Twilights Dawn that is being deleted 18 members · 0 stories
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2768244 Raising an eyebrow Dim says "You see the only problem is that when I stop feeding it power it's going to explode quite violently, but you are welcome to stay with us until we leave, but for now that caravan needs some help" (You can just make some griffons to kill over there)

Sebastian smiled softly. "Explode you say..." He chuckled, nodding his head. "Very well." He sighed as he then went to help the caravan. Once he arrived there was already two or three griffons there, that he quickly dispatched.

Group Admin

2768440 I gotta hit the hay

2768440 (You going to join us over at the intermission?)

((Sure, but there will be no Heaven.))

Group Admin

Dim is jumped by several griffons as the caravan pulls up, grunting Dim strikes out with his sword one of his attackers. Charging ahead Dim dispatches the remain griffons and returns to shooting the flying griffons.
"The soldiers are pulling out, take that caravan and get through the other side (That awkward moment I realize Dim does not know that the portal exits about ten feet above a frozen lake) I'll have to be the last one to leave to make sure the portal stays open " Dim says as he shoots into the flock of griffons overhead

"Very well." Sebastian said, as he chuckled and walked through the portal. Just before he did, a cloaked pony could be seen watching over them, their face and gender hidden in the folds of the cloak. After everyone had left, they vanished.

Group Admin

Dim and his fellow sergeant back up to leave the portal when they see a large group of the griffons attacking break off. Dim looks at his comrade and they shake their heads. Pulling out his sword the purple hue that normally surrounds it can be seen entering the until then unnoticeable cracks. Looking at his allies sword he saw that it was doing the same " I guess the griffons would count as witnesses , but they are about to die and there is another caravan to be saved. I do feel kind of bad about lying about the portal exploding though"
His partner just shakes his head before charging at the onslaught of griffons.

Dims new portal opens up about a mile from the castle allowing him and his party to arrive at the castle quite a bit sooner (Yeah I think I reveal that ability at a later date and just leave people guessing what happened between these scenes)

((So now what? Head over to the Intermission?))

Group Admin

2775127 (Si means yes btw)(In other words get your nip butt over there)

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