Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Group Admin

2744886 Aww you don't like my decoys apparently:fluttercry:
Probably because I destroyed blues dignity with one:rainbowlaugh:
well time to tele away

2744904 Not at all, it's just you were kinda like Doctor Doom there Actually A Doombot

Group Admin

2744915 I still think it's because blue broke his leg on a bale of hay

2744953 Which is an achievement considering he was packing enough force to crack stone. But the major Bs moments were more related to how Green acted i.e sparring the guy. Though you did a remarkable job of controlling the field.

Group Admin

2744962 what can I say Green likes to toy with her food lol

2744964 Doesn't jell with the whole 'killed mah dudes you bastard, Ima kill yous' vibe you had going though.

Group Admin

2744972 aww fail I forgot I was doing pissed not crazy. Okay ebony won that one

2744981 Still dying to know who won the other fight though.

Hehehe, that was fun. As for me winning on points... well having done this sort of stuff for over 10 years I should have a pretty good handle on it. Do you two mind if I grant a critique of this myself as someone used to doing them? I'll be as fair as I can be about it and answer any questions once I'm done.

Group Admin

Well you guys are beta testers so go ahead

Alrighty then. The fight went very well by and large but there were some snags for roleplays like this on a message board. What was done was perfect if we were to do this in a chat, I might point out if only because of how fast the posters can respond.

Autohitting, given that I've never heard a better term for it, can cause issues with role players when one does stuff on a message board. This happens as they have no way of countering, evading, or even responding and must play with taking the damage. In other words, the other player has already roleplayed their reaction to the attack rather than letting them handle it. Some of us realize we can respond with an evasion by a hair in our next post but not everyone does. As such they will take offense to this and possibly refuse to participate in a fight again, assuming they do to begin with if they see it happening. During our fight, save for being playful, Greenwall could have instantly went for a killing blow at any of the times she appeared already stabbing Star before I had a chance to even try for an evasion. You'll probably want to open up time for reactions much as I did. Star directed his attacks at Green but I never explicitly stated they hit as I left that up to you with the exception of the needles in his tail hair.

My only other issue that I saw here is that if we are going to base this so heavily on the canon spell books of the characters rather than being entirely off the cuff is that we will need to clearly document somewhere the powers and abilities of every pc, possible pvp npcs, and any other challenge we might set up this way. When all the players know Bob can only use fire and ice and yet Jim can seemingly pull anything out of his backside without forewarning then Bob is possibly going to get miffed. If Jim is omnipotent it should be noted somewhere so those that might take up a fight with him will know so. I only mention this because I am not aware of Greenwall's stats being anywhere. They might very well be and I'm simply ignorant of them but as such I was fighting blind, if you will.

All told those are two issues I have spotted with this. I'm fine with rolling with this system as it is thanks to all my years doing this stuff I can roll with whatever system we use but I figured I would point out things I've actually got into arguments with people about pvp fights before over before this becomes a larger part of the system.

Group Admin

2748202 Alrighty
Also as I said we are in beta right now so it's an unspoken rule to talk about that sort of thing.

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