Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Standing at the castles gate the bloodbathed Greenwall screams "Show yourself coward. I'll kill you for what you have done!" The castle guards surrounding are continuing to ooze blood as she declares her challenge.
(two part fight the first fight Green has her powers severely limited, but she wont die due to her simply teleporting away at a lose, your character can do that as well. A few missions from now she will be at full power and the fight will be to the death. 25 posts each no magics are forbidden, first come first serve)

2742209 (I remember how it went for Blue last time)

2742669 (Though I will happily judged this one when it's done.)

(No restrictions? Heh, alright, I'll take that one.)

"Coward? I'm hardly that. Merely cautious."

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2742696 (Yeah, also remember the post counter starts after the first attack lands then we trade posts like blows until we run out)
Greenwall glares at the pony on the walls before flashing a wicked smile"Come down here and face me or I will let you live, I'm sure the princesses would love to know all about you and time travel I believe you said."

"Or you will let me live? Wouldn't that make it wiser for me to leave then?" He smirks before disappearing in a flash to reappear on the ground before Greenwall. "They should know about my time travel anyway. A variation of the same magic that sent me here is what keeps my grand enchantments running after these few millennia after all." He smiles as his magic reaches into his robes an removes a small deck of cards.

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2742761 Smiling at his move Green smirks Wow this guy really is cocky enough to willingly fall into a trap like that this will be fun. Without wasting any more time Green rips the earth out from under the enchanter
(Count your combat posts so this will be easier to track post 1)

(I'm assuming ala the 'pull the rug/table sheet' maneuver.)
His smirk never disappears even as he is flipped into the air. As he falls his magic tosses three cards, each bearing the tower on them, toward Greenwall so that they fall into a triangular formation around her. He lands on his back laughing. "Oof."

(post 1 for me)

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2742799 Teleporting behind him as the cards fall around her. Using an old tatic she magics the guards weapons into her magical grasp and sends them flying everywhere. Not in any pattern just flying around making the area a death trap. Using her own sword she slashes out at him

He smirks given that he is lying on his back means the tossed weapons miss him through the sword slash connects. Sadly it slices through a joker card before it unleashes an electric shock into the area around it. Star reappears in the center of his tower cards with a smirk. "Enchanters have to be more clever than direct attacks."

(post 2)

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2742862 (Note the weapons have not stopped, also the spell book is not up to date so just don't do anything that is obviously not canon) Greens horn begins to glow as she charges star her sword glowing an eerie green

(Was referring to the initial pass for him missing it by being on the ground. OH? That just leave me with electric coins and fire arrows then as that is all he has in the canon spell book. Eh, I've worked and whooped with less. And I think a cold enchantment too come to think of it.)
"Oh dear me. Whatever will I do?" He says aloud. Timing it just so he uses his magic to twist one of the blades coming back for him to catch Green's sword long enough to draw his bow with its enchanted arrows and fire one at her. "Oh yeah, that."

(post 3)

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Green keeps charging allowing the arrow to pass right through her head and slams her blade against stars. If paying enough attention one would notice the hay passing out of the back of her head

"Really, a decoy?" There is a sound of tinkling as coins being to spill out of Star's robes all about him as he dodges other incoming weapons.

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2742982 Green lands on Stars back her blade glancing the side of his ribs before she teleports away again

"Not bad." He grunts. "Poison?" He moves his hoof across his side next to the wound to feel how bad it is. His magic pulls out something unusual in the manner of an orb and runs it across his wound sealing it back up.

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2743036 She teleports just below him her back on a shield her face right below his "No, I just thought you would look better with a scar" She says half lidded before turning into a glare "Also remember we use to fight together your tricks are not going to work on me." Her horn glows extremely bright for a split second before it explodes in a blinding blast of light. When the light fades Green is nowhere to be found and the weapons are flying with purpose now many of which already have taken a pass at star.

(Hm.. I wonder if I can pull in any of the artifacts that Star made. Most of which are probably highly illegal if not borderline war crime level to use.)

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2743103 (No one overly Op weapons)

"Dear, it would just be one to the hundreds I already have." His magic swirls around the captured blade knocking the incoming weapons off course whenever its not easily avoided though he gets a few nicks to himself here and there. It would seem he has encountered this kind of magic before. "There was once a griffon magus I knew that was fond of something similar to this." He looks at his coins and then mutters to himself. "Sluice." The ice runes he had altered upon every other coin divert their spell into the ground freezing the field around himself, yet leaving where he stands clear, and possibly catching some of the floating blades if they are too low.

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2743157 Greenwall sits down on top of the castle wall waving down at Star "Enjoy the gift I left you!" She yells as her horn glows green. Another green come from behind him. The wall greens horn growing very bright as she begins to cast a spell seconds from completion. The second green charges Star her horn glowing the same colour, but with bits of hay flying off her fur.

Rolls his eyes as he waits to see what this will do. For some reason there is a moment where his color seems to shift to a deep blue before returning to normal.

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2743219 The green on the wall suddenly explodes, bits of flaming hay flying off. The second green explodes in a similar manner, but hundreds of steel needles come flying out from the force of the explosion mere feet from Star. (I doubt greens going to attempt to fight an ancient enchanter head on so beware)

The needles all hit but rather than the sound of piercing flesh one can hear what sounds like needles smashing into solid ice. Indeed, it would seem Star had managed to manipulate the ice rune's field to leave a replica of himself in place of where he had been. Star himself is once again inside the field of his cards from earlier. it would seem a mild field of electricity is triggered this time deflecting any incoming needles from him. "At least she is cautious. I'll have to bind her in place for a moment or trick her into overcommitting. Oh Gleipnir, a shame I didn't bring you with me when I came here."

