Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2785984 (Meh, I stopped playing Skyrim after I finally realized that my thief specialized in illusion magic was wearing an heavy armor and was fighting with a two handed axe :facehoof: That and the fact that killing a chicken make you a psychopath murder who need to be killed. )

2785992 (Yeah, had myself a mage with maxed out magic skills wearing heavy Armour ((Ebony plate motherf***ers)) who had a two handed sword as back up. Loved that guy.))

2785994 (Yep, one of the only thing that will make me play ESO is to have a thief specialized in healing magic. IMA GONNA NINJA HEAL YOU! Well I'm off for a few hours. )

(Alright folks, I'm going to be gone this weekend so consider my character asleep or whatever. My grandmother needs someone to stay with her so that is where I'm going to be and needless to say she doesn't have internet.)

Star finds himself a likely room and sets his pouches and the like aside and goes to sleep.

2800451 (Rp? Also hows the necronomicon coming)

Group Admin

2800452 (Sure and it's good, I'm just taking a break. My browser closed about four times half way through so I just said screw it and posted that one spell so I could edit the others in)

2800459 (Ah, still got those ones from earlier?)

Group Admin

2800462 (Yeah, I don't I have time to initiate a event, but I can respond)

2775948 Blue tails the shady cloaked pony, seeing Dim at the library he walks over to him. "What's the deal with that lot." He says, flicking his ear in the cloaked pony's direction.

Group Admin

2800476 "Meh some guy that came to the portal right before the last of us evacuated. Seems to handle himself in a fight fairly well"

2800485 Blue scowls. "Seems shifty to me." He grumbles.

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2800490 "Everyone seems shifty to you" Dim says before he takes a swig from his flask

2800493 He rubs his throat. "Must be that dehydration getting to me." He says, giving a look at Dim's flask.

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2800497 Smirking Dim tosses Blue the flask (Enjoy some 96% alcohol)

2800504 Blue takes a swig of the flask, pauses for a moment, then tosses it back. "It evaporated in my mouth." He says, a disappointed look on his face. (Ethanol groups, who doesn't love them.)

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Dim shrugs as he takes another swig of the everfree "The trick is to keep you mouth closed so it stays in your body"

2800511 Blue pulls out his cig pack. "Alright to smoke in here?" He asks lighting one up.

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(A guard comes out of nowhere and yells "HALT CRIMINAL SCUM")
"I guess" Dim says with a shrug

2800515 (YOU HAVE VIOLATED THE LAW!) Blue's ears irked up for a moment, his guard senses tingling briefly.

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Dim sits down and stares at the sun "I've never seen what is so great about it. I mean it's just a ball of burning gases. Sure I could understand its existence if the moon couldn't support plantlife after Luna enchanted it, but now all it does is force people to see each others flaws"

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2800531 (And that picture is now saved)

2800533 Blue sits down as well. "Really? I've always liked the sun." He closes his eyes as the warmth runs over him. "There's something comforting, strengthening about feeling the warmth of the radiation of our native star. Well that and Princess Celestia has a rocking flank."

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2800540 Dim chuckles at that "I guess I just prefer the cold to the warm"

2800544 "Each to there own I guess. So what's with you and Greenwall?" Blue asks.

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2800547 "What do you mean?"

2800555 Blue shrugs. "You two seem pretty close."

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2800557 "Well yeah. She is my little sister, thats pretty normal" Dim says as he kicks back

2800560 Tilting his head slightly Blue opens an eye as he raises an eye brow. "You don't say?"

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2800561 "Yeah there's not much else to it, sure we also have saved eachothers lives from everything from blood mages to liches

2800563 "Must be nice having caring siblings." Blue grunts as he goes back to relaxing.

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2800565 Dim shrugs "It kind of sucks actually. I mean sure it's sweet and all, but you can't do anything fun with them around"

2800568 "Yeah? I wouldn't know, haven't seen mine in years." Blue moves the smoke to the other side of his mouth, pieces of ash falling to the ground.

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2800570 "You win some and you lose some, So was it death or a fight, or just grew apart?"

2800581 "Death." Blue says with a shrug. "Long time ago."

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2800583 "Can't imagine that, I would probably end up going insane and joining the cult of the void to bring the end of the world" Dim says with a slight longing in his voice "But of course that girl is near impossible to kill so we don't have to worry about that" Dim says with a sense of finality

2800592 "Yep I can testify to that. Crazy as a bat too, If anything you're going down first." Blue grins. "So what's your story? How'd the two of you end up in the guard?"

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2800599 Well lets see "My parents wanted me to be a doctor like the rest of the males in my family. I didn't want to. The next day I was shipped off to college. a few years later I drop out and join the military. Ironically I was assigned to be a medic and was forced to finish my degree on base.
I don't really know why my sister joined, I had already been a member for thirty years and she was twenty five years old then, so I didn't know her or care." Dim says as if it was the most regular thing in the world

2800609 Blue rests his head against the wall of the building, the smoke from his cigarette spiraling lazily into the air. "Guess what's between you and yours is your business, so why you drop out? You seem to be doing a good job keep ponies alive out here."

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"I can not stand most ponies so I figured a job killing bad ones would be the perfect job for me. Albeit I much prefer being the sergeant instead of his medic"

2800618 Blue grins. "Yeah I can get that, this i'll be the first tour I've been on I a while when I haven't been higher than my medic. Kept mine old one's hooves full but I think you're more than enough to handle it. Besides don't think I'm going to have too many issues with you."

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2800622 "Oh you noone has told you?"

2800623 Blue cracks open an eye as he looks over at Dim, an eyebrow raise in question.

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2800625 "I've been called back to canterlot to deal with some cult. Sergent Greenwall will be commanding this group until I return. I'm also suppose to get the rest of our squad as well." Dim looks at the sky "Speaking of which my train will be here in about a hour" Dim stands up and begins to walk towards the station.

2800628 Blue watches as Dim stands and leaves, as he watches him go he calls out to him. "While your in Canterlot there's a little place in the sky-dock's shade called the Patched Hull. Bar keep's name is Rusty, tell him I sent you and he'll cut a deal."

Not waiting for an answer Blue settles back down to rest, the smoke almost used up as it still burns, leaving a white trail twisting through the air. At least he's being replaced somepony pretty.

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2800634 Greenwall hugs Dim goodbye as he gets on the train. I hate it when he gets these cursed missions. Then again he will be fighting with the best, but still Putting on her helmet (Full face) Greenwall trots away.

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