Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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(1st one here gets to fight me. This match will last 30 posts and a judge will be found afterwards)
The Necromancer has been terrorizing the country side. After battling your way through her minions you have finally caught up to her.
The Mare has a pure white coat with yellow hair and is wearing a robe covering her cutie mark. In her magical grasp is a sword with a skull pommel. She specializes in necromancy and shield magic

Magic restrictions
You cannot use any forbidden magics in this fight
All other current spells are at your disposal

(You can use an old or new character, this will not affect the sagas at all)

2732193 (I would fight you if I wasn't so sleepy right now. That and I'm bad at PvP)

(Hm... so any spells we can make up or what here? So long as we are avoiding blood magic anyway. I want to but I'm going to have to make a store run in like 10 minutes. If no one else takes you up on it by the time I get back I'll sign up for it. I love pvp role play.)

(Still open?)

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2732748 Yeah but response will be about every five to six minutes

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2732748The necromancer stood on toup of a pointed boulder over looking a plain. Sighing she looks down at the intruder. " Before I kill you I must ask Who are you?"

2732848 (Sorry, in shower:fluttercry:) Blue just grunts as he charges the mare, his empowered armour propelling his armoured form.

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2733021 Sighing She cast a black aura across the ground in front of her where three skeletons emerge to fight Blue (Scoring starts now) before sitting down and casting a shield around herself

2733032 Ignoring the skeletons Blue directs some charge into his legs as he jumps, sailing far over there heads as fires his crosssbow, it's signature *crack* splitting the air as the steel tip bolt hurtles towards the shield.

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2733054 Surprised by the attack the necro quickly jumps of the rock landing with a thud. Groaning a bit she summons two shades to assist her. She watches at the bolt goes right through the shield Alright he's not using magic in attacking much so I need physical shields. Grabbing her sword she charges Blue the shades flanking him (Shades are copies of the pony summoning them in this world but they are grey instead of colourful) The skeletons charging from behind

2733083 (Argh, sorry) Ducking a blow Blue discards his crossbow, drawing his greatsword. Swing it in arcs around him Blue holds his ground, lashing out at speed at the shades with his hooves.

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2733252 Stopping before the sword reaches her she lights up her horn. The ground beneath blue turns black as bone hooves shoot from the ground tripping him as the skeletons from behind charge. One jumps to attack from up high another keeps going straight and the third dives on the ground at blue.
The shades each burst in black flames as they are hit by blues hooves

2733280 Blue struggles underneath the pile, cold hooves raking over his armor. Princess am I glad we don't have claws He thinks to himself as he spins around, the hooves failing to find purchase on his plate, charging his horn a shallow thruming sound emanates from the pile before his form bursts skywards,leaving a shower of bones in his wake.

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2733357 Watching the Unicorn burst out of the pile and a few feet in the sky the necro began to scan the ground for more corpses.Hah a diamond dog perfect Reanimating the corpse she has it dig near the surface and lie in wait. To keep Blue from getting suspicious she reanimates a few bunnies and the last pony corpse in the area and sends the charging at blue. She Sends a blackfire dart at the falling Blue for good measure (sorry dogs)

2733494 As he nears the apex of the jump Blue rotates in the air, seeing the mare and the blackfire dart heading his way he scowls. Time to do something stupid He thinks as he charges his horn, disappearing in a flash as the bolt zips through the space his head had occupied a second ago. There's a slight sense of vertigo as he reappears underneath the necromancer, the displacement kicking up dust.
"Nice view." He quips as he strikes up at her throat.

Group Admin

2733531 (:facehoof:)Feeling sompony beneath her she sees Blue just as he hits her in the throat. Coughing she falls off of him and stumbles backwards before she starts running to the right but falls to the ground coughing only after a few steps

Comment posted by Balancer deleted Jan 31st, 2014
Group Admin

2733598 (Hey no controlling my minions, try again)

2733618 Rolling over onto his hooves Blue rises up from the ground, summoning his sword he bisects a nearby shade before advancing on the mare. (Better?)

Group Admin

2733643 (Yes I couldn't stab you from the distance you chose) As blue nears her she smirks as the daimond dog bursts from the ground grabbing Blues hoof the other one hooking onto his armour. Several skeletal bunnies charge Blue as the necro advances. Slashing out with her sword it glows an eerie black as it nears Blues face

2733681 Blue smirks beneath his helm. "If you wanted to get close to me you could've just asked." He says as he parries the sword, elbowing the diamond dog corpse with his free leg, the skull collapsing in on it's self. Wrenching his self free as the bunnies swarm over him Blue drops and rolls, using his greater mass to crush them beneath his bulk. Bring his blade up he charges the necromancer once again.

Group Admin

2733727 Seeing Blue roll over the bunnies she smirks as she watches as some of their bones be crushedPerfect She thinks as she grabs all the bone fragments and forces them through the creases in his armour into his skin. Just to be safe she summons a small powerful shield about the size of a watermelon right in front of her.

(We have to wait for a judge once we reach post 39(Top left corner of a comment is the number if you have not noticed)

2733766 As he steps forward Blue's eyes go wide as he feels a prickling sensation. Looking down at his legs he sees the shards of bunny bone slip in between the cracks. Buck he thinks momnets before the prickling escalates into a searing sensation. His step faltering Blue suppresses a scream as he pulls his crossbow over.

