Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2800645 A few minutes later Blue opens his eyes as he stands, stretching as he does. He cig long gone out (:twilightangry2:) he pulls and lights a new one. "Best go find the new boss." He grumbles as he exits the library, summoning his armor as he heads to the officers quaters.

Group Admin

2800653 Green props back into a chair and nods off

2800659 (OhHOHO, it's gonna be hard to find her now!) Blue wanders over to the Officers barracks, waltzing like he's been there a thousand times, looking for Greenwall.

Group Admin

Green lets out a somewhat cute snort for a fully armored pony

2800670 Blue looks over as a mare, or a least he thought it was, in full plate let out a cute snort. Walking over to a bored looking officer he gets his attention. "Greenwall been here?"

Group Admin

2800672 The officer nods at the armored pony

2800678 Blue looks over at the pony, back at the officer then back the Greenwall before shrugging. Pouring a cup of coffee he walks over to her and gives the chair a small kick to wake her up. "Here." He says as he offers the cup. "No time for sleep we've still got work to do."

Group Admin

2800683 Green glares at the pony before looking back at the ceiling "We're not moving out for another twelve hours. Ensure your gear is fixed than hit the hay" With speed that would put a sloth to shame, she fell back asleep.
(I'm setting up a scenario right now for Dim and this cult)

Group Admin

2800683 (Actually it's time for me to hit the hay)

2800691 (Then throw me random npc guard to ghost pilot and get prepared for HIGH ADVENTURE!!!!) Shrugging his shoulder Blue throws back the coffee walks over to the other end of the room, sitting in a seat and promptly drifting off with the skill of a trained solider.

(Also my pic of blue is almost done. KK)

Group Admin

A guard walks up to Blue chugs something from a flask and offers some to him

2840392 (I'm on, but in class :twilightblush:)

(I'm back.)

Star wakes up and gets ready for another 'day' for himself before setting outside to see what happened while he was out of it.

2841715 Wake up! Blue jerks his head as the familiar voice of a mare wakes him up from his power nap in the officer's quarters. Looking around for the voice but seeing nopony awake he shakes his head and goes outside, lighting a smoke as he does.

Star spots Blue as he wonders around. "Hey, Blue. Anything interesting happen while I was sleeping?"

2841721 Blue rubs the side of his face, his smoke hanging from his lips. "I look like I been awake?" He grumbles.

"Heh, I suppose not. You seen our 'glorious' commander around anywhere before you went out? I directed some guy to him earlier and I was curious what it was all about."

2841732 Blue turns to look at Star, ignoring the brown earth pony mare in a button up vest behind him. "He's gone to Canterlot on some mission, Greenwall's in charge."

(He's hallucinating, there's noone behind Star.)

"Greenwall eh? What can I expect from that one? I don't think I've interacted with them much."

2841737 "Crazy." Blue says as the mare smiles at him. Yeah, i'm one to talk. He shakes his head for a moment, gathering his thoughts. "So long as you don't swear around her and follow orders you're fine."

"A military pony that objects to swearing? Wow, what do you know? I have finally heard of everything. Anyway, I'm going to go eat. Want to join me?"

2841745 "Yeah...yeah." Blue says as the mare vanishes like ripples on a pond. See you tin pony. A voice chimes in his mind. "I can eat." Blue replies.

Star turns round and sets off for the mess ignoring the strangeness of how Blue kept looking behind him. "Got any idea where we go to next?"

2841752 Following him Blue shakes his head. "No idea, haven't been briefed yet. All in good time." Blue tilts his head for a moment. "Say we were talking about time travel earlier right?"

"Aye, that we were. Got some new insight to the concept?"

2841764 " said that there may have been cases of ponies time traveling right? What would happen if you went back and changed the past?"

"Well there are a few schools of thought on that. One is that you successfully alter the past to the outcome you want and everything works out fine, assuming you ignore causality removing the you that time traveled from existence as the new timeline takes effect. An alternate of that same philosophy is that you change nothing because if you are successful, the you that traveled into the past never had a reason to do so and thus couldn't have caused that outcome. Thus the original timeline is maintained regardless of your interference." He continues down the hall for awhile.

"Depending on what you want to change there is the possibility of being caught in an eternal time loop which is rather depressing even if you succeed in making the changes you want. Personally though I subscribe to the concept of alternate timelines being created. Your past as a member of this timeline, let's call it timeline a, will not change but your actions will create a timeline b where the change you created was successful. It wouldn't solve your issues with the past for you but it would create an alternate you that wouldn't have that trauma in their life."

"Did any of that make sense for you?"

