dawn brigade have earned a black mark to their name, we will not forget that. But first we have to finish this."

Looking at her troops Ivy watches as they look at each other nodding, standing straighter as they draw strength from those next to them. The pull themselves up and snap a salute.

2914778 Turning to Shadow she salutes as well. "Let's finish this Ma'm."

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2914778 Taking the last step on the stairs Dim drops to the ground his tough guy facade fading. He gets back to his feet quickly, but the anti magic is still coursing through his blood. One of the officers walks up to Dim and helps him stand. "With all due respect why are we pulling out sir? I know that you want to kill those soldiers, heck, I want to kill them to, but who knows what those blood mage will do?" Dim sits there as the soldier assists him before he speaks "We've killed all the bloodmages already. When attacked these organizations will send all those able to fight to the first defensible location, which according to Shadow was the area that was blown up. That is why noone was there to defend those elders back there." Shaking a bit Dim starts to march a head "The rest of the blood mages families will be on the fourth floor, I guess you could say I'm trying to bluff the other brigades into withdrawing long enough for the families to escape."

2915058 (Very clever Dim, almost...too clever:trixieshiftright: So what's up with the whack orders any way?)

2914778 Ivy takes a deep breath to calm herself before descending lower into the cavern. The Soalr's at her flanks poised and ready, determined to figure out what was so important that Celestia would order a mass extermination.

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2915078 (One does not simply become a officer of an elite brigade. Also Dim is an ex bloodmage, so he knows how they do their stuff)
And the whack orders is to make the characters think Celestia is evil causing insurrection among the populace farther ______________________________ anyways the orders followed and disobeyed will play a major part in whether or not ___________________________ which would lead to the Bad Ending.)

2915127 (Of course this all depends on and but not forgetting that and also need to be done.)

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2914778 (We kind of need you here since you're the captain, so come back:flutterrage:
If you want to that is:fluttershyouch:)

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2915147 (Now you're getting it!:pinkiehappy:)

2915155 (:pinkiegasp: So that means is behind it all! I knew I should have never trusted pickle in a toga.:ajbemused:)

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2915178 (Wonder what happened to ebony)

2915217 (He has been taken by the pickle men:fluttercry:)

(Sorry, was watching some videos about upcoming games and physics engines.)
Shadow snorts but nods. "Indeed. Perhaps we will find some sick ponies who need to die before they can cough on us." Shadow will stick around if only so as to document what is happening to report it to Luna.

2915408 (It's cool, I some times get stuck watching Dark Souls and Titanfall stuff) Marching ahead Ivy comes into a large room filled with sick and infirm, a hooffull of young ponies scattered about tending to them. As the Equestrians march into the room they look up at them in fear.

"Crap. Let me at least get the kids out of here."
(I don't think I get Titanfall for some reason. I'm not understanding the hype.)

2915448 (Eh, I'm getting it because i'm a sucker for giant robots punching each other.) Ivy looks over at Shadow. "My orders say to terminate any ponies I find. I don't see any kids." She says as she turns to face the wall.

"I see." Shadow flies down and tries to herd the children away from the beds as best she can.

2915481 Ivy closer her eyes and begins reciting a chant under breath while she waits for Shadow to finish ushering out the children. The rest of her troops doing something similar as they walk around the room, a couple examining the pile of medicine int he corner. Ma'm He signals Shadow from across the room.

Clearing out the children onto the steps ready to lead them up, Shadow turns to the one signaling her. She signals back, Yes?

There's a large supply of painkillers here. He signals.

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2915572 :unsuresweetie: You've got me curious now)
The dawn brigade exits the cavern system and walk outside. "How long were we in there, it's night already!" several soldiers make these remarks as the unicorns prepare the summoning circle. Dim trots over to the original base of operations and grabs transporting parchment and writes down the exact report of what has happened and ends the note with I will request that Captain Shadow sends us a report on what happened after we pulled out. I have included all the details that have happened to this moment and am available to discuss this situation at any time

2915532 (He's going to suggest to shadow that they painlessly euthanize the elderly and infirm...fuck, now the solar's are nazis:facehoof:)

Blood magic tends to require some injuries on the part of the user. These people are also obviously sick. Be careful when checking them. As much as I hate to propose it they might be developing a disease in them. Carry out your jobs here while I take care of this. Shadow moves to lead the kids up and out toward Dim so he can check them over.

(Heh, Shadow wouldn't be so opposed to that but I don't think she caught onto that implication there. A lot of painkillers doesn't directly translate to overdose everyone in the room in her mind.)

2915652 Nodding at Shadow the Solar signals his plan to the others. A couple of Medics begin preparing the necessary amounts, distributing the cups as they make them. Turning a around Ivy watches as her troops administer the patients with a lethal dose of painkillers and poison. Raising an eyebrow she quickly nods in approval as she is filled in.

Taking a moment she walks around, examining the injured and sick. Only a couple were overly riddled with pustules but she didn't want to take any chances, ordering only the unicorns to serve the mixture up and only from a distance.

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2915639 Dim finishes the teleportation circle and begins to teleport the troops out, as the last officer leaves he says "I'm going to check on the other brigades, they may accept thier role as pawns, but they don't deserve to die" And of course if I let shadow get killed because of me being pissed I would never live it down

At about this point Shadow has the kids on the second level and continuing upwards. "Come on kids. Lets get you all out of here. This is no place for children to be."

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 22nd, 2014
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One of the kids keeps looking back at where they came from before yelling "WHY ARE YOU TAKING ME FROM MY MOMMY" Before she starts to run back to the previous room, her little legs running as fast as they can.

2915699 Watching closely Ivy breaths a sigh of relief as the last pony passes away peacefully with no incident. "Alright troops that's this floor lot done, let's finish examine the rest of this floor before heading back up." She says as the last sheet is pulled over the final dead pony.

"Keep going kids." This Shadow says in her command voice. One almost no one questions before flying after the kid and catching up to her before she could get too far. "Kid, if I don't horrible things will happen to you. Your mother would rather you come with me than be hurt, I'm sure."

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2915750 Dim sits down by the first flight of stairs slightly panting "Damnit, I HATE Anti Magic" Dim coughs up some blood At least it's wearing off Dim wipes the blood off before he continues down the stairs, hes hoofs bandaged where he ripped out the arrows.

2915773 (And that boys and girls is why we don't stand infront of crossbows.:pinkiehappy:)

(At least not without catch arrow feats/reaction abilities.)
Dim will probably be finding the kids soon. Shadow is still trying to talk the kid into coming with her but is physically keeping her from going below.
(No kid, don't go down the steps. SCP-087-1 will find you.)

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2915781 (And your poor soldiers are going to learn why driving away allies during a bloodmage raid is not smart:pinkiecrazy: I mean I already had the upcoming massacre planned, hence the name of thread, but you gave me a reason to not kill the Dawn brigade members)

2915807 (Huzzah, no one important dies!:yay:)

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2915805 "NO I WANT MY MOMMY, MY MOMMY PROMISED ME SHE WOULD TAKE ME TO SEE DADDY AFTER SHE WAS DONE TALKING TO UNCLE BEAM" The little filly screams before she breaks down and curls up into a ball.

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2915811 (Now the solar nazis on the other hand:trixieshiftright:)

2915807 Not finding anything Ivy takes her troops on ahead, a trio of H.R.T officers forming the spear head as they explore further into the cavern.

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