Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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Bastil Castle. This castle is where the refugees from The crystal empire are appearing, including you.
Bastil castle is a heavily guarded castle in one of the land routes from equestria to the griffon empires. (Snow covered valley)
Places of Interest
Barracks- Food sleep, talking
Walls- Survey land, talking
Training grounds- Practice your abilities here
Mage tower-Allows communications with other Mage towers, Where the magus venatoris are located.
Train Station- Outside walls, where new characters will appear (Aside from the magus venatoris)
(Please do not enter intermission until you have been teleported from the crystal city)

2692132 (Can I enter with my second character?)

Group Admin

2692635 (Yeah he's one of the Magus Venatoris if I read the description right)

Group Admin

2692635 (Oh promotion All privates who participated in the last mission are now private first class)

2692667 (What does that means? The only things I remember with this name is in the Fairy Tail fandom)

Group Admin

2692809 (It's latin for wizard hunter)

2693159 (All right. That's exactly what I thought it would be. You make me want to play to Dragon Age...)
A blue coated earth pony walked inside the Mage tower, his armor covered in blood. He put his halberd on a rack with other weapons, searching his superior to report.

Group Admin

2693370 (Yeah I love dragon age's lore)
A stallion in a robe called out to the returning venatoris. " I've been asked to report that the mage Burning has arrived at the castle bastil. We can prepare a teleport to their mage tower if you wish

2693417 (Me too, but I still haven't finished it.)
"Do it." he said before taking back is halberd and waiting until the teleportation was finished.

Group Admin

2693503 ( >.> yeah I use to play origins way too much... I've beat it 25 times the fastest being 45 hours:applejackconfused:)
With a rush of magic The stallion found himself in the castles mage tower at the rood

2693520 (I've played all the characters possible, but I spent too much time on characters creation :facehoof:)
When Frost arrived at the Bastil Castle, he sighed before looking around, he spotted a mage and told him to bring him to the mage Raging Fire

Group Admin

2693671 (Where's raging at, I prefer not to control other peoples characters)
Yes sir" The mage said with a bit of spite in his voice

2693691 (She is at the barrack.)
Frost looked down at the mage, his halberd in hoof. "I don't have a lot of time, hurry up."

Group Admin

2693724 Walking down the tower steps the mage took Frost to the barracks "Here, although I must remind you that interfering with her ability to fight with all that is going on is not reccomended" Not wanting to deal the venatoris any more the mage blinked back to the tower

2693765 (I'm going to sleep. Raging Fire will stay in the infirmary, while Frost will stay at the training ground.)
Frost entered the barracks and asked one of the guards where he could find the pyromancer Raging Fire. After he followed what he has been told, he entered inside an infirmary. He walked until he found Raging Fire, she was awake, even if she was seemed tired. When she heard Frost approached she looked up and sighed.
"So that's you who is charged on watching me? I thought you would be here earlier."
"I had a mission to finish."
The two looked at each others for a few minutes. Each one trying to make the other look away, before Raging leaned down on the bed. "I'm sure you will love meeting my new leader, Dim... Just make sure to don't trust him. He is a bit hotblooded."
Frost looked at her as he shakes his head before getting up and walked outside.

Group Admin

2693984 Green goes to the mages tower and they fix her amensia (I'm not writing a book and you can literally bring people back from the dead with healing magic so I say it's good enough)

2693984 (Sorry bit late with the post.) Blue rolls his shoulders as he wakes up from the power nap he had been taking. Looking around he realized that he had fallen asleep in one of the waiting rooms in the infirmary, someone having tucked a cushion next to him while he slept. Crud, did I miss anything?[i/] He thinks to himself, the last thing he recalled was handing Raging over to the medics and seeing Greenwall be escorted to the mages tower.

(Eh? What is this about wizard hunters? Last I knew we had teleported to the frozen lake or is this a different rp?)

Group Admin

2695978 (I time warped you to the equestrian border(This castle to be exact) it was about 3 hours away)
2695218 (I was youtubing and if anyone doesn't know this is exactly like the other intermissions, but we may do another mission in an couple hours if ya'll are active enough)
Greenwall sits there as they begin to cast the spell on her several thoughts going through her head What will I remember? What if I'm evil? What if I hate myself? Will this even be worth it? I can still back out now, but...
In a blinding flash of light Greenwall's memories start to trickle in, but like a crack in a dam they start to come faster years of her life flashing by in seconds. When it was all over she stared ahead. Without moving she levitates some bits to the mage before she turns around and walks out of the building. Once she was out of sight she ran to the back of the castle and sat down against the wall. Tears gently fell out of her eyes as she realized everyone she knew was dead back in the city.

(I probably won't be. I've been up since 3 yesterday morning. Its about time I got some sleep.)

2696152 (I won't be able to be on until at least 5 hours, I have guests.)

2696152 (So sorry, been watching the last two episodes.) Leave the infirmary Blue goes for a walk to find a place to light up. Heading down to the back of the castle the sound of sobbing catches his ears. Coming around the corner Blue can't help but raise an eyebrow as he sees Greenwall curled in a ball on the ground. "First time losing ponies?" He asks as he lights up a cig, leaning against the wall.