2841782 "Yeah, even if I could change something then I wouldn't benefit from it, but some lucky S O B would that happened to be an alternate me would." Blue is silent for a moment. "Forget I asked."

"No worries. Time traveling forward is where it has the most usefulness. Learning what will happen to avoid it, exploring the results of your culture on the future, or the like. Sadly, from my theories, using it to learn who won a race so as to bet on the winner doesn't work. That is dictated by chance to such a degree than even foreknowledge does not guarantee success. Sorry it's not a better outcome prognosis. I've just always stuck with the past is rather immutable due to the way it plays out in my theories."

2841798 "You know a lot about time travel? I thought you worked on enchantments?" Blue asks.

"Heh, I do. I have a theory though about using the flow of time to empower enchantments. As such I've studied things concerning time including time travel. Theoretically, with this method I could create objects that never lose their enchanted spells. In fact, if anything, they would get stronger the older they get. Wouldn't serve me much in my lifetime but I could ensure my name lives on into the future as my creations continue to function thousands of years into the future."

2841810 Blue lets out a whistle. "Wow...that's impressive. No wonder you don't want any meddling hooves looking your research, that's like Star Swirl level stuff there."

"Precisely. I know I don't have what it takes to become an alicorn but I'll achieve my immortality my way, if you will. Thanks by the way. Hopefully I'll successfully get this process started and be able to preserve myself a legacy."

A small disk in the home of two musicians gleams in the sunlight, an old idol on the chest of drawers in the home of a former adventurer turned mailmare continues to collect dust, an obsidian mirror generates a slightly ominous aura in the Canterlot rogue magic vaults, and other objects continue to await their chance at being used.

2841844 (OOHHHHHH Spooky.) Blue grins. "Immortality? Not got plans on dying?"

"Does anyone ever really? Barring the suicidal at any rate." They have arrived at the mess area by this point. "Part of the nature of life itself is to survive. Fight tooth, claw, and/or whatever you have to keep doing so regardless of what may happen to you. All living beings seek to continue living. Why do you think necromancers and liches exist?"

(Yeah, hints of at least three stories I keep planning to write where strange stuff happened that I determined to place the blame on cursed objects for. As a result is this character as I needed to make up a source for the cursed items. Sadly I still haven't gotten around to writing any of them.)

2841853 Blue shrugs. "I know about refusing to die and carrying on when you should have given up. But going so far as to break the cycle of Life and Death?" Blue shakes his head. "Even I have to say that's too far, and i've been called a dead pony walking, in the literal sense."

"I think you took me a bit more literally than I intended. The immortality of being in history books and the source of a brand new facet of magic not in the sense of an unaging and unfailing body. Though I'll take the second too if I can."

2841859 "Yeah I can understand that...say what did you mean when you said studying the future was more practical?"

"Popping into the future to learn what might be. It can uplift ones heart when it is being crushed by depression. Restore faith in ponies if you will. Also, as I pointed out before, would let you know what might happen so as to avoid it. You might not be able to prevent a tragedy in your past but you might be able to prevent a tragedy that has yet to happen for you from happening to those of the future you travel to. Admittedly that is only really applicable within a small time gap."

Star orders himself some food while he talks. "There is also the advantage of using resources the future might have that your time does not to help yourself. Knowledge that is common in that future time that people in your own haven't even begun to theorize of that can give you a leg up on your contemporaries when you return to your own time if you will."

2841866 "I guess that would be quite handy." Blue says as he accepts a cup of coffee. "You speak as if you've had experience with this sort of thing." He asks, looking over the rim of his cup.

"I do don't I?" He chuckles as he takes a seat. "That is just how I speak sadly. You should hear me talk of mythological events. I tell them as if I was there and saw them with my own eyes. It's something of a bad habit of mine. The way I phrase things always sounds as if I'm speaking in absolute facts I've seen for myself even when I speak of theories."

2841874 Blue raises an eye brow before taking a sip of his coffee, a look on his face that screams Really.. (:trixieshiftleft:)

(Heh, Star won't directly lie.)
"Well either that or I'm a time traveler who is visiting the future in order to facilitate his plans for his own fame and gain. One who then got stuck in the future and is scrambling for a way back to his time period. Which do you think is more likely?"

2841880 "I believe what ever the facts add up to." Blue says as he look over at Star. "And at the moment they're telling me you're either mad or a time traveler. Wouldn't be the strangest thing I've seen."

"Well I have been called Star Craving the Mad before so I'll leave that up to you. Admittedly I've never bothered to try and stop it either since it sounds like an amusing joke.... and an awesome title for use on a battlefield."

2841894 The cup stops in mid air as Blue smiles. "Time Traveler, sounds better on resumes than Mental patient."

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