Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2770275 (Wanna do some RP?)

(Sure. My character is in the mage tower but I suppose we can assume he has finished enchanting.)

2770298 (Yeah, Pleaseworkforonce did say you weren't getting anything interesting anyway. Also sorry bout the wait, been writing.)

(As I should have been myself but kinda distracted myself from it with other things. Got one contest, finishing off two stories, and three other ideas that I should be working on.)
Wrapping up his enchanting, Star sets to leave the tower having found nothing more interesting in the library here other than the acid enchantment.

2770363 Blue stretches his legs as he turns the page in his text book, trying not to fall asleep again, the ghost were whispering his name and he had no intention of seeing them.

Stepping out of the Tower, Star looks around. "Where was I to sleep again?" He begins to wonder around looking for a likely spot.

2770380 Blue grumbles as he feels himself staring to drift off. Determined to stay awake he folds his book page and slips it into a saddle bag before putting it on and leaving to find some coffee.

As he looks around, Star spots Blue. Having done so he rushes over to catch him. "Hey."

2770419 Blue looks around. "Oh hey there." Blue replies as he sees the strange but friendly unicorn. "Going some where?"

"Yeah, looking for where we are supposed to bunk down. I was too intent on doing some reading to pay attention earlier when I got here."

2770444 Blue points at a large stone building with a large number of tent pitched up around it. "Over there." He deadpans. "I was just about to go for coffee though if you wanted to tag along."

"Sure, I could eat. Never was one for coffee myself." Sets in to follow Blue.

2770472 Shrugging his shoulders Blue wanders over to the mess hall, taking a foam cup filled with the glorious life giving black liquid called coffee. Finding a seat he place his cup down and fishes out his medical textbook, opening to his bookmarked page.

Getting himself a nice protein filled plate of food, Star sits across from Blue. "Studying up on medicine, eh? Never could get into it myself. Always made me feel like our bodies were just so much meat when I have to read up on any of it."

2770513 Blue shake his head slightly. "Sort a, not one for healing magic." He lifts the book slightly, tapping a line of text under the title. Anatomical systems "This one looks at the physical medical aspects of medicine. I can't cast healing magics but I've developed super fine magical control so I use that to keep me going when i get dinged up. Helps with my combat style too."

"A shame temporal magic hasn't progressed to the point we can use it to seal wounds."

2770543 "Ha, if it did then I'm sure we'd know about it." Blue says. "Though how long until some nut jumps through time and tells us..." Blue chuckles. "Time travel, could you imagine that?"

"Heh. Time travel is a lot more possible than most think I'm afraid. I've heard tell our princess herself has traveled through time at least once."

2770607 "Really." Blue looks up from his book. "You're pulling my leg." He says with a grin. "Though...if we really could..."

"I'm sure we can. For all we know someone here now could be a time traveler. Heh, such as myself perhaps." He chuckles as he eats. Normally he will admit to being one if asked but for now this is more fun.

2770636 "Ha! As if." Blue laughs.

Star's eyes twinkle with a bit of humor and that hint of 'I know more than you' as he chuckles. "Indeed. So, where were you stationed before all this? I don't think I heard." He sets to eating.

2770656 Blue shrugs. "Was posted overseas in Zerbrica for most of my deployment, came back for terrorist control a couple of years ago, got stationed in Manehatten till I was moved here." He says as he take a sip of coffee. "You?"

"Pretty new to the military gig. Got where I am on talent really. Before this I was living in Ponyville selling enchantments and doing personal research. I have a theory on how to make an enchantment virtually permanent thanks to all that."

2770675 Blue's cup stops as it reaches his lips. "Ponyville? So you saw the Princess?" He asks.

"A few times in passing but that was before she was one really. Signed up around the time she became one to be honest. Had hit a brick wall on my theory and military service seemed the fastest route to any sort of restricted archives outside of breaking in."

2770685 "I suppose so...did you get rejected from the Canterlot Academy or something?" Blue asks as he resumes drinking his coffee.