Group Admin

2696930 Startled by the newcomer Green looks up at him her face streaked with tears "No, they weren't just ponies" Green stares at the ground before continuing" ten years I've lived at that city and now it's gone. everyone I know is dead or worse" Sniffling she stands up and begins to walk away. " Wait" Greenwall stops in her tracks and turns around "Where's Dim?"

2696936 "Still in the city." Blue says before putting a hoof on her shoulder. "You need to talk about this Greenwall."

Group Admin

2696938 Greenwall's eyes widen. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN HE'S STILL IN THE CITY!" Greenwall yells at blue her hair is popping out of place now, drawing the attention of several guards before they blow it off as more drama from refugees.

2696942 "Just that." Blue says, nonplussed by the display. "And no they can't teleport you back, they're looking to cut the link soon after Dim arrives with the last of the Guards. Don't worry." (Ha, she swore.)

Group Admin

2696949 (Where'd you get Armour from? Shining is in canterlot with cadence, oh wait you guys never went to the library so you wouldn't know that)
Glancing around Green got up and walked to the front gates and sat down staring at the road.
(I hope zier gets on soon so I can get Dim here)

2696954 Walking in step with her Blue takes a final pull before flicking the stub of the cigarette away. "You going to tell me what that was back there?"

Group Admin

2696958 Green continues to stare ahead at the road ignoring Blue
(Yeah after the fifth time I had her beat someone for cussing I knew I had to tick her off enough to make her cuss)

2696961 (Luckily Blue knows how to do that :trollestia:) "Quite the tactical F-Bomb there." He says with a smirk, pulling a another smoke from his pack. "But really, back behind the wall, you need to talk about that Greenwall."

Group Admin

2696965 (I did what I had done to ebony with the archer stuff to zeir so Dim is on his way) "Leave me alone" Standing up Green begins to walk down the road

2696969 "Those feelings don't go away." Blue says as she stands. "Those screams...they keep you up at night and they'll never stop, every time you go to sleep, every time you close your eyes, there they are. Screaming your name, pleading...begging for you to save them, and they never stop no matter how far you run, how long you live or how many kill. They'll haunt you every waking moment, every night, for the rest of your life Greenwall."

2696975 (Wow, that was deep. I wonder what would happens if Raging and Blue had a discussion about that :trixieshiftright:)

2696982 (Yep, she'll get some real advice then about war:unsuresweetie: Also thanks:twilightblush:)

Group Admin

2696975 Dim, the researchers seargent and the last group of civilians they rescued land with a thud. Dim cries out in pain as his wound threatens to reopen. "Damn I hate moonsteel" Standing up Dim and his retinue begin to walk towards the nearest equestrian castle (About three hours ago so he's near)

Greenwall laughs at what Blue says "I've been in the military for fifty years trust me if anyone knows it's me" Her voice quiets down a little "Some of us just learn to cope with it better" Green continues to walk down the road.

2696985 (I doubt that she would care. She doesn't care if people die, as long as she can have fun and kill things she will be happy :unsuresweetie: She is like Discord, but without unlimited power and crave for killing others. )

2696988 (Fifty years:rainbowhuh:Dammmnnnn why isn't Greenwall a Major? Also I need to re-evalute Blue's age then.) Watching as she goes Blue shakes his head, and for a brief moment he looks...old, tired. "Or some of us just learn to lie about it." He whispers.

2696990 (A true Khornite)

2696990 (Oh wait just did the math, Blue's been in service 87 years.:facehoof::facehoof:)

Group Admin

2696992 (She easily outranks majors in the regular military, but there are only twenty sergeants in the solar and dawn brigades. There were twenty five before this war broke out. (Also Sergeants learn a top secret badass move based on their race.) Another group of refugees pass by Greenwall as she searches for Dim, but he's not in the crowd. Sighing Green sat down and stared at the ground in impatience .

"Hey" Green before looked up and saw Dim walking up with another unicorn wearing sergeants armor. Standing up Green notices Dim's bandages. Sprinting towards him she knocks him down in a flying tackle yelling "BROTHER" before starting to cry again. Green looks down at him and says "Don't you ever do that to me again"
Dim mutters something about wounds and breaking
(Btw Dim has been in the military for 80 years so yeah remember unicorns that reach your rank can easily live to be four hundred)

2697007 (We should write this down somewhere, really good for frame of reference.)

Group Admin

2697009 (I will when I stop being lazy and do it)

Group Admin

2697009 After several minutes Green lets Dim up and they begin to walk back to the city.

2697021 Still siting there Blue watches as Dim and Greenwall walk back up the road, rising with a grunt he salutes Dim. "Good to see you made it sir."

Group Admin

2697022 Chuckling Dim says "You say that like you thought I wouldn't"

2697001 (I might have missed an information. Each race have a different lifespan? So how long can a Earth Pony live? Because then Frost might have a higher rank than private since I see him more as a veteran than a rookie. At least he is older than Raging. Oh and I almost guessed right, depend if Dim is older than Greenwall.)

Group Admin

2697024 (Oh I never made the thread, one sec)

2697023 "Never doubted sir, this one though." Blue tilts his head to Greenwall with a smirk. "Worried sick." (You said Sargent in the brigade learn a secret move? Is that only in the 3rd?)

Group Admin

2697027 (Each Brigade teaches their members a unique move relative to the brigades line of work (And the third is the 2nd most concentrated ability(As in less aoe damage, but higher direct) The solar has the highest aoe and the lunar get an assassination type move)

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