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2743278 (Sorry doing a zombie Rp and I'm talking to a proofreader)
Green sighs slightly seeing that he had used her own trick on her. Deciding to drive him out of hiding Green blows up the castle walls causing chunks of stone to rain down onto them. Green Causes the flying blades to pick up speed

(No worries. I know what its like to be in that situation. I should be writing like two stories now for contests not to mention two others I simply want to work on.)
"Heh." He waits until just before blades and stones converge before teleporting out of the way of the lot of it and reappearing above the rubble where it has already settled at the base of the former wall. "I wonder if you are merely using an chameleon rune. If so, well all this dust can't be helping you to hide I would imagine."

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2743437 Greenwall appears underneath him this time her blade twisting against his chin drawing some blood "I could end it now you know, but I'm having far to much fun getting my revenge. Shame you couldn't save the ponies in the castle, but hey what can you do" She says with an innocent smile before teleporting away

2743408 (Woh, collateral damage much? Sure Green just killed a bunch of Guards)

"Tch... keep getting my blood on your blade why don't you. I'm sure that won't have consequences." He chuckles to himself as his magic looses his hair as some is diverted into making it grow out a bit. The thousands of little needles he keeps within his mane and tail ready for the next time she comes within physical touching distance.

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2743467 (Well what do you think could happen to cause Green to get this pissed at star?)
2743491 A deep rumbling can be heard beneath the ground as if something was tunneling underneath it

Quirking an eyebrow, Star looks down at the rubble underneath him. "Earth tunneling? She'll have to come up through all this rubble though I suppose that doesn't do much to stop one who is flowing through solid rock already." He drops three slips of paper bearing the fire rune before jumping back and notching another arrow in his bow.

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2742645 (Also I said I wouldn't use her full power on round one, what's there to be scared of?)
PerfectGreen teleports behind him slicing off his tail before teleporting away. Beneath the ground a ball of steel needles bursts forth glowing green explode Showering the area with needles

"Heh." Strands of his tail fly into Green's face as she cuts it off guaranteeing she is hit by a few of the paralysis enchanted needles. Star looks into the oncoming needles with a sleepy look to his eyes as if bored as he levitates up one of the stones from the rubble and places it in front of himself. A bit of his magic tugs three more and layers them behind it just in case. (Yes, I did have these in our first rp so I think they are valid in this case. Also, 12.)

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2743668 (Yeah they are, but how long are they suppose to last, I mean I could always blood magic my way out, but I'd rather avoid forbidden arts for now)

(About 30 seconds or so for just a single sting on average especially on an opponent with adrenaline pumping through their system such as in a fight. If caught unaware and flat footed the target would be held up for longer. In this case it wouldn't add up to more than a minute and she probably could finish that teleport before locking up. In the rp, if i recall correctly, it caught that one pc unaware and they were out of it for like a day or two.)

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2743741 (Alright)
The needles continue to glow green as they begin to punch through the layers of stone as if it was nothing more than cloth

"Not surprising." He teleports over to where the needles came from and looks about for a paralyzed Greenwall. "Yohooo, where are you my dear? I have one of my more nasty tricks to show you."

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2743914 Channeling her magic into fighting the enchantment she manages to break free her horn glows green and she freezes up and falls down hitting the ground and making a thud

Star teleports next to where he heard the crash and looks down at Green. "Hello. Ever wondered what a fire rune with a bit of directional control would allow a pony to do if they hid it on their person? Better yet, want to find out?" He clicks his tongue to his teeth completing the rune and activating its altered parameters unleashes a fire breath not unlike a dragon, though with much less intensity, at her. (Hehehehe, I love messing around with insane enchanters. What they won't enchant is an easier question to answer than what they will. 14)

Comment posted by Pleaseworkforonce deleted Feb 1st, 2014
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Greens sword slams into the back of Stars neck (Blunt side) as the decoy explodes, this time with acid at the center. For good measure Green summons all the swords underground into the upper world and had them fly into every nook and cranny she could find before disappearing again.
(Want to wrap this up at fifteen posts, 25 is a bit long for this type of fight?

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(Coughs I mean teleports the swords not summon)

(Up to you really. I can do these forever if needs be. I'm going to have to flesh out more of what Star can do though before I do a to the death one. He didn't even get to use his lashing electric tendril robe trick yet.)

Rearing his head back he grunts as he feels the acid burn into his face. "Ouch." That blow to the neck didn't make jerking back feel any better than the acid if he was truthful. If Green can see him she might think she did more harm that it appears as for a moment his face is covered in scars and burns including what looks like something tried to pluck out his right eye before the normal appearance of his face reasserts itself. "Not bad." He removes the orb from earlier and his aches begin to recede once more. (15)

(Hm.. should say where it looks like something had tried to pluck out his right eye... urgh..)

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2744103 (Yeah I'm out of stuff for now anyways So i'll prompt you in and we can do intermission stuff:yay:)

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2742683 Have thou judged our work of art?

2744788 Nae, I have been partaking of Fish and Chips most merrily. But donst fret thy brow! I now apply myself most heartily to the task at hand!

2744181 Star Wins 37-33
Scoring as follows: Left Greenwall, Right Star
1) 2,-3,2 1,-2,0 33,-36,36 29,-19,27
2) 2,0,2 3,-2,2
3) 1,0,0 2,-1,3
4) 3,-4,1 1,-2,0
5) 3,-1,3 1,0,0
6) 1,-1,2 3,-1,1
7) 2,-2,3 1,-2,0
8) 2,-1,1 2,-3,0
9) 1,-1,2 1,0,1
10) 3,-5,5 2,0,0
11) 1,0,2 1,0,3
12) 1,-3,1 4,0,5
13) 1,0,0 1,-2,5
14) 3,-7,0 3,-4,5
15) 4,-8,5 3,0,2

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