Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Shadow keeps an eye on the kids and the mare but another follows Dim. (And its 2:49 am here so I'm off to bed.)

2875409 (Didn't Celestia order everyone killed?)

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2884672 (From what you have seen do you really think Dim cares? Also the solar brigade have not seen them yet.)

2889872 (True, those orders died with Flare.)

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2890134 As Dim looks through the room he notices one of the foals following him. Dim facehoofs as he remembers Celestias orders:facehoof:. "Crap I need to get you guys out of here." Walking back out he begins to make a portal for the ponies to escape through.

"Step on through, little ones. You too miss." Shadow begins to direct them through the portal. "I'm growing concerned about the white princess as of late."

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2899365 Dim shrugs as he shuts off the portal. "I never liked sunbutt anyways, one reason I refused to join the solars" Dim walks back towards the middle of the room "Albeit I doubt being alive for over a thousand years is good for someones sanity."

"Luna seems to be handling it well enough. Everyone goes crazy sometimes after all." She chuckles as she follows Dim back toward the papers.

2899468 (DunDunDun.) Ivy flashes some hoof signs to her troops, ordering them to take positions at her hallway entrances. "What's the situation with the archmage?" She asks Shadow.

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2899468 "Meh Luna already went crazy remember? However, beating insanity once kind of builds a tolerance so hey." Dim mutters something about hoping to die before someone goes crazy. "About time to move on I guess"

To Dim as Ivy arrives on scene: "I don't think it would be all bad. Screwball's coat looked so much nicer when she got out of the nut house and returned to the royal treasury and her job." To Ivy as she walks up: "Dead. I slit his throat myself."

2899531 Ivy nods. "Then we done here?" She says, annoyance in her tone.

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2899687 Dim ignores Ivy and keeps talking to Shadow "Well I also didn't accept the promotion to solar and waited until the Dawn came along because I can't stand the soldiers from there either"

2899755 Some the troops around glare at Dim, Ivy's scowl deepens. "If you have something to say, sir, say it to our face."

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2899767 Dim turn to Ivy and says "Your brigade sucks ass" as nonchalantly as one can tell someone that "Now lets finish this idiotic joint mission"

2899687 Wordlessly Ivy turns and goes back to her troops, many of them giving Dim foul looks. The Solar's weren't the only ones, many of the Dawn Brigades officers, no doubt drawn from the Solar and Luna Guards weren't looking to pleased with their commanding officer.

As she returns to her witch hunters a couple of her troops lean over to her. "Can you believe the nerve on that guy, the fuck's his problem."

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2899809 (nvm I misread one sec)

2899824 (Seriously? How old is the Dawn Brigade? I've been thinking it's a relatively new part of the military? Also there is such a thing as interdepartmental competition but Dim's behavior is going to get his ass fragged. If this is how the Dawn brigade treats every one else no wonder their missions always end up screwed, no one wants to help the cocky S.O.Bs)

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2899809 Ignoring the annoyed ponies he looks at the only officer of the dawn brigade that is not originally from the Dawn brigade and says "I'll explain this to you later" Alright lets kill the rest of these blood mages so I can get back to my squad and keep trying to retake the crystal kingdom." Dim groans at the thought before he walks towards the end of the chamber.

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2899855 (About ten years. And yeah Dim is an asshole and really hates the solars so yeah. Maybe I'll get some booze in him soon so he stops being a dick)

2899895 (:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh: Yeah, was just thinking that being the largest brigade much of the officers would have been pulled from the Solar's...probably not a smart idea to be dissing their former comrades.) Ivy grits her teeth as she issues commands, her anti magic aura flaring as she walks down the tunnel.

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2899916 (I think only 3 people are not originally Dawn brigade that are higher rank than Dim, and the only reason they would have been moved is if they get kicked out of the solar, so the main thing is not pissing off a solar that can kick his ass or that hes stuck with for an extended period of time)

Dim walks up to Shadow "We really need to finish this mission before I end up killing someone"

Shadow shrugs while resisting chuckling at the anger of the solars. "Then lets get this done. Follow along if you want. I'm sure we'll have some interesting prey." She wings her way further in to continue mop up operations.

(heh.... I keep expecting daiklaves to be standard issue with the term solars being tossed around.)

2899950 (But wouldn't most of the veterans have been drawn from Solar's when the brigade was first set up to teach the new recruits? Also I think we may be having two different ideas on how the Solar's run...) Ivy leads her solar's down the tunnel, cutting down the stragglers as they find them.

2899969 (:unsuresweetie: Can you parry that mountain range? :scootangel: Sure can!)