Group Admin

2733792 Seeing him pull out the cross bow her horn grows far brighter as she gives one last strong push on the bones before preparing to counter the cross bow

2733806 The crossbow drops to the ground as Blue collapses screaming, the shards grinding there way through his muscle tissue. Panting heavily he forces himself up picking up his sword he takes a hesitant step forward, droplets of blood leaking from the gaps in his plate as he picks up the pace.

Group Admin

2733859 The necromancer laughs thinking she has won (This post does count for 1 of her 15 posts and is worth 0, bad guys will often waste a post like this one)

2733881 (Huh, cool) Gritting his teeth Blue draws on his magic, charging himself again as he leaps at the Necromancer, his sword leaving a glowing trail as it swings over and around her shield angling towards her, his body blurring as he shoulder tackles the shield.

Group Admin

2733915 (Did you hit the shield? its hard to tell what you mean in the last sentence?)

2733952 (Blue rammed the shield, using himself to distract the necromancer while he swung his sword around it, yay magical dexterity!)

Group Admin

2733915 The necro jumps backwards in surprise being nicked by Blues blade. Shacking off the shock of the attack the necromancer ordered the bunny bones to start vibrating "Thanks, guess I'll give you a little massage for that" tje necromancer spits out (Remember said bones are pretty deep in Blue)

2733992 "Argh," Blue barks as the bones start moving "Nice but i'd much rather prefer one from a pretty mare like you." He says, the pain in voice straining it. Grabbing his cross bow he makes to pull it towards him but ends up throwing past him. Fuck He thinks as he collapses to his knees, his vision blurring as his sword drops from the air as he redirects his energy to pulling the shards from himself.

Group Admin

2734045 Scanning the ground she finnally found another corpse, this one fairly fresh"I'm quite flattered, but I'm afraid I'm simply to tired to entertain you" Re animating the dead dear which still had organs and all, but it was decayed to the point some bone shows. Letting the animal get close to the screaming pony She says " But I'm sure my friend will do just fine. The deer than burst from the ground, it's intestines poking through its stomach it landed on Blue giving him a massive bear hug further pushing the bones into him

2734117 For fucks sake! Blue thinks as he prys the deer off him before snapping it in half and throwing it away. "You know some coffee would perk you up, how bout skip this and go find a coffee house." He quips, casting a shield around him as he digs a rather large shard out of his thigh.

Group Admin

2734175 Laughing the necromancer says " Well I would take you up on that, but we will have plenty of time of that once I work my magic on you. Yes you'll make a fine servant indeed" Wishing to end this quickly she orders the bones to shatter even more and gave them a nice push seperating the fragments fragments. "Enjoy picking those out in the mean time"

(you have 2 more posts)

2734245 Realizing that picking the bones out was futile while the mare was still casting Blue decides to do something best described as suicidal, dropping the shield he begins to sprint towards the mare only to blink beside her, ramming the full force of his armored bulk into her side a red mist following his actions.

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2734268 Crashing to the side the mare wipes some blood trickling down her lip" Oh so the sweet soldier who wanted to take me to cofee likes it rough" she says (Man I really want to use blood magic right now, but two forbidden arts is too Op for a PvP battle) Grinning she throws her cloak into Blues face before slashing Blue across the chest her sword still glowing that eerie black

2734317 (The hell did Dim come from?)

Group Admin

2734328 (Sorry I'm doing an Rp with Dim so if I say his name ignore it)

2734317 (Last post) As the sword cut through his plate Blue barrels into the mare, knocking them both to the ground as he pins her, ignoring the wound he channels the last of his magical strength into his right hoof. As they slam into the ground Blue's right hoof blurs seeming to move instantly, slamming into the mare's horn. "Yeah, suppose i do." Blue grunts, his vision darkening as the pain washed over him.

2734377 Pleaseworkforonce : Creativity=25 Believability=-12 Advantage =26 Total=40
Balancer : Creativity=26 Believability=-16 Advantage=27 Total=37


2734349 Welp, guess i'ma vampire now:pinkiehappy: Also damn, new that last scene was going to cost me.

2745472 That last scene didn't cost you too much.
Those two did : 2733792 2734045 They are good at a RP point, they didn't cost you anything in believability, but at the point of Creativity and Advantage... It was here that Pleaseworkforonce gained more points than you .

2746701 ahhhhhh, oh well price I pay for believability then.

2734349 No killing blow?

Group Admin

2748707 Screaming as the force of the blow cracks her horn the necromancer begins to feel an odd sensation wash over her. Smirking as she feels her horn repair itself the necromancer pushes Blue off of her. "It's a shame you let me stab you" The necromancer begins to cackle as her swords black aura surrounds blue and slowly sucks the life force from him. As Blue's heart stops beating she sets to work reanimating him. Her horn glows black as she resurrects Blue.
"Ahh good I'm glad you're awake." She says with an evil grin "I've decided I'm going to let you keep your free will until I need your help again." Her grin grows larger as she continues "I've also made you stronger, faster, more magical, as well as giving you the ability to drink blood." She begins to laugh now " A vampire? Oh no dear you see the downsides you have received is that you now sparkle in the sunlight, and you will be unable to resist the urge to go to highschool for the rest of your unnatural life and molest teenagers." She looks Blue in his undead eyes "Oh and you can't kill yourself either bu by" The necromancer teleports off.

2750425 His body sparkling in the sun, Blue collapse to his knees. "Nooooooooo!" He screams to the sky. (You evil evil bastard)

Group Admin

2750726 (Hows that for a killing blow)

2750737 ( A killing blow would've been kinder. I'll post something later when I'm not at work., pretty sure I can salvage this into something decently awesome.)

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