"By the time I thought to sign up for it I was too old and knew too much for any of the early courses. Didn't have enough money for the tests to advance and little patience for sitting through lessons from teachers who knew less about magic than a rock."

2770700 "Yeah, I suppose that would be the case...but then where did you learn your craft?" Blue asks puzzled.

"Traveling and do or die situations mostly. Part of why I don't have much trouble doing all this fighting as I've grown up doing so."

2770711 Blue scratches his head. "So your from the colonies or outside Equestrian borders?"

"Outside the borders I can safely say. I've been to the colonies a few times but that was more recently and just shortly before finding myself in Ponyville." 'Given that Equestria didn't exist in my time.'

2770722 Blue scratches his head. "But couldn't you have applied for a research grant, you have the skills and you can't fake that, wouldn't they let you join because you weren't Equestrian or something?"

"And explain to some committee what I'm studying and have them shut it down or steal it? Nooo, I don't think so. I want a working example to bring directly before the Princesses to make sure I'm not a victim to some fat bureaucrat who messes with the paperwork. My name will go down in history, hehehe." His eyes take on a mad gleam for a moment before he takes a deep breath to calm down. "I've had bad experiences with such things before."

2770743 A knowing smile appears on Blue's face. "Ahhh I get you know, don't want those greedy fat cats getting all the credit for something you've spent years working on. I can understand that, half the reason I've never got anywhere in my job was cause of those incompetent pricks."

"Precisely. Best to keep as much of it under my control as possible. At the very least I probably prevent some idiot from blowing himself up trying to replicate what I'm working on."

2770771 Blue shrugs. "Suppose so, anything else you wanted to know bout me? After that fight with the basilisk you've earned the right."

"Hm... you said you were in the zebra lands yes? What was the strangest thing you saw out there?" Star asked interested if its culture or layout had changed much since his time.

2770794 "Well ever since they perfected their alchemy a couple of decades ago the zebra's have gotten around to terraforming allot of the land, most of the desserts been replaced with hills of grass. Let me tell you, you haven't seen anything till you've seen the red grass of Zebrica in the sunset." Blue's eyes take on a far way look. "Though if you were asking about the strangest things, I did meet a flesh weaver who had manged to subsume his consciousness across multiple bodies."

"Interesting. I might need to head down that way again to catch up on some alchemy. It might help my project along. So flesh weavers are still a thing? I would have figured someone would have put a stop to that in the more civilized areas at least"

2770834 Blue shakes his head. "Nah, Zebras went and built a culture around it a couple hundred years ago. They're not bad folks, most of them I've have been good enough, doctors and what not. It's when you get the ones who go mad with power...and the sick fucks."

"Well there are always sick fucks to find regardless of culture, race, or sociopolitical standing. I remember one time finding out a pegasus that was my neighbor was a cannibal. Its why I have what looks like blunt teeth marks in my neck."

2770853 "You think that's bad? I've got stories that'll make you never sleep again." Blue responds, a grin on his face.

"Oh, you think so? Ever had a griffon beak start plucking your eye from your skull while you were aware? That was horrifying."

2770871 Blue taps his chest where the knot of scar tissue was. "Try having your heart ripped out of your chest miles away from any help, on your own with a crazed fleshspaw Buffalo Minotaur hybrid with only a broken sword."

"Ooh, that one is pretty bad. How did you get it back in there?"

2770891 "I didn't bastard ate it, had to keep myself going by manually pumping it around." Blue says. "Once i got back to civilization had a Flesh-weaver make me up a new one."

"Impressive. I would imagine that was slow going though as too much exertion and that situation would have been much worse."

2770899 "Took me three days with no sleep, food or water. By the time they found me I was lying face down in ditch barely breathing, if the local flesh doc hadn't recognized me form an earlier op where i help him get his daughter back form a old one cult then I'd be fly food."

"An old cult eh? Happen to recall the name of it?"

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