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2899999 (No Brigades take their stock high ranking regular soldiers. As I explained in another post A private in one of the elite brigades is = to a officer in the regular military. Once you make it to a brigade you are fully trained.
Now for the solar brigade lets see... You know the british royal guard and how people joke on them not moving no matter what you do to them. In other words ungodly disciplined, which is why the Dawn brigade gets so many more soldiers.)
The platoon of soldiers reaches the stairs leading to the third area. "If intel was correct there should be no more archmages. However if we do encounter a archmage... well" Dim glances at shadow "Orders?"

"I would say we kill them however we've already lost quite a lot of troops so far and it seems Solar. Eliminate cultists if you can. If you find an archmage try and engage him before he can put up a personal barrier."

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Dim stops half way down the stairs. "Plane of action? We are kind of going in blind"

2906753 (V-22 Osprey?) Ivy halts her advance. "Use your signals, sound travels." She says before signaling Dim. Advance, be aware, kill all, aware for traps.

(Heh, you think of an air plane and I think of dimensional ones. Uhm... how about we stick with the material. I don't think this crew could handle the plane of fire or water.)
Signaling toward Ivy and Dim herself. Proceed with caution. I'll go on ahead and try to disable traps and sentries. Scout rooms as we go for anything informative.

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Dim nods before he slowly stalks forward and hugs the wall before he creeps down to where he can barely see inside the next room. Looking around he notices a rock jutting out of the wall inside the next room(Which is completely empty of hostiles, but there are a few elderly ponies calling things like "hun where are you?" or whatever real old people call younger people). Dim retreats back up the stairs after he heard a pony call out near the stairs. Looking at shadow he signals that there is a rock she can use to observe the room.

Shadow signals that she got his message as she moves her way onto the rock and peers inside listening with those lovely ears her kind are blessed with.

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" Beam!? Please tell me you're alright Beam?" The elderly mare collapses into a heap before she begins to sob bitterly. She was only the first of many. Over the course of several minutes each of the elderly ponies would stop calling out a name over and over to simply sob

She gets nearer to the group to see if there is a reason for this behavior.

2913845 Ivy crouches low as she walks up to Dim. Situation? She signs him.

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2913845 (Sorry I was making pizza)
The elderly mare continues to weep as she begins to stroke her tale before muttering " I told him my life wasn't worth it, we should have stayed at the farm and let me die peacefully, why wouldn''t he listen."

2913915 Dim shrugs before signaling back "I hear shouting and screaming coming from the room, but I can't tell much else"

(I think I forgot to put a semi-dark tag. Thank God I'm not writing this like I write stories...:trixieshiftright: that gives me an idea)

Shadow floats back over to the other two and motions them near. "There is an old mare back there. My guess, our departed bloody archmage's mother."

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Dim shakes his head at the ground before asking "How many others were like that?" Dim sags he shoulders before he starts to walk down the stairs and looks at all the elderly ponies "This must be where thier families stay" Dim shivers before he turns to shadow. "Orders?"
(I doubt shadow would massacre them, but Ivy is a wild card sense she's scared of unicorns)

"I'd rather we keep them alive. If nothing else we can label them as information resources. I'm sure they might know some of what at least motivated these blood mages."

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Dim nods in agreement as he enters the room (Yeah I'm way to happy to write a depressing scene of a bunch of sweet old ponies to weak to stand up because we slaughtered their kids. So after Ivy inputs we are time skipping to the next flight of stairs)

2914197 (Sorry sorry, struck a creative gold mine for my fic.) Ivy Scans the walls as she marches forwards into the room. "What's happened to them?" She asks, looking at the elderly ponies crying on the ground.

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2914454 Dim sighs before he answers Ivy "Well we just melted, exploded, and crushed thier kids and grandkids, so yeahhh... I actually feel bad now'

2914472 Gritting her teeth Ivy looks over at the ponies. "Shit." She says before signaling the two armored ponies at her side. A quick thump of their crossbows reverberates through the cavern and the elders slump over dead.

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Dims eyes go wide as he sees them shoot. Teleporting as fast as he can he lands in front of the two bolts and wraps his strongest shields around them. Ignore the temptation to start an interbrigade war Dim, remember she is just following the orders of someone she probably views as a god. Alright so if these are explosive my shields will hold and I'll have a really bad headache and will have to use a mana crystal, but if they still have anti magic tips... Oh God I hope they don't have anti magic tips right now
(It would probably be best if you just name the bolt tips for now)

2914550 (Normal Steel tips wrapped in anti-magic. Will do for now on, we should also create a list of ammunition types.))

"What the fuck, Ivy? They are just old ponies." In less serious situations she would make a crack about Ivy obviously working for the healthcare system.

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