Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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"Heh, well you might be right. Though that begs the question what I'm really up to being here in all this then, doesn't it?" Continues to eat his meal with a smirk on his face.

2841907 Blue shrugs. "Doesn't matter to me. Like I said, I've seen stranger things."

"So what is your story? I can tell you've been through a lot as is what with that zebrican posting and other things. If you've already deduced I'm a time traveler then I might as well see if I can't figure out anything about you." Star is of course ignoring anyone around listening to him so he might have let slip something he shouldn't have at some point.

2841920 "The zebrican posting was my start, after that I was moved back to Manehatten for terrorist control. Was there for about 6 years, untill the brass got word of an incoming attack. They failed to stop a shipment of BioWeps a few days earlier, and the group was lead by a Zebra i'd had clashes with during my posting. The guy hated me something fierce, unleashed this plague on Manehatten just to spite me because i'd told him I grew up there once." Blue looks away for a moment, his eyes taking on a thousand yard stare for a moment. "It was...brutal, ponies just...wasting away."

Blue looks back at Star, or rather over him where the mare from before was siting, perched atop him, her face gaunt and sickly.

"The brass quarantined it, couldn't risk it being transmitted. Took them a week before they could synthesis a counter agent. By then over five thousand ponies were dead."

"Plague deaths are always the worst. Especially when you feel you might have some fault in them. Did you get to gut the bastard at least?"

2841943 "No." Blue says. "He'd used himself as the primary vector, by the time I found him he'd already been dead for a long time. And by then it was already too late."

Blue looks up again, the mare was gone. "Far too late. Though I guess you don't have to worry about that."

"Thankfully no. Sorry to hear that you didn't at least get to rip him apart. Seems an odd choice for a revenge scheme though. Killing yourself in order to get at the one you want hurt."

2841955 "I don't pretend to understand madmen Star." Blue says as he takes a gulp of coffee. "After that I went...bad for a bit, punched out one of the brass when they pinned a medal on me, got sent back over seas only this time to the deer lands. Got mixed up in a Fae court for a bit and ended up back in Canterlot. Not long after that I wound up here after accidentally killing a noble brat."

"Sorry to hear that." Star perks up at the mentions of something though. "Fae Court you say? Happen across one of those dinners they love to have in the process?"

2841967 "Nah, got myself declared a Knight of Autumn for a bit before I managed to weasel out of it. That...was not fun."

"Few of the Fae sports and courts are for ponies. I would imagine that even if you learned any of their magic you would choose not to use it."

2841977 Blue shakes his head. "They took that from me when they took back their Mantel. Does weird things to you, up here." Blue says as he taps his head. "Doesn't matter now though, got through it alive and sane. That's all i can ask for."

"Its a wonder it didn't cause you to have some changeling traits. Hm.. usually when that happens there are remnants. Do you happen to see things no one else does by chance?"

2842009 "Only ghosts." Blue says as he lights a smoke.

"The worse thing to be able to see I would imagine. So, anything to do around here besides carouse and make nuisances of ourselves to the brass?"

2842015 Blue grins. "I bet we could find something..."

2842020 "How are your enchantments are changing tastes?"

"I can do a serviceable job at it. Not exactly a spell that comes up often unless one is inclined to using poisoned food."

2842061 "Ehhh not that far, I have access to the officers quarters, and if i know one thing it's the officers live and die by the strength of their coffee."

"Oh? I'm liking this so far."

2842125 "If you can whip up some enchanted sugar we can spike their coffee with what ever we want, the possibilities are endless."

"Heh, sure. Shall we enchant what they keep on stock or bring our own?"

2842138 "Bring our own, that way if we mix it in they'll have to dump they'll whole load."

"Good idea and thankfully we can get some right here." He gets up to return his plate and request a rather large amount of sugar.

2842147 (Jumping off night.) Blue grins before yawning, blinking for a moment he looks at his coffee cup. Clever bastards He thinks before slumping over into unconsciousness.

Returning with sugar after convincing the serving staff that he was going to use it as a weapon, he notices Blue asleep. "Well bugger. So much for that."

2842151 (I wonder if that would be considered as treason :trixieshiftright:? So Star Craving ultimate goal is become immortal ? Yep, I consider him now totally crazy )

(Immortal in the remembered sense. Yesh... I didn't think it would be that confusing a terminology choice. Admittedly, my personal perception is that all living beings have the goal of immortality even if they don't realize it. Self-preservation indicates that they seek to survive no matter what.)

2842543 (Personally, I want to survive, but I don't care I if I am remembered or not, and becoming immortal in the literal sense is something that I consider more of a curse than a blessing. Raging Fire have, however a totally different opinion.)

(Heh, the one interpretation of immortality I've never understood. Eternal loss? Please, every living thing suffers that and deals with it. Part of life in fact. Eternal boredom though... well that I can concede might be an issue.)

2842715 (Eternal loss, I think I would be fine with it, but even if the universe is infinite, there will be a time when you will have seen everything. Immortality and omnipotence are two of the things that I consider a curse, mainly because there will be a time when boredom will come, and then good luck being immortal in a dull world. Even if omnipotence is better since if you have done everything possible, you can at least die, or forget your life to view the world in a new light, like a phoenix :trollestia:)

Group Admin

(Crap we don't have another character... umm hop on to the the thread that is active and make a unicorn seargent for the dawn, or solar brigade)

2842715 (On?) Blue stirs, he grimaces as a chalky taste greats him. Urgh, sleeping dust residue He thinks as he looks at his surroundings, finding he had been propped up in one of the corners in the officers quarters. Greenwall was still sleeping next to him, having slumped over slightly. Grimacing Blue slowly stands, running his tongue along his teeth with a sour look on his face. Wonder who had the ball for that little number, at least they had the decency to put me back at barracks...even if i'm not technically allowed to be here. He thinks to himself as he wanders over and pours a cup of coffee, choosing to skip the sugar.

He looks over at his shoulder, frowning at the set of private stripes. Taking a seat on one of the stools he watched as officers went about their business, the younger ones occasionally giving him funny looks. A couple of them even tried to get him to leave, only to be put in their place by some of the senior Solar's, many of who Blue had served with at one point or another. They didn't seem to notice his rank, treating him like the old comrade he was, many expressing their sympathies at his position.

2874862 (You guys still doing this?)

2901458 (yeah, I just don't have a lot of free time for the moment)

((Same here, haven't really been doing anything here lately... So, as my schedule isn't being fair I'm jumping boat. I'll see if I can jump back on soon.))

Group Admin

2901486 Popping her back Greenwall stretches like a cat before she walks out of the officers quarters and into the training ground

2975317 Blue sees Greenwall stand and stretch, excusing himself he follows her out.

Group Admin

2975655 (We really need to get some more active members... Want to do a side Rp?